Hello, I am Andrian Habibi


The development of knowledge about content creators has entered a new era. Today, we can immortalize our profiles in content, whether that content is in the type of photos, videos, or writing.

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Not long ago, I was a writer. You can see some of the writings that I wrote on the Google search engine with the keyword 'andrian habibi'. In short, I started getting acquainted with the crypto world through writing and community.

However, I had a lot of trouble. I wasn't able to read the algorithm from the content creation engine. Not only that. The passion I have is still at a low level. Until in the end, I quit the community. I also regret the time wasted because of my stupidity.

Until, I found an article from a friend, you must know this girl, @anggreklestari, a very strong woman that I know. @anggreklestari is the only one of our generation who can overcome all the obstacles that exist. From @anggreklestari, I started to get new motivation to return to writing.



Who am I?

Enough here what I have to say about the background. Now, I will start a self introduction. May we all become friends who are friends that are closer emotionally than family.

Who am I? Not many hivers know me. It's natural. I'm new and want to learn from the best content creators of this century. I beg for help with that. Oh yeah, I forgot. I am an Indonesian citizen. Currently, I live in Jakarta. All my life I criticize too much. This trait is not good. However, I am an activist. So, it is natural for me to criticize government policies.

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I was born in a village called Pematang Setrak, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. To be precise, I was born on October 20, 1988. So, you know that I have a Libra star. Hehehehe.

I like to be part of an organization, or you can call myself a cadre or activist. Some of the organizations that I join include:
Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association
Independent Indonesian Election Monitoring Committee

Become a Youtuber

I like to share the knowledge I know with many people. Initially, I liked the role of teacher or coach. I got this knowledge from the organization I belong to. You can see and give advice to me.

My Channel -- https://www.youtube.com/c/AndrianHabibi/featured

The video that I made is a free video. I don't focus on one type of content. There are videos about organization, politics, music, books and how we do coverage as public relations staff. However, I'm sorry. The videos are in Indonesian.

My book

Oh yeah, apart from making videos, I'm also a writer. I've written several columns about my personal opinion on politics, humanity, elections, law and so on. I also keep a journal. I attended a national conference on constitutional law. Of course, I did all that in Indonesia.

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The first book I wrote was the result of research. I was not alone in writing the book. I was part of the research team assigned by an institution called the General Election Supervisory Agency. This General Election Supervisory Body is the only institution that oversees elections in the world. This book is entitled The Single Candidate Phenomenon

Then, the second book that I wrote was entitled Contesting Local Democracy. This book is a critique that I convey about local politics, how politicians and political parties make voters helpless. Local politics is a toy for politicians. Voters can only elect candidates for leaders in the regions without being able to propose who is the right candidate to become regional head.

What do I like?

Lots. Hahahahaha. I love the sea. I like to go to the beach. I like rice fields and gardens. Those places are the source of life. We can get peace from there. I also studied photography. I like taking photos of anything, for example cute animals, landscapes, or people at work.


IG: https://www.instagram.com/defindonesia/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/andrianhabibihasibuan/
Tw: https://twitter.com/habibiandrian

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AndrianHabibi


Perkembangan ilmu tentang kreator konten sudah memasuki zaman baru. Zaman sekarang, kita bisa mengabadikan profil kita dalam sebuah konten, apakah konten itu dalam jenis foto, video, atau tulisan.

Pada beberapa waktu yang lalu, aku adalah seorang penulis. beberapa tulisan yang aku tulis bisa anda lihat di mesin pencarian google dengan kata kunci 'andrian habibi'. Singkatnya, aku mulai berkenalan dengan dunia kripto melalui tulisan dan komunitas.

Namun, aku mengalami banyak kesulitan. Aku tidak mampu membaca algoritma dari mesin pencipta konten. Bukan hanya itu. Semangat yang aku miliki masih di tingkat rendah. Sampai pada akhirnya, aku berhenti dari komunitas. Aku juga menyesali waktu-waktu yang terbuang karena kebodohanku.


Hingga, aku menemukan sebuah tulisan dari sahabat, anda pasti kenal gadis ini, @anggreklestari, perempuan yang sangat kuat yang aku kenal. @anggreklestari adalah satu-satunya angkatan kami yang bisa melewati semua rintangan yang ada. Dari @anggreklestari, aku mulai mendapatkan motivasi yang baru untuk kembali menulis.

Cukup sampai disini apa yang aku sampaikan tentang latar belakang. Sekarang, aku akan memulai sebuah perkenalan diri. Semoga kita semua menjadi sahabat yaitu sahabat yang lebih dekat secara emosional dari pada keluarga.

Siapa Aku?

Siapa aku? Tidak banyak hivers yang mengenal diriku. Wajar. Aku masih baru dan ingin belajar dari para konten kreator terbaik abad ini. Aku mohon bantuan untuk itu. Oh iya, aku lupa. Aku adalah warga negara Indonesia. Saat ini, aku tinggal di Jakarta. Selama hidupku, aku terlalu banyak mengkritik. Sifat ini tidak baik. Tetapi, aku adalah seorang aktivis. Jadi, wajar apabila aku memberikan kritik terhadap kebijakan dari pemerintah.


Aku lahir di sebuah desa bernama Pematang Setrak, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Tepatnya, Aku lahir pada 20 Oktober Tahun 1988. Jadi, anda tahu bahwa aku memiliki bintang Libra. Hehehehe.

Aku suka menjadi salah satu bagian dari organisasi, atau anda bisa menyebut diriku sebagai kader atau aktivis. Beberapa organisasi yang aku ikuti antara lain:
Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia
Komite Independen Pemantau Pemilu Indonesia

Menjadi Youtuber

Aku suka berbagi pengetahuan yang aku ketahui kepada banyak orang. Awalnya, aku menyukai peran sebagai guru atau pelatih. Aku mendapatkan pengetahuan ini dari organisasi yang aku ikuti. Anda bisa melihat dan memberikan nasehat kepada aku.


Video yang aku buat adalah video yang bebas. Aku tidak memusatkan perhatian pada satu jenis konten. Ada video tentang organisasi, politik, musik, buku, dan bagaimana kita melakukan liputan sebagai staf dari hubungan masyarakat. Akan tetapi, aku minta maaf. Video-video ini berbahasa Indonesia.

Buku ku

Oh ya, selain membuat video, aku juga seorang penulis. Aku sudah menulis beberapa kolom tentang pendapat peribadiku tentang politik, kemanusiaan, pemilu, hukum dan lain-lain. Aku juga menulis jurnal. Aku pernah mengikuti konfrensi nasional tentang hukum tata negara. Tentu saja, semua itu aku lakukan di Indonesia.

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Buku pertama yang aku tulis adalah hasil penelitian. Aku tidak sendiri dalam menulis buku tersebut. Aku masuk dalam bagian tim peneliti yang tugaskan oleh lembaga yang bernama Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum. Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum ini adalah satu-satunya lembaga yang mengawasi pemilu di dunia. Buku ini berjudul Fenomena Calon Tunggal

Lalu, Buku Kedua yang aku tulis berjudul Menggugat Demokrasi Lokal. Buku ini adalah kritik yang aku sampaikan tentang politik lokal, bagaimana politisi dan partai politik membuat pemilih tidak berdaya. Politik lokal adalah mainan bagi politisi. Pemilih hanya bisa memilih calon pemimpin di daerah tanpa bisa mengusulkan siapa calon yang pantas menjadi kepala daerah.

Apa yang aku Suka?

Banyak. Hahahahaha. Aku suka ke laut. Aku suka ke pantai. Aku suka ke sawah dan kebun. Tempat-tempat itu adalah sumber kehidupan. Kita bisa mendapatkan kedamaian dari sana. Aku juga belajar fotografi. Aku suka mengambil foto apa saja, misalnya hewan yang lucu, pemandangan, atau orang-orang yang sedang bekerja.

IG: https://www.instagram.com/defindonesia/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/andrianhabibihasibuan/
Tw: https://twitter.com/habibiandrian

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AndrianHabibi


Welcome to the Hive!
Great, that you've found your way here. You'll find a lot of good people around :-)


Thanks, your one of their who is a good people,

Be a friend


Selamat bergabung kembali. Betahlah, content youtube pun banyak tempat disini :)


Let us know if you want a review of that book, seems to be relevant to our content and our team would enjoy reading it.

Canadian based independent media, started up on Hive for political issue relevant to blockchain technologies and privacy.


Nice meet you @andrianhabibi
I just join in this Palthform and haven’t post yet.


wah kakak terbaik yang baru dapat penghargaan


Haha....Alhamdulilah, setelah di dapat “goalnya” saya pengin aktif lagi di Blockchain, Bang. Setahun vakum akuh


Sama kak, aku juga baru aktive, tapi belum menuju pembelajaran blockhain, masih mau belajar menjaga semangat nulis disini dulu


Welcome to the platform sir. You will enjoy the journey here.
Glad to have you here.


Welcome to Hive Andrian,
I saw your #introduceyourself blog and its nice to meet you.
Blogging is what its all about on this blockchain. The best part is that you could earn hive crypto, but we need a higher price, and its not the most important. I have been here for a while and love it!
But be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! They are yours, and fraude is everywhere so also here you can run into that so be warned.

To post to Hive i use Peakd and Ecency, both great helps.

I wish you good luck blogging and I Will See you around🍀
Your value and input is appreciated and if you have questions let me know.
We (@jamerussell and I ) are presenting New comers in Our @Heyhaveyamet blogs almost every day , and There is a Discord called SteemTerminal for newbies and All answers to your questions, join in, I am on Hive everyday ! You can always leave a comment.
Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands
Theterminal discord invite

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


Thank you,

I, as a newcomer, really need time to study at Hive.

I'm trying to keep writing or posting photos every day.

Hive Family


Just posting photos wont be the best way, and hive is so much it will take a while but know we are here to help and Joni g discord is fast for getting an answer.
And every other day blogging a good blog is better than daily a mediocre blog.
Stay safe


Oh. I know.
Just posting a photo does take its own seriousness. I will learn again how to write a blog that can share things with others. Or how our writing attracts the reader's attention to strengthen the hive.

Enjoy your coffee
Andrian Habibi


Can I have a tea please haha


of course, im having a coffee and you having a tea. sorry, if my english to bad.


Welcome here on Hive @andrianhabibi!

Read the suggestions above and start discovering this new world. If you are a photography interested, I created a blockchain-like photography contest. It Is free, for fun, and you are welcome. If you want to know more, visit my blog, the #photochain tag or read the last edition at


The only thing: you have to adhere to some complicated - or not? - rules.

If you will join in, good luck 🙂 If you will not, good luck for your future here anyway. I Hope to see you soon on Hive 😉
