Tips for Organizing My Finances to Run Well and Useful


Financial management is something that is not easy to do, many factors can trigger it to be very difficult to apply in real life.


Image By Stevepb

Have you heard some theories about good and right financial management, and some of these theories you can't apply to your lifestyle. I don't think this happens to one or two people, but a lot of people have a hard time figuring out or targeting something on their finances. I am someone who likes to read about books on finance, every application of finance in some of the theories I read sometimes matches my thought patterns, and as ordinary people, if it enters our hearts, we will definitely apply some of these methods, but this method often makes me fail in managing the budget that I have.

As a low-income person like me, finance is one of the main factors that I must pay attention to in my life. Planning for the future is one of the thick lines that I must mark in my life, one of which is controlling the budget. Well, everyone should think about two main points in his life budget, namely the expenditure budget and the income budget. In my personal opinion, the greater our income costs, the greater the expenses, but all of this depends on the lifestyle of each of us. How simple your life is or how glamorous your life is, it all depends on the choice of each individual.

In implementing my life budget, there are several things I do.

1.Future goals or specific goals

In this life, if there is no future goal, you will definitely not be able to determine your life budget, for example getting married, or having an independent business. Now if you don't have a future goal, it will be very difficult for you to manage your finances, this is often your finances being misused so that it is wasted without direction.

2.Monthly Income and Expenditure Budget

In making a budget I usually look at my real financial income after a few cuts. I will make a list of income and expenses, then will determine where the budget comes from. And then after calculating the amount of income, I will immediately calculate the monthly expenses that I have to spend, this must be done so that we can easily target how much budget we will set aside.

3.Determine urgent budget

Well, in this life we ​​also have things that are beyond our expectations, therefore I often determine sudden budgets that I have to save for needs that often occur beyond our predictions, I usually do this regularly every month. This is indeed considered trivial for some people, but in my opinion, this urgent budget is very necessary, because if at any time there is an urgent expenditure we will not think about the budget anymore.

So that's a glimpse of budget management that I do in my daily life. I think the budget is very useful for life, because it can be an evaluation in life and become a guide for our life goals. And one more thing if you want to be a good person in managing your finances, keep being a person who has a high commitment so that it will create stability in your life budget.




Now if you don't have a future goal, it will be very difficult for you to manage your finances, this is often your finances being misused so that it is wasted without direction.

This is very true and I have had first-hand experience about it. I didn't have a goal earlier this year and that made me to spend my money recklessly because I didn't have anything I was looking forward to. But now that I have setup a few goals, I am now extra careful about how I spend money and I follow a budget. This is a lovely article, well done


This article that you have made is amazing, you have explained how to manage finances, things like this are very useful for everyone


Thanks buddy for your visit :)


Indeed... There are a lot of factors to consider. That is the only way to get the best budget.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


Yes chairman, I agree with you.
Thank you for your visit :)
