When the cat's away, the mice will play?



Boyfriend just left on a business trip

He's going on a business trip to Holland, and left a little while ago. He also went there in June the week before we went on a holiday to Lake Balaton, when it was actually the first time ever that we were separated from each other for longer than a night. I expected that last time it would have been horrible, but I had far more issues with the allergic reaction my skin had on at least 30 mosquito bites than the fact that I was alone at night. Let's say the allergic reaction my skin had was so severe and so time consuming because it drove me crazy (seriously) that I had no time to actually miss my boyfriend a lot. Of course I missed him, but back then I was actually just relieved when the itching was away for a little while and tried to fell asleep at night haha.. But I do admit, that the last time was a bit too long to my liking (2 full weekends included) and I was happy that we were leaving on our holiday the next day when he came back.

This time there's not much distraction (yet)

Thankfully, I don't have any allergic reactions to keep my mind busy (lol), but I did feel on edge the past day. So did my other half, I blame him quitting with nicotine in his vaping device (got to blame something right).. I guess I feel extra sad that he's not here the next week while we could have spend our weekend having a bit more fun instead of all feeling on edge. So there I stood all teared up like a child when he hugged and kissed us goodbye.


My little lady didn't even cry, and wiped away my tears instead. How sweet of her. So I have to put those tears away, and try to make the best of it every day so that the week will be over soon. I have some ideas, but I also have a few deadlines of things I need to finish, so that's a priority for today. I will get to that during the evening though, when the little one is in bed.


That's one thing I can look forward to by the way, she's going to bed much easier (aka without any delays and drama) when I'm alone with her in the evening and doing the full bed ritual. So at least I can look forward to easy bed rituals without too much struggle, which is nice, because that way I can actual focus on my projects after she falls asleep and spend more time with her during the day.

So every downside also has some positive things to it

That's actually why I'm writing this off today, to clear my head, wipe my tears and realize today that there are also positive sides to being alone with her. She's a clever little lady, and quite often she tries to get something done with one of us, and when that person refuses or gives a negative answer, she will try the other one. Sometimes without us noticing. Nothing of that happening this week, she knows it's just me she will have to deal with, and when I say yes or no, that goes. End off (lol). I plan on doing some crafting for the holidays with her this week (can't start early enough hehe) and also go some places which will hopefully give me some nice things to write about as well.


I'm going to cuddle my tiny human a bit first, and then do an attempt playing the @steemmonsters tournament in an hour, which has huge prizes! After that it's already dinner time, and the bed ritual follows soon after that.

Have a great Sunday!



Hehehe, we have the same allergic reaction to mosquitoe bites!
Awww... parting for just a short period of time for a business trip is such sweet sorrow... but, as you said, this is a opportunity for you to have more time with your little one, do things that need doing and catch up with life that need catching up with like a short 5 minute chat with a friend whom you have not talked to for a long time.
Enjoy yourself during this time alone with your daughter, @anouk.nox😊, and have a terrific week!!!! Take care🌺🤙

Posted using Partiko iOS


Oh you have that as well? The mosquito reaction? I never had anything like these bites this year. It was freaking horrible.. It was like these mosquitos were a different kind or something.. they were so insanely huge and itching that both my legs now have big scars from it. They look like bruises making it actually worse, because it seems as if I got beaten on my legs lolol...

I know, I will make the best of it, it's just always nice to have your partner around knowing he will be home in the evening and here during the weekend.. But hopefully we will have a little less rain the next week than the forecast is now predicting, that helps if we want to do some nice things...

Oops, entered too early haha .. thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Sunday and week @silversaver888 <3
