eXode: My eXode evacuation layout and the score of my latest game.


Hello Hive Community.

In today's post I will be going through in detail a game I just played today and to go through my layout and my evacuation score.

All images here are from exodegame.com, @Elindos and the artists

The contest is open to everyone who has an eXode account, so if you are interested in participating, you can read this post:


The objective of the Challenge:

Score the highest on the leader-board.

A leaderboard was launched recently for version D46/D47 Evacuation gameplay.


This is what it looks like at the moment:


lol, so basically my score is not even shown unless you scroll down haha. There are too many strong eXode pilots out there.

In the contest, there is also a Bonus Opportunity

As a bonus, create a Hive post and share your evacuation score. There are hidden bonuses for those who do and share the layout they used with an evacuation. So don’t miss out!

So here is my layout and my evacuation score

eXode Layout

Here is the layout I tested with. This is still version D46/D47 so I wont be playing with these cards yet



eXode Standard Deck - Evacuation Strategy:

If you have tested out the Alpha, you will know that there are 3 officers and 7 crews, and in total you command 10 characters.

I took a lot of screenshots for this game and I will be showing you my layout/strategy.
Officers and Crews are placed randomly in the 4 locations of the ship initially.

There are 4 main areas:

  1. Cockpit
  2. Ship-interior
  3. Cargo Bay
  4. Station Hall

For my strategy, I would prefer for more people to be placed in cockpit at the beginning at least for this version D46/D47. That is because if you want to equip your officers and crews with armor or a weapon they need to go the cockpit first, and uses up a lot of time. Hence, if most of the 10 officers/crews are in cockpit, it will be very easy to armor or arm them up and sent to the respective areas to perform their tasks.


This was not a great start, I had 6 people stuck in station hall from the beginning. If I need to armor them up or arm them it will waste a lot of time.

However, I do see lots of citizens pop up. So I asked them to escort citizens


That is 600 points right there if they managed to successfully escort all the citizens.


I had one person holding the fort in cockpit which is very risky because when the aliens start attacking I will only have 1 person activating the shield, and for all we know the person could be stressed out and the shield wont last very long

Cargo Bay


I have 3 armored officers/crews loading cargo in cargo bay. Each cargo loaded is 50 points hence, my strategy to have 3 in cargo bay, since the 6 other people are escorting citizens at the moment and it does not make sense to send a armored crew to station hall

The Alarm Sounded

The aliens are coming...


There is literally no one in Ship Interior. Hence no fuel are loaded and no Hyperdrive is ready. The ship can not launch at the moment.

I had to wait patiently for all my crews/officers to complete the escorting of citizens, then I moved them to Cockpit and Ship Interior.

The Split I chose was to send 2 to cockpit and 4 to Ship interior (2 upgrading Hyperdrive and 2 loading fuel)

After a few minutes...

I have managed to load some fuel and upgrade the Hyperdrive. However, the unexpected happened, the 3 crews/officers in cargo bay are being attacked and they have very low HP left. I had to move them straight to cockpit.


Luckily Charles seems to be handling Stress quite well, he has been carrying the team as he is able to handle stress



He is actually also great at Hyperdrive.

The ship only has 20 integrity points left...

After a short period, The aliens attacked several times, some were blocked, but 2 of them hit the ship...

8 Integrity points left...

I had to Launch...


Final Score: 2319

  • 720 points (Cargo) - thought it was 50 points per cargo, not sure how I got 720 or maybe it changed lol...
  • 600 points (Citizens) - escorted 6 citizens - not too bad
  • 215 points (loaded fuel) - Max of 500 (I did poorly there)
  • 934 points (lasting under threat) - not too bad
  • minus 150 points (I last a crew)

Ways to improve:

Send a armed crew to protect the crews/officers which are loading cargo. That way I could have loaded much more cargo.

Hope you enjoyed the read.

If you have suggestions, please let me know.

For those who do not know what Exode is:

EXODE is a new space colonization game powered by the HIVE blockchain.

Here are a few posts you can go through to get a high level understanding of the game:

This is the link to the Discord channel: https://discord.gg/GZcYNXz . You can ask questions directly to the creator of the game @elindos.

There is also a interview between @toocurious and the creator of the game @elindos: https://peakd.com/hive/@toocurious/interview-with-elindos-phar-creator-of-exode


Always remember to do your own research before putting any money in.

If you are ready to purchase then you can consider using my referral link/code:

By using a referral link/code, you are able to receive 2 free booster packs, and if the referral group has least 10 members, then every member receives a random Epic Character card.

I currently have over 10 referrals, so if you use my referral code, you will be getting an Epic card.

For more information on the referrals: https://exodegame.com/wiki/doku.php?id=referral
It is alright if you don't use my referral code. No stress :)

Also, if you use my referral code when you purchase. Let me know, and I will send you 1000 Starbits. Want to know what Starbits are and the Rising Star Game:

Maybe I will see you in game, Captain

Hope you enjoyed the post
Would really appreciate it if you like, comment and follow
Have a fantastic day!
