BTS’s New Album (Proof) and New Music Video What’s it all about? Great music with meaning



Hola querida comunidad de Hive, hoy quiero venir hablarles sobre un estreno musical realmente esperado por sus fans y creo que por la industria en general y estoy hablando del lanzamiento del nuevo album de la banda mas importe del momento, estoy hablando de BTS quienes lanzaron su antología y su nuevo video musical.
Hello dear Hive community, today I want to come and talk to you about a music release really awaited by their fans and I think by the industry in general and I'm talking about the release of the new album of the most important band of the moment, I'm talking about BTS who released their anthology and their new music video.



La banda surcoreana esta formada por 7 integrantes quienes son Kim Namjoon (RM) quien es el lider del grupo, Min Yoongi (Suga), Jung Hoseok (Jhope) quienes son los raperos del grupo, por otro lado tenemos las volales Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung (V) y Jeon Jungkook. Recalco cuantos son y quienes son porque algunos de ustedes no lo sabran, pero yo he hablado ya de sus estrenos musicales y los importantes que son para mi en este linda comunidad, yo creo que a mucho de ustedes no les importara pero ellos cumplen este 13 de Junio 9 años desde su debut en el 2013, por ello la gran antologia que nos regalaron junto con un emotivo MV de una de sus nuevas canciones.
The South Korean band is formed by 7 members who are Kim Namjoon (RM) who is the leader of the group, Min Yoongi (Suga), Jung Hoseok (Jhope) who are the rappers of the group, on the other hand we have the vocalists Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung (V) and Jeon Jungkook. I emphasize how many they are and who they are because some of you may not know it, but I have already talked about their musical releases and how important they are to me in this beautiful community, I think many of you will not care but they are celebrating this June 13 9 years since their debut in 2013, hence the great anthology that they gave us along with an emotional MV of one of their new songs.



Hoy ellos liberaron su nuevo album con 48 temas en las que destaca sus grandes exitos musicales como DNA, Stay, Idol, Dybamite, Spring day entre otros, algunos rematizados y otros en su originalidad. Con esto ellos pretendian dar un recorrido a su trayectoria musical que no es poca la verdad y retomar sus inicios y su presente incluso su futuro y reconectarlos por ello el Album se lla "Proof" ya que hace referencia a la traduccion en ingles que es origina del grupo: Bulletproof Boyscouts que significan chicos a bruebas de balas, significativa mente este album significa mucha entrega y comercialmente ha sido un exito mas de dos millones de copias vendidas en tan poco tiempo, sin duda estos chicos son una maquina de record.
Today they released their new album with 48 songs which highlights their greatest musical hits such as DNA, Stay, Idol, Dybamite, Spring day among others, some remixed and others in their originality. With this they intended to give a tour of his musical career that is not little truth and retake their beginnings and their present even their future and reconnect them so the Album is called "Proof" as it refers to the English translation that is original of the group: Bulletproof Boyscouts meaning bulletproof boys, significantly mind this album means a lot of delivery and commercially has been a success more than two million copies sold in such a short time, no doubt these guys are a record machine.



Entre sus nuevas canciones podemos hablar de tres, Run BTS, For Youth (en lo personal llore con esta) y Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment) la cual tuvo un video musical que fue estrenado en Youtube a las 12:00pm del dia de hoy, en lo personal me gusto. Siempre han sido infrabalorados las canciones de BTS que no llegan a tener coreografias elaboradas o son baladas tal fue el caso de Life Goes On, Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment) no llega a darn un mensaje mas referente a sus carrea musical y como esta a ido cambiando en los años, como han crecido como artitas y han resicibido reconocimiento pero siguen siendo los mismo chicos que comenzaron haccer musica porque la amaban, realmente llore con todas las referencias (vestuarios, objetos y gestos) que hicieron a toda sus trayectoria, mostrandonos guiños a Spring Day, Run, Blood Sweat & Tears y sobre todo el gran guiño a No More Dream con el bus que comenzo todo, fui lagrimas literalmente con esa ecena ya que se estan despidiendo de el primer capitulo de sus carrera musical, les recomiendo el video, el album y sobre todo a ellos. Su musica es diferente y tiene eso tan especial que aprecian sus fans ellos son mas que una cara bonita, o baile. Ellos son entrega, compromiso y sobre todo musica, espero le haya gustado el post y le tomen curiosidad ver contenido de ellos, les aseguro que no se arrepetiran.
Among their new songs we can talk about three, Run BTS, For Youth (I personally cried with this one) and Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment) which had a music video that was released on Youtube at 12:00pm today, I personally liked it. BTS songs that don't have elaborate choreography or are ballads have always been underrated, such was the case with Life Goes On, Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment) doesn't really give a message about their music career and how it has changed over the years, how they have grown as artists and have received recognition but they are still the same guys who started making music because they loved it, I really cried with all the references (costumes, objects and gestures) that they made to all their trajectory, showing us winks to Spring Day, Run, Blood Sweat & Tears and above all the great wink to No More Dream with the bus that started it all, I literally cried with that scene since they are saying goodbye to the first chapter of their musical career, I recommend the video, the album and above all them. Their music is different and has that special thing that their fans appreciate, they are more than a pretty face, or dancing. They are delivery, commitment and above all music, I hope you liked the post and you are curious to see content from them, I assure you that you will not regret it.



Las imágenes que no tienen fuente son captures del vídeo musical, tomado por mi en mi Poco M3. Aquí les dejo el vídeo para que le den mucho amor. Gracias por leer.
the images that have no source are captures of the music video, taken by me in my little m3. here i leave the video for you to give it lots of love. thanks for reading.

