Technologies and their impact on human self-education




Some years ago talking about technology was a topic that brought to mind many empty points, and even doubts about its development, today is the opposite, we are intertwined with it, to such an extent that it is part of almost everything we do, it has been a great expansion everywhere, and even experts say that we have not seen the best.

I remember that in my first years as a student I still had to do research tasks directly in books and many times I would arrive at the library and the book I needed was no longer there and I had to wait for one, or try to work with another classmate who had tried it before, this has changed, now we can download these books in digital, and without the stress or responsibility of delivering it up to date.

It is a great advantage in the research and self-training aspect, it is the future of which we were told so much, education has achieved in technology a powerful ally, which provides a wide highway of knowledge.

Knowledge in diverse senses, for example, we can instruct ourselves in our health via online, it is at our reach and at the moment we need it, to know some elementary functions of the body, and how to avoid diseases, all this when we see it from the point of view of theoretical self-training, if we mention the high impact of the technological applications in health, it would be even more forceful.

The use of new technologies has helped health professionals to be very effective in treating our body, and for us to know more about these treatments.

I can mention that the use of technology has given me the possibility to expand my little knowledge about my body and mind, in these hard times of pandemic and post pandemic, where technology is used as a valuable bridge of communication and information, in other times everything would have been more difficult, and without being able to communicate personally it would be total chaos.

As an educator and accountant I have used every technological element to grow professionally and help my students to grow, and inject that passion or desire for self-training in any sense, to take advantage of everything positive that technology gives us, both in what they study academically and in everything related to their lives.


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