RE: Hive Owned By Companies and HiveWatchers - How They Like To Play


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Hi @wil.metcalfe. I'm responding to your tag.

This idea that @hivewatchers are some form of centralized police, judge, jury and executioner is simply not correct. They are just another Hive account that has the right to upvote and downvote as they wish.

They don't even have that much HP behind their votes.

They are not a Whale and are barely an Orca (including with delegations).

If people chose to follow their voting trail that's the personal choice of the other account owner (which they presumably based on how good or bad a job they think Hivewatchers is doing).

The Hivewatcher bots that look for and highlight plagarism are not perfect but it just posts a comment alerting other users and it is up to the individual Hive user to review the Hive post and the material the bot thinks its copied from and determine for themselves whether the content deserves an upvote or a downvote or nothing.

This is how Hive works. Large numbers of individual decisions to up or down vote using their HP stake determines the final payout of the post.

Hivewatchers has no special powers or role on Hive. It is just another account that can do what it likes with its HP.

Anyone can create a blacklist and anyone can choose to follow or not follow it.


The Hivewatchers project is supported by the vast majority of the community including major whales, witnesses, and stakeholders. If we stopped receiving support, we would stop the work right away.

@apshamiltion @wil.metcalfe

It's quite peculiar that the attacks/criticism that we get is almost entirely either comes from scammers or those revolving around the @deepdives "community". Self-appointed, fake, wannabe "investigative journalists" who exploit the Hive ecosystem to perpetuate lies and dangerous disinformation such as qAnon, flat earth propaganda, NWO reptilian Illuminati, anti vaxxing, plandemic/5G, climate change denial, far-right extremism, homophobia, racism, etc.

They call themselves investigative journalists while all they do is posting the Karen/Kevin style of nonsense that they read on Facebook.
They do their "own research" (which basically means reading nonsense on Facebook or dubious conspiracy hypothesis articles and pseudoscience content)

Investigative journalism takes months and sometimes many years of work on the case. It applies principles of the scientific method in the investigation. It is scrutinous and almost always requires traveling and on-the-ground research and investigation. It is very detailed, time-consuming, and hardworking,
Deep Dives ridiculous nonsense has nothing to do with Investigative Journalism.
They actually often have no clue what the scientific method is and refuse to apply it, including applying it to their own thought process.


You shouldn't have an opinion on the content posted in Deep Dives. If it's original, that's all you should care about.


I defended @hivewatchers above on the basis that you were just tackling plagarism and spam and its your right to upvote or downvote as you like.

However your response above suggests you have a political agenda that is certainly NOT shared by all major whales, witnesses and stakeholders.

Your DHF Proposal makes no mention of political activity and I and many others would be quite concerned if you were using DHF community funds to push a political agenda. That would be misleading and deceptive conduct.

Please clarify your position to the Hive community.

Is Hivewatchers just about stopping plagarism, spam and actual scams or is it attacking political opinions its operators disagree with?


Political agenda?
Yeah right.
And what's that supposed political agenda of Hivewatchers appear to be?
Clearly, you see an agenda and conspiracy in anything that dares to criticize the ridiculous worldview of those hanging around "Deep Dives". No wonder you are in that community.
Hivewatchers ignore this community. There is no point in engaging with the mentally ill. It is better to let them be in their hopeless echo chamber.



It is not the job of Hivewatchers to criticise the worldview of anybody! Certainly not when it is getting community money from the DHF.

Its stated purpose from the beginning and what it represents to the Hive community in its DHF proposal is that it goes after plagarism (copyright breach), scams (fraud) and spam.

It is supposed to be dealing with content that is actually illegal.

That's it.

The fact that you are personally attacking and labelling me for calling for Hivewatchers to stick to its mandate and not get involved in political agendas shows that there is a problem here.


It is a personal opinion (share with some others). Whole Deep Dives (that you support and hang around) is full of degenerates or mentally ill who were banned on different social media and forums for spreading lies, dangerous misinformation, and instigating to violence and crime. The whole community is full of qAnon shills, neo nazis, far-right extremists, terrorist sympathizers, different authoritarian regime toadies, flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, Info Wars shills, Reptilian Illuminati NWO shills, etc.
The Hive ecosystem has been struggling to market itself as a legit and safe place to blog. Deep Dives has been undermining the struggle.
Because of Deep Dives, the Hive is seen as a degenerate magnet.

Anyway, the content of Deep Dives is not Hivewatchers issue. The moral quality of the content moderation is not its scope.
The only exception is when HW acted for moral reasons if when pedophilia was included in the posts.


Failure to respect the opinions of others here on Hive, especially mine on DeepDives, which are informed by educated reading, makes you sound like a misinformation shill.


"like a misinformation shill"
A typical reply from a scientifically illiterate yoga hippy.

Take your "healing" crystals, Reiki, and put your tinfoil hat back on.
I recommend the documentary "Behind the Curve" on Netflix.
It perfectly explains the state of your cognition.

Btw, referring to your retarded, pseudoscientific, hippy anti-vaxxer/covid Hoax lies that you keep posting on your blog after you copied the info from FB Karens.
I have had 2 shots of the vaccine already and have has not a single symptom.
The same with my parents, aunt, and my brother.
No significant symptoms just as 99.99999% of hundreds of millions of users from all over the world who have already been vaccinated.


Oh, I see that you are not just a yoga blissful zombie hippy but also a white supremacist, neo nazi, racist clown:


Yes, Karen. You did your own research :-)

It is worse than someone shilling for neo nazism and Mein Kampf.


Hahaha lol good one.
You give Hive a bad name.


Sorry @logic, you fail the rationality test. I write for Deep Dives and my opinion is the opposite of HW, and you so you appear to be the problem by your comment above which is abusive and criminal.


I try to stay out of arguments, but I think your point is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, in fact so important after this post, you get my witness vote for calling out potential corruption.

They have cartelized authority, if you really think about it as they represent a plurality and their interests. It opens the door for their power and influence to be abused and thus gate-keep the community. Their response was deeply disturbing. For an authority wielding some level of power to cast HARSH aspersions (even the use of defamatory terms that can hurt brand value - especially in the case that larger organizations join the community and cross their path), misgender a user in the case where the gender had already been established between the two parties, refuse to answer important questions, and not maintain neutrality. With great power comes great responsibility.

The main objective should be to protect people from actual fraudsters putting in phishing and malware links and so forth, not to curate and judge content. Let the actual users make that call as to whether content is good enough. If it is good enough to the user to earn an upvote, give that deserved upvote and if there is not enough traction, the content creator needs to make adjustments.

I syndicate my content and source my news sources with all properties (unless I am the actual source - nobody is going to accuse corporate media who syndicate articles across numerous publications of plagiarism). I am willing to sacrifice the control of keeping everything in-house from analytics to form creation to be a part of this community with all of my properties. I saw a massive opportunity to provide this community with sports previews and sourced news for their own convenience, I want to deliver more value to my readers by providing even better content. I wanted to keep things tight and targeted as far as content creation per account. No confusion, no disorganization, you know what you are going to get. Not everything starts far along the roadmap, sometimes you have to start at the 0.0.1 version and I operate with that understanding as well.

I love the interactivity that is in the SportsTalkSocial and DunkSocial communities. I want to provide more value to them. The DunkSocial community wants more dedicated news coverage, it provides legitimacy to a young community that has so much potential.

I want to give people what they want for all my entities and if users/readers tell me they want something different, I'm responsive to it. It makes everything better and it encourages others.

However, because of the actions of a powerful few acting on "good intentions"... they may not be able to get it because it offends their sensibilities or their standards and practices.

Given the lack of professionalism, neutrality, tolerance, and accountability of the enforcement arm of the Hive community ... I can definitely see how this can sow distrust.

The personalization and emotional reactions from this enforcement organization are alarming and @apshamilton, your question and demands are quite generous to them considering that this particular organization even went down the political rabbit hole under their own volition in the first place. They made an unnecessary comment that could even be considered a throwaway, but it was enough to question their authority and judgment. They are a powerful representative of the community, they are supposed to help make this place better...

Their Discord pokes holes in the idea that they are just a small group with downvoting power as they project themselves to be something FAR MORE and given that a witness bent the knee to them on Discord, they certainly wield a lot more power than you would want to admit.

Is the below representative of the community? Is this becoming of a protectorate neutral party with authority looking out for the best interests of Hive?


They do claim to have power to throw people off Hive and claim authority.



I wouldn't use me as any moral compass, I tend to find things amusing that others take real serious.

Games have rules, or there is no game.
What those rules will be is up to those that participate willingly in the game.


Lol...that "time out" section of the Hive Watchers discord is not meant to be serious. It's just some community members making random comments.


👀 There you have it @apshamilton.

This is EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Yes. @hivewatcher is a small insignificant account but they are posing as a self appointed authority and clearly they are not fit to fill those boots.

I do NOT accept their role within our community however much the need is for the identification and red flagging of plagiaristic activity on the blockchain may be... We are sacrificing far to much and getting far more than we bargained for in return.

With this as an accepted authority I wouldn't say that Hive is a safe or promising place to invite my friends, family, or famous to... not to mention put in my time to build out my business interests and invest my hard fought capital into.

Hive certainly needs a PROFESSIONAL, unbiased, objective, sound method of identifying behaviors on the blockchain that detract from the health and wellbeing of the community... but the mind and methodologies behind @hivewatcher has no place in providing this. I would say the above comment clearly disqualifies them and undeniably so. (And YES! They need to answer to the entire Hive community.)

Thank you for taking a serious look at my concerns and thank you for responding the way that you did.

We need to call attention to @hivewatcher's methods, agendas, everything as, in my opinion, they have landed themselves in MY BLACK LIST.

I will NOT accept this degraded level of policing on Hive. It's toxic and destroys the friendly environment we have all worked (and are working) so hard to build up and maintain.

I am NOT ok with this. Let it be known.

This is why I think we need to setup the blockchain itself and the wider community to deal with issues of plagiarism rather than rely on a centralized and fallible approach like this.

As a positive... If we were to make this an auto-flagging system and a more community centric way of meeting out that functionality (build it right into the Hive code) this could be a very good way for people to identify themselves as those who care about Hive, it's people and all of our wellbeing. The more use factors for our powered up Hive the better.

So yes... I'm just going to take this opportunity to put it out there while we are on the topic because it might solve this problem right in the code.

And now is as good a time as any to let you know...

Andrew! I'll be voting for your witness tonight. 🙌

We need you more than ever as we move ourselves closer to where we need to be within the wider crypto community. The world is watching... so how we treat our own does matter and having a friendly Hive is more important than it's ever been before.

We are poised to grow... and the sooner we drop the things that will slow us down and trip us up... the better!

Thank you @sharkthelion and @pickpub for adding your voice to this conversation. I hope that more of the Hive community see's what is happening in this post and decides to weigh in. Thank you for caring enough to do so you guys. 🙌


Thank you for alerting me to this issue. I have taken it up with major stakeholders and will be making efforts to ensure Hivewatchers returns to a completely apolitical stance and only deals with blatant plagarism (copyright breach) and scams (fraud).


It's political... MAN!
And the person running the outfit has skeletons in his own closet.


Okay, so your business model is to get paid to identify plagiarism, for example. As far as you discover an original text outside of Hive, i.e. on the web, with a release on Hive as being the same, you are acting. The question is, however, whether your action does not also involve an abuse of the reward pool, since you do not really seem to be interested in clarifying the facts, as this case illustrates well.

If you classify something as plagiarism and consider the original content publisher to have been cheated, then your course of action should be: You contact the presumed originator and point out to him that a publication on Hive seems to match his content from him, ask whether it is his content and whether the release on Hive is wanted or not wanted. You have to wait for the answer.

The fact that in this case - and in all others? - seems to be derived from your business model, since you only seem to act within the Hive sphere.
In fact, this would also be very time-consuming and you could not assume that you would be rewarded for contacting a presumed victim.

So, in principle, it can be assumed that your interest in stopping plagiarism incidents is reduced to this sphere, that you have nothing to do with original authors outside of Hive, and that you are therefore relying on a model that enables you to act as Hive police who are both judge and enforcer.

Personally, I have nothing against setting up a business model that detects plagiarism, it is up to everyone whether they support what you are doing.

But I think it's excessive and self-righteous to act ideologically like so:

Self-appointed, fake, wannabe "investigative journalists" who exploit the Hive ecosystem to perpetuate lies and dangerous disinformation such as qAnon, flat earth propaganda, NWO reptilian Illuminati, anti vaxxing, plandemic/5G, climate change denial, far-right extremism, homophobia, racism, etc.

Since you presumably use automatic mechanisms to do the work of finding plagiarism for you, you could be accused, as you accuse others, of making your cut with the help of modern technology. Just because you enrich it with questionable ideological speech and make a little more work for yourselves than those who dispense with interaction altogether does not make you better or good people.

I still appreciate that you show your intentions and do not hide them. This makes it transparent for the reader to decide whether to support you or not.


"Since you presumably use automatic mechanisms to do the work of finding plagiarism for you, you could be accused, as you accuse others, of making your cut with the help of modern technology. Just because you enrich it with questionable ideological speech and make a little more work for yourselves than those who dispense with interaction altogether does not make you better or good people."

Please, stop repeating this lie over and over again.
You know very well that all our work is done manually.
There is no efficient automatic tool to find most of the plagiarism-scam.
Cheetah (when we were still able to afford it) was only detecting basic plagiarism in English.

Sure, if you know such an effective automatic tool, then you are welcome to tell us. We would more than happy to use it.
Just don't bring examples of these useless online plagiarism tools that are out there.


You know very well that all our work is done manually.

I don't know you at all. I just checked your recent posts before I commented on you.

You are telling me, all is manually? Fine. I assumed something else. It's a difference between assuming something and telling a blunt lie.


P.S. ignoring my other considerations shows that you looked only for the weak point in my response, which it was, I admit.


It's quite peculiar that the attacks/criticism that we get is almost entirely either comes from scammers or those revolving around the @deepdives "community". Self-appointed, fake, wannabe "investigative journalists" who exploit the Hive ecosystem to perpetuate lies and dangerous disinformation such as qAnon, flat earth propaganda, NWO reptilian Illuminati, anti vaxxing, plandemic/5G, climate change denial, far-right extremism, homophobia, racism, etc.

I knew Q Anon was a psyop and some people like to entertain the idea that there is some secret hero trying to stop the govt from doing bad, hardly a bad thing to want. Wouldn't you want a secret hero to stop the govt from doing bad things, and want that secret hero to leak information? I wasn't taken in by Q but some were, only a few, not the majority in our tag.

I haven't seen more than 1 flat earther maybe in our tags, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

New World Order is a very real thing, unless you are denying that nations are centralizing power and banding together to become more centralized. Is that even controversial to point that out, why are you on Hive/using cryptocurrency which is pushing for decentralization if you won't recognize the NWO which is the centralization of the world that is happening at an alarming rate,surely you don't mean to imply governments are DECENTRALIZING?

I took the moderna vaccine both doses and I almost passed out from the 1st dose and I had heart inflammation requiring medical care from the 2nd one(my heart might be irreparably damaged for my entire life now, CDC putting out warnings about I assessed the risks to my health based on the information I knew at the time, had I have known what we now know about heart inflammation I might not have got the vaccine because I have heart issues in my family. Being informed on what you put into your body isn't a conspiracy, the conspiracy is they hid this information from us and used us as test subjects. The rate of reporting has been estimated to be somewhere around 50x to 100x less for actual events and the 1,200 cases of heart inflammation could be a lot higher. I did call my Dr. to see if I should get the 2nd dose and he advised to do it and I did. I am doing ok now at least, will see what my future holds. Nothing conspiratorial or irrational about anything I did.

There is various information pointing to wuhan as the outbreak origin and it just so happens there is a wuhan institute of virology right there(funny how that works and even Fauci said to investigate that recently),

It's not controversial that cell phones give off radiation, 5G is worse than 4G logically because it's more powerful There are studies out there saying don't put your cell phone in your pocket due to lowering sperm count

The climate changes all the time over long periods, and the major driver of climate change is the sun. The USA used to be just ice and now it isn't. Before that it was something else, etc. There were no humans or human activity that caused that to happen, massive amounts of ice were lost to no human fault.

I haven't seen far right extremism in the #informationwar or #deepdives tag almost at all and in fact I have seen a few terrorists who advocate Allah as the one true prophet and saying kill all westerners and have had to mute them, @ sweecee and a few others are pro killing westerners and violently describe how they want to

i've been to a lesbian wedding and have had multiple gay friends in my circles growing up and its a proven fact there are gay animals who are born that way(i had two guinea pigs and one was gay and kept humping the other one all the time)

we don't want racism in our community either. Discrimination(commonly interchangeably said as "Racism" today) is an inherent mechanism built into every human and is constantly conflated with racism(Critical Race Theory points this out and I assume you are a leftist and also have this view), to discriminate towards something is like how you are discriminating against us based on your own bias and unfounded beliefs against us, or like crossing the street when seeing a pit bull dog to get away, or to cross the street because you see a group of males(any race)at night because it could be dangerous, it's a mechanism that can serve and fool a person into thinking they are correct in their assessments. In order to get away from discrimination we have to take the emotion we might feel towards another out of the equation and get to know them(this can be a very difficult thing to do), of which I encourage you to do with getting to know people in our community. If someone is racist against X race and gets angry or lashes out at X race it is because of their emotional underdevelopment, lack of empathy, lack of understanding of another view point, psychopathy(4% of the world's humans are psychopaths), or raised to be that way, and the same can be said for discrimination.

The people reading your comments and my comments will see a stark contrast between myself(leader owner of @informationwar and am the co-leader of @deepdives(brought on recently)) and you who presumably are the owner or one of the people helping with hivewatchers.

I think I was pretty reasonable in my rebuttal.

They call themselves investigative journalists while all they do is posting the Karen/Kevin style of nonsense that they read on Facebook.
They do their "own research" (which basically means reading nonsense on Facebook or dubious conspiracy hypothesis articles and pseudoscience content)
Investigative journalism takes months and sometimes many years of work on the case. It applies principles of the scientific method in the investigation. It is scrutinous and almost always requires traveling and on-the-ground research and investigation. It is very detailed, time-consuming, and hardworking,
Deep Dives ridiculous nonsense has nothing to do with Investigative Journalism.
They actually often have no clue what the scientific method is and refuse to apply it, including applying it to their own thought process.

I have been on Hive for 4 years and have done a lot of research, probably close to 1 or 2 hours of research per day every day for 4 years. Is that enough for you? How much do you do? Do you do that much? Did you know bitcoin's dev team is owned by a big bank called axa ventures? I bet you didn't, and I bet you advocate people use bitcoin, that makes you the conspiracy theorist.


I do not support this statement. We don't need gatekeepers on Hive telling people what to they can post. Downvote if you want but acting as some sort of official entry on Hive is something you are not. While HW has done a lot of good, all of that can be erased by the way you're acting now. I suggest you stick to plagiarism/scams, if you want to get political you'll never get my support ever again.


That's what we stick to. Plagiarism.
We have no political agenda.

Those above replies were responses and criticism of Deep Dives was out of personal frustration after a persistent campaign of trolling and spreading of lies about Hivewatchers by a few of its members.



Thank you for the best comment of the day!

✌ ❤ 🥓


This statement is very very concerning. Makes me very worried about the future of @hivewatcher project.

What @apshamilton wrote seems much more correct


HW got personal and started offending my posts on Deep Dive in a comment above, and so they fail in their duty and should be reprimanded for trying to be the thought police.


"Self-appointed, fake, wannabe "investigative journalists" who exploit the Hive ecosystem to perpetuate lies and dangerous disinformation such as qAnon, flat earth propaganda, NWO reptilian Illuminati, anti vaxxing, plandemic/5G, climate change denial, far-right extremism, homophobia, racism, etc."

Sorry dude you fail. Get off your socio-political high horse fool. You are not in a position to censor opinions like those on DeepDives or anywhere on Hive based on your OPINION of what is right or wrong politically or socially. You idiot. You have shown your stupidity in this statement and are unqualified or uninformed to comment on these subjects as if you know better. Your OPINION in yours alone so it's time you grow up and act like an educated adult. We are adults here on Hive buddy. Your style of nonsense does not belong here.


Hivewatchers project is supported by the vast majority of the community

