My thoughts are my steeds

Hello, my friends.

I just read an article by @dswigle Beauty in the Snow Driven World

What interesting things did I read from @dswigle? It seems to be nothing supernatural, but if I quote her words at one of the Russian agricultural forums, then I may be called a "foreign agent".

We help each other and he has a snowblower, so I am all in! The snow was killer snow, wet and heavy. We have a couple of neighbors that shouldn't be shoveling their own, especially when it is heavy, but, of course, they are the first ones out to help.Isn't that always the way?

Why is that? Because there are people there who clearly consider Americans to be enemies. They will go crazy if they find out that in the USA people help each other, that neighbors can do something together. These people, mostly the elderly, believe that this is impossible in European countries and in the United States. They say that in the USA everyone thinks only about money and wishes evil to their neighbor.

In fact, in Russia, for a long time, people do not want to do anything together. In the USSR, all such events were done forcibly. It was called "Subotnick" from the word "Saturday" and "Voskresnik" from the word "Sunday". This was often done on May 1. On this day, people could be recalled from their main workplace and sent to clean up the territory of the factory, the factory, students were sent to clean the territory of the university or just city streets.
But I have never heard that people could gather on their street in the village and together clean it from snow or dirt! Maybe this is because there have never been good roads in the villages and there has always been dirt. Even now there is no asphalt in my village.


We have a person every week who volunteers to be the collection center for the local food kitchen. We actually just collect food from our neighborhood and one person has that box every week, so you go to their house. People that may need temporary help making ends meet.

Amazing! This is very surprising. This can cause a brain explosion in "Russian patriots". Collecting food for those in need? No. But I know people, businessmen, successful farmers who help orphanages and nursing homes. But to do this, you need to overcome bureaucratic obstacles, it's just not easy to give away the products. But it's completely different to help the residents of the whole village together to help those in need of food.

I had a good friend who lived in a house not far from New York on the shore of some lake. He told me that the residents of this area solve a lot of issues together. In Russia, this is on paper, formally, and is called "local self-government" or even "general assembly". But in fact, nothing works. According to the new Constitution adopted in 2020, the concept of "local self-government" is completely eliminated. People now can't decide anything in their village on their own and build and repair something on their own. This is called the "vertical of Power", everything is decided in the Kremlin.
But I hope that all this will change after the death of the current president. It's just that he will never want to give up power. He will hold on to Power until the very end. And everyone in Russia understands this. Many citizens even welcome this. They don't want to decide anything. It is more convenient for them to carry out orders and orders.

I will try to show your post to our "patriots" anyway. I am interested in their reaction.

I add my beloved @archon community as a 5% beneficiary of the post.


Thanks for reading...

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Good luck and have fun


Вы совершенно правы, сейчас вместе никто ничего не делает. Даже соседи друг с другом не знакомятся в многоквартирных домах...


речь даже не про многоквартирный.
2 года назад в доме, где живет дочь и зять вдруг сменилась управляющая компания. Точнее, их стало 2! И вот зять организовал в кем-то проект по изгнанию новой УК. Подняли людей, организовали собрание. Дом афигительно огромный, там что-от около 25 этажей. Я как раз тогда в гостях у них был. Люди пришли, но немного. И то только потому что вопрос денежный. Не пустили новую УК.

Я думаю, что вся эти система принуждения в соввремя убило у людей инициативность и желание делать какие-от общие проекты. Я пытался сделать тротуары в нашей деревне. Ну там с участием администрации. на одном из этапов администратор этих ППМИ сказала - не сделают, вас здесь мало живет.
Но ведь сама администрация, мэр тогдашний города мне это предложил, потому что я ходил к нему с этим вопросом! А всё просто... им тогда нужна была массовость, показать инициативность горожан.
А сделай мы сами эти тротуары? По судам бы затаскали. есть такие случаи самостоятельных ремонтов дорог.
А вот понятие "община", например, в Финляндии очень сильно и это реально работает! А мы в деревне не можем пожарный водоем почистить.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 87 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


:) Aha! You found out our secret!

I enjoyed your post. It was a tongue-in-cheek look at my post and writing. I have to admit, you can spin writing any way you wish if you are creative enough, which you are.

Thanks for tagging me. That was fun.

Have a great night!


I wouldn't say that my post is mocking yours.
I wanted to say that the idea of living as a single community has disappeared in Russia now. People do not want to unite for some purpose or idea. And this is our trouble.
Many residents of Russia simply will not believe that in the United States people can help each other and help those in need.


I guess I didn't mean to imply that you are mocking me. Perhaps making light of it and not in a bad way. It may even surprise you that I live right outside of Washington DC. Funny enough no matter where I have lived oh, I have been fortunate enough to have great Neighbors. Sometimes it takes a little bit of Ingenuity to get them up and in the same mindset, but most are very happy to participate in a joyful manner. I am glad it could be an example and I did not mean to offend you in any way. I was great honor to be used as an example. Have an amazing day.


I will tell my friends and acquaintances about your example. There is a lot of negativity against your country in our country. And I want people to know that everyone is lying to them from TV about enemies overseas. We have a lot to learn from you. Thank you for your publication!


Propaganda is used in every country in some way. But there is nothing honorable about turning one human being against another. If you Stripped Away all of the leaders, I am sure that the world would be a better place to live in.


May the force be with us! 💪💪💪 😀


But it's completely different to help the residents of the whole village together to help those in need of food.

The amount of good food thrown away in the developed countries are scary. Many people should help the people in need. There are many people, who are starving. I also experienced this a few times in the past. I had to choose between paying rent/bills and buying food a few times in the recent past.

And I was homeless in my life, multiple times, even as a child. I know what it is like to be in a row on the street for warm food. By the way, I live with multiple disabilities, nowadays under the local minimum wage. I currently live in a rent thank you to he help and support from good people on the Hive blockchain. I mean that I am financially able to get through the current winter. The rent and the regular monthly bills are very expensive, compared to my low income.

I do not even know where I currently would be without the Hive blockchain. I also hope that I can get out of the financial discrimination with the help and support of the Hive blockchain. I am trying to be active and consistent with posting, with commenting, with curating and with saving.

Happy New Year.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


God grant that all your problems will be solved. I wish Hive would help you and everyone.

Russia has imposed sanctions on products from the EU. And now the products coming from the EU countries illegally are being destroyed. Fruits, meat, and dairy products fall under such destruction. There were many proposals that such products should be given to the poor, but the Government is against such ideas.
