Life Is Unpredictable: Recent Life Lesson I Learnt

In life we have certain dreams and goals that we will do this we will achieve that. We will spend our lives in that way. But still our future is unpredictable it's rare that our lives spent according to our plans, dreams and goals from career selection to life partner.
If I talked about myself, this unpredictability of life was always with me.

  • From the class 6th, I have a group of four best friends we don't want to get separated from each other but after college level we all got separated. I don't think to study anywhere without my college friends but I did.
  • I don't think to study Botany, but this unpredictability of life put me in the Botany Department.
  • In life, I don't think to fall in love with someone but this thing happened.
  • I don't think to do M.Phil. suddenly after B.S., but my parents didn't permit to skip one year without studies.
  • I don't think that I will get marry in early age of life and also in family. But this thing happened.
  • I don't think to do job temporarily or permanently anywhere. But in August I got offer of one month job in the school I studied, I have confusion of accepted it or reject. I accepted it and it was the good teaching adventure.

All other things on one side but my this sudden Nikah gave me huge shock and insisted me to think that Life is totally unpredictable, we are totally unaware what's in our next chapter of life. My friends also teased me a lot that Arooj; You said I will never do marriage in early age and I will never do the job. I have nothing to answer them so that I just smiled but in deep heart I think Our plans are nothing in front of Allah's (God) plan. But I believe that everything's happened in our lives put some good impacts on our lives.
I got separated from school's friends but in return I got one precious friend in university 😘. As time passed, I got adjusted with Botany also and now am satisfied with my field. My parent's decision of doing M.Phil suddenly after B.S. was also good. It helped me to find a good job. May be one day I will say my parent's take a good decision of my marriage according to their own choice and my sudden job was also give me a good teaching experience and now I want to start teaching again.

Closing Thoughts:

Is am only one who's feeling the unpredictability of life..? Are such unpredictable incidents happened with you also.......? I feel this unpredictability of life after my Nikah, before this everything in my life was in peace or the unpredictable incidents happened with me before this was little and I got adjusted with them easily. But I learnt lessons from these unpredictable incidents of life that we don't need to worry about our future, everything is well written by Allah. Just go with flow with positivity and good prayers plus Embracing the unpredictability of life can lead us to new adventures and personal growth.

Thanks For Reading....!

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