Splinterlands: Quora is an Epic Card! Super powerful in some settings. Check this game out...


Hello Community


All images are from @splinterlands

I just had quite an amazing match today whilst playing brawls. The image above shows the MVP of the match I just had. It is Quora and yes those were the stats that she has after the match.

Here is the replay:


Gladius Cards

I have to say that Gladius Cards are quite powerful in the brawls settings. I suppose since they can only be used in brawls they are quite useful.

Best Epic Gladius Card

The best Epic Glaius Card for me is Quora, an Epic Earth Card. She is super powerful and insane.
She can be used as a Tank card due to her melee attack. She has both magic and melee attack and has the Heal Ability.

Yes, sounds familiar, she is like a Female Kron, but probably more powerful.


Quora is such a popular card so in this game, both myself and my opponent chose to use Quora.
The opponent used her in the 2nd position, and I chose to use her in the last position. The reason I did that was because I am using llama and llama can activate "Last stand" for Quora and it basically makes her unstoppable.

The opponent chose her as the second position because she has bloodlust and can get stronger as she eliminates splinters in the game.

Start of the game.


I had a bit of a shaky start... basically I my splinters were taking heavy damage. At this point I thought that I was gonna lose since even with Quora's Last stand it may be bleak...

Turn around...

The opponents Quora has taken down 2 splinters so his or her Quora has gotten stronger twice already due to the bloodlust. Mine is still the normal level. Then my Quora started taking down some enemy splinters and she became so powerful....

Once my Queen bee was taken down, the LAST STAND was activated!!


At this point the match was basically decided.

22 health
8 magic attack
8 melee attack.

Basically unstoppable!... After my Quora took down the enemy Quora in one move her stats became:

9 magic attack
9 melee attack...

Lol... and in one round took out the opponent's last splinter...

Anyways that's it for now...


If you want to give the game a try, here is my referral link.

Always do your own research before you put money into a game


Hope that you enjoyed go through the post.
Would appreciate it if you like, comment and follow

Have an Awesome day
