Cryptocurrency Chronicles: Nigeria's Ban and Global Bitcoin Surges

Welcome back to the another blog. Divided in three paragraphs and three topics also so let's begin with the first topic news coming from Nigeria that the central bank of Nigeria band on crypto exchange country but what is the reason behind the cryptocurrency was banned in Nigeria what is the reason behind this big decision of the central bank of Nigeria what will be the government taking steps let's discuss in the paragraph so the let discussed in detail so the first purple news are coming that the nig the transactions of all cryptocurrencies in their country and earlier they have planning to planning but at last the day you come the

Nigerian government banned the cryptocurrency but what is the reason behind the cryptocurrency band so in the December 22 ban executed in that day another news is coming that regarding this Ban the circular of all the banks and financial instruction guidelines of the operating Bank have assist to ban the crypto currency in their what will the reason the reason is that to as per Agar sources find that the virtual assets of the country of nigeria and also the laws of the nigeria was highlighted in the crypto market so this land you can't understand let's explain this line so the first of all is that the virtual asset service provider v a s p s in Nigeria guideline is that there are so many banks and so many connectivity of a related in the law so so the guidelines of off Nigerian government of Central Bank they have choose to bend the cryptocurrency because go to mainly highlighted that the Ricks was border in the Nigerian government that's mean the Nigerian government don't take any risk to continuity the transactions of cryptocurrency in their country and the virtual assets service provider also have a license to active in their country I mean Nigeria but they don't have a license to transaction or any deal with the global world because the license of virtual assets service provider will be missing that's why the Nigerian government a big step to stop the cryptocurrency India country and this is a very harsh and very painful decision by the judge of the Nigerian government because there are so many people's who have buy so many assets virtual assets like cryptos so many types of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and there are so many are coins in the market they gone loss on that day that will be the very hard reason by the government of Nigerian and the central bank of the Nigeria and they added some new services to ban their countries like the important services of crypto exchange in their country financial regression institutions also been banned in that time and not only today the Nigerian government thinking and also doing so type so many steps to take a back take back from the market of crypto currency but they can't success on that time but they tried very well in the month of the December 2023 they do it it will be the very big and very hot region for the government of nigeria.

And another news is coming as per our sources we found that the Bitcoin price hitting very high in the country of Egypt Nigeria Argentina and Turkey what is the reason behind this the high heating values in that countries also the currency value are also responsible for the hitting the value of Bitcoin in that four countries what will be the reason behind it let's discuss the first of all we knew that the value of the Bitcoin is very high as well as we know but the country of Egypt Nigeria Argentina and Turkeys are very happy and that is nowadays because the value of the Bitcoin touching the high in their countries very hitting but at the least we can't predict the future so what will be the reason I telling in above paragraph in our lines also that the value of that countries currency value I mean the currency value of that country should be hitting in the market of the Bitcoin that's why they hitting high values of in Bitcoin that is the reason why they very profitable in in the country of Argentina Turkey Egypt and Nigeria and now it is Nigeria not participating in the transaction of the cryptocurrency but the other have facing the good time and happy time for their families and for their investing in Bitcoin will be taking a high profitable day for for their families.

Another thing is that we know that those who read my article they know that in the end of the article I discussed the prediction bitcoin in the month of January February and March because we don't know what will be the confirmed and value of Bitcoin but we predict now that's why we predicting the Bitcoin value so let's know the value of today Bitcoin is same as value and trade value not so difference but they have some difference of 3k to 400 not so something but a thousand at 10000 show the value of the Bitcoin is 43,500 dollars but the same value is yesterday 43,000 so big increasing a big difference I can't see the value of Bitcoin but we predict that in the month of the January February March there will be the big jump by the Bitcoin I think up or down I guess we all pray the value of the Bitcoin is $50,000 in the month of January and February it will be the jumping stage and it goes down like a 42 $41 in the month of 5th and March and the March there will be the boom something are coming so let's know about that what will be the going on March in the next article so that's all for today's

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