RE: Economic consequences of the drastic increase in fuel prices.


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Gas prices are terrible.
Do you know according to some cons-piracists Fidel Castro is real father of Canadian president that likes dressing up and looking handsome ? Very close friend with French leader of tomorrow lol They dont have to make it public to have feelings for each other while having children or wives. I could not believe it either. Dudes love dudes. I think its...normal? So this cancel culture or trend of changing childrens sexes is also normal apparently. Not everyone has to agree. Love spreading diseases build in chinese labs? sounds like some futuristic thing but when you consider the first animal clone was "labbed" in 1993 (lamb Dolly) - they had plenty of time to increase their practical research on perfectic nature while poisoning nature with cancer-creating but money-making investments , making its all legal thanks to connections that more often appear than disappear in the ether
Hello :)


I was unaware of these conspiracies. But what I can tell you is that all these economic and social evils have a father, it was that creator that you mentioned. I do not think it is understandable, nor am I able to analyze how a pensioner is able to survive with 10 usd or less per month. After they gave their lives for a failed system. Where they live based on lies. We all have to learn from this and try not to let it happen in other countries. If you visit Cuba you will see that Cuba's tireder is socialism.


not visiting cuba but have heard about guantanamo n tortures that prisoners experienced in awful conditions. all the generations that lived beforebu live within you. its strenght stronger than chains, even on a block or in the ghetto. u cannot crash human spirit even when they think they know how to hack to peoples brains with their chip neurolink from starlink frequencies replacement bs therapies they spend billions on while making people poor n begging for money. i dont have to be another che guavera or other rebolutionist to understand that being in constant debt since moment you are born - is awful way to treat average person on this "prison planet"
