Very epic Sniper VS Sniper

After playing the Pure Sniper game yesterday, today I finally became addicted and kept wanting to play it. Today I was given various epic missions to shoot every criminal guard that could harm society and the government.

My first mission today was to shoot a big truck driver who was being chased by a police car. When I saw the truck was starting to move towards me, I immediately aimed at it very carefully and calmly because the object I was going to shoot at this time was the object was moving, so I had to really aim very well, after feeling that my aim was right I immediately opened fire to kill this bad guy until the truck overturned.

Second mission, now I am given the task of shooting someone who is calling there, because there are many people gathered in this place, I have to be really careful in looking for the target so that I don't mistakenly shoot other innocent people, after seeing several No one was calling, finally I now found someone in coolie clothes who was calling and walking through the crowd, carefully and calming myself, finally I immediately fired a shot which killed the target immediately.

The third mission, this is the most epic mission in this game today, I was asked to shoot another sniper in this location, because my opponent was a sniper I had to be extra careful in looking for where the target was hiding, because a sniper was standing in an unfamiliar place. You can guess, and if I'm not fast then I'll be the one shot to death by him. And it turned out that I saw a sniper under the bridge, I immediately aimed at him and then immediately opened fire until he died and fell to the street.

Fourth mission, in this mission I was asked to shoot 2 people using a gun who were chasing many people on the street, my challenge this time was quite complicated because I had to shoot the target without injuring anyone there. After aiming at the first gunman and my aim was right, I immediately shot him which killed him immediately.

Then I immediately quickly aimed at the second gunman, after my aim was on target I immediately shot him dead before this criminal shot another person who was running.

Fifth mission, now I have to shoot someone carrying a suicide bomb who will blow himself up in a crowd of people, I have to be very careful and fast in looking for the target, because if I am late then many people will die, after looking around everyone in this area, finally I found the criminal who was wearing a clown mask, I immediately shot him until he died on the spot.

And in the sixth or final mission today, I was asked to shoot a crazy person who was chasing another person using a blunt object to kill another person, I immediately aimed very carefully because this person was running among many people, after My aim was right at his body and I immediately fired a shot which killed him on the spot and I also managed to save many people.

This is the Pure Sniper Game which was very exciting when I played it today with some epic screenshots that I managed to capture using my personal Samsung Galaxy A33 Smartphone, see you in the next post.


Hey, I'd suggest you to publish such contents in Hive Gaming and find a game that allows you to take better photos that suits with the concept of our community. Thanks for your understanding.


Thank you for your advice, brother, in the future I will make better posts and try to post posts like this in the Hive Gaming community, once again I apologize for my ignorance. 🙏
