January 7 - Orthodox Christmas (4pics)


Hello, my friends.

[![]()]() January 7. Today Orthodox Christians in Russia celebrate Christmas. And not only in Russia but also in other countries where Christmas falls on this day. Why does Jesus Christ have 2 birthdays? Because in 1918 the calendar was changed in Russia. And when is Christ's birthday really? What is the date on the passport? About 10 years ago I watched a program in which it was told about the search for this date by scientists. They came to the conclusion that the Star of Bethlehem rose in October and informed the Magi about the birth of a boy in a sheepfold.
[![]()]() My wife and I met this Christmas night in the hospital. Yesterday, after 22:00, my mother became ill, her blood pressure rose and breathing became difficult. We called an ambulance. The doctors who arrived said that she had low saturation and needed to be taken to the hospital. We stayed at the therapist's appointment until half 00:30 sent my mother to the hospital ward and went home ourselves. Today I allowed myself to sleep until 7 o'clock in the morning. It's freezing outside. For Christmas, this is quite typical weather, it is called "Epiphany frosts". By the way, I think, friends, that you guessed this is the window decoration.
[![]()]() Friends, have you noticed that the fingerprint is clearly visible in the first photo? Maybe I left it on the window, or maybe my mom did it when she was watering the pepper. By the way, this pepper is already yielding its third harvest and it is blooming again. Little red peppers, but they are very spicy! Now my wife and I went to the hospital and handed over the necessary things for my mother. It is clear that we were not allowed to see her. The doctor said that now she is lying on an oxygen machine and she feels good.
Goodbye, friends. See you soon.
![imagehive1.png]() #### I add my beloved @archon community as a 5% beneficiary of the post. ![image.png]()
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