A beautiful dragonfly

I leave the room sometime in the night and stay outside for some time.Suddenly I saw a dragonfly and thought to myself to take some pictures of the dragonfly with my own mobile.Whenever I go out during the day or at night, I see different kinds of small insects on both sides of the road and different insects are roaming around.During the day I saw many dragonflies but could not take pictures because they were not sitting still.











I have a small lemon tree in front of my house and a dragonfly was sitting quietly in the leaves of the lemon tree.I decided to take some pictures of the dragonfly now because it seemed to me that the dragonfly seemed to be addicted to a very deep sleep during the night.I took some pictures of dragonflies in different shapes and thought I would share the pictures with my friends.The dragonfly looked very beautiful in the dark of night when photographed with a mobile phone light and I tried to make the photos better.

The wings on both sides of the dragonfly look like glass in the light of a mobile phone at night.It is a medium sized dragonfly and looks very large to me.As the dragonfly was silent at night, I was able to take the pictures very easily.The color of the dragonfly at night could not be accurately determined.At this time several colors of dragon flight were visible.There are different species of dragonflies and some are large, some are large and some are small. Also, different color combinations and these insects can be seen.

Dragonfly plays by himself and shows others how to play. As a child, I used to see dragonflies sitting on the leaves of various plants in the fields and I used to catch them and arrange various games with the ants, which I liked very much.Dragonflies are commonly seen around us and are natural environment pests.But the dragonfly flew away at the end of the photo shoot.
