Little Cherine Book 09 - BPost054

“No Amsiu, you did not. You asked a question that goes to the heart of what being a Cherinian and a fully responsible adult is. We are each responsible not only for our own actions, but also for those taken in our name.”

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Solomon stood up. “In the brief time we have known you Robert and Cherine, we have had to grow in many ways. All the changes came about because of your dream and we are a wealthier people, our internal worlds and souls wealthier than millions of years of our past made us. Please answer me, how is it that you interpret, without the exact words, that the prophesy claims we will not stand by you?”

“That is a different question Solomon. The prophesy does not demand of the Sparklers that they join those I battle. All it asks of you, by implying, is that your people remain neutral as arbitrators and negotiators, so that Cherinians have a way to grow back into one people again. Samantha has suggested you might need to assume that role repeatedly, for our battle for our values will never cease.”

I felt a thrill course through me. At last, for the first time ever, everyone is considering the pros and cons seriously and people of all species are awakening to the threat of the gifts Cherine and Robert passed on with her gift of empathy. I felt an inquisitive tendril reach into me from Samuel and I turned to give him a smile. He quickly withdrew it, but I saw that he had lost his bitterness.

“I was tricked, wasn’t I?”


He gave a tight small smile, but I saw his eyes were smiling also. “When you sent Cherine to me. I thought at first that she was sent to help me and I did not want her help. Then I thought I saw that she was the one who needed help, that you sent her to me for me to heal her, so I opened up and tried to help her. It is only afterwards that I saw you had used Cherine’s needs to help me. You have a complex and devious mind Samantha Teller.”

“Me! Samuel, I did not send her to you, Perikli and Robert did!”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

I now find it funny that I was, for a while, affronted that he attributed such a complex plan to me - funny because I am also upset that it was not my plan. I should have thought of it.

Many people were discussing what had been said by Robbie between themselves and Robbie had many questions to answer. He gave them the time they needed and then raised his hand.

“I hope that all of you will be with us when we have to fight for our beliefs. For those who choose not to be, you have our promise that there will be no bitterness, we’ll understand you acted according to your beliefs or doubts and look forward to your return.

One promise I must ask of all of you. What you learnt today and the knowledge of our son being their leader, it must not be spoken of again until the day he returns from his attack. My son will know, but it could prejudice the role he wishes to play in our fight if it becomes common knowledge. If any of you feel you owe Cherine at least your allegiance, please do not confide in anyone. Thank you.”

Samuel let go of my hand and stood up. “May I speak?” Robbie nodded. “Some of you may know that I have already declared myself. I suggest that those who become uncomfortable with the actions Robert takes in the future, take the same decision I did. Do not help his opponents and wait for time to prove or disprove what he really stands for.”

Someone called out, “We already know and we will stand by him and his family!”

Robbie cut in, “Samuel spoke wisely, there will be times some of you doubt me. Withdraw if you wish, but try not to join those who will claim to have right on their side. Such claims are easily justified, especially when emotional arguments are made and you might be persuaded I’m in the wrong. Keep one thing in mind when that happens, whatever the others say - would Cherine stay with me if they are right and I am betraying our dream? Thank you Samuel. Let’s call it a night and return to our homes, we will be available for any questions you have, whenever you wish to ask them. Goodnight.”


We are a pretty mixed up bunch of kids. For each of us there are moments when our thoughts make us want to cry and there are moments we want to laugh. Perhaps it would help stabilise us if we became adults for a while, but we have decided not to, as it would be an unhealthy solution.

We knew that Freddie will be a place of many fervent arguments, but we kept our word and returned to Afhani. The joyous welcome of the people went a long way towards healing the scars we carry in our hearts. Soon we spread out, talking and even joking with those who’d come to show their allegiance and support for us. King Illafayéd made his way to the pastry shop so those of us who were free to follow him, did so.

Orgg has a sweet tooth, as do all Neans, so he ordered three kinds of pastry. As they disappeared into his mouth with obvious relish, Robbie glanced at him with envy. “There are advantages to being big like you. If I’d eaten what you did I’d be hearing jokes about my stomach for days.”

“Become a Nean.”

He thought the idea was funny and did so, ordering immediately another three pastries. He flashed his huge teeth at us in a grin and ate them all. Claudia pictured him in bed with us as he is and us as tiny Nean girls. Cassie made a pretend effort to picture Cherine as a Nean girl and then tried to fit her ‘Cherine’ smile on her hairy little face. She had us rolling with laughter while everyone else asked each other what was so funny. I haven’t seen Cherine laugh so much for a very long time.

All those the Ipohin killed have been brought back. A side effect of that was their immediate wish to become Cherinians. As a matter of fact, Jeskine estimated she has linked another three hundred with thousands more waiting.

I’m surprised it was Orgg who thought of his question first. “The Neans are willing to allow settlements by Cherinian Saps within their areas. Their medicine women had a meeting and they decided the presence of Sap Cherinians would force their people to change, become more like them. We have seen what the migration of Saps did to your people, will those here who move to colder regions also change colour?”

“Over thousands of years? I don’t know Orgg, they will be Cherinians.” He paused, startled by his idea. “Yes, they just might, if they allow their healers to change them. The changes on our world came about in an effort by their bodies to become more efficient at absorbing the benefits of sunlight and the healers are obsessed with making our bodies more efficient.” He chuckled as he imagined what he then said. “Who knows, we might even live to see the day when there are blonde blue-eyed Neans, now that their healers are stronger.” He made the mental link, astonished. “We’ll have to call them the Yeti!”

His conclusion excited all of us and we are hoping it comes true.

Jodine asked King Illafayéd, “How would you feel about Terrans from other realities migrating here? If you allow it there will be mixed marriages and you will no longer be just one race.”

The old rascal grinned his toothless smile. “If they are all females I would not object.” Once he’d enjoyed the laughter and teasing he turned serious. “I do not think it is a decision that lies in our hands, just as it is possible we might see matings between our people and the Neans. We cannot stop change Jodine, what is under our control is the way we react to them. We are a practical people, we’ll find a way to accept the changes.”

Robbie looked at me, but I kept silent. “Samantha, ask the Council to meet tomorrow. The leaders of this world should also attend.”

“You want Socrati here? Shall I fetch him?”

“No, Vincent can do so. I don’t trust you on your own. We’ll return to our world to find you’ve manipulated our governments.” I didn’t think he was that funny, but my family did.


“Why would I do that? It is much more fun manipulating my family.” They booed me, but they also laughed. What I did find funny was that a number of them spent some time afterwards trying to work out if I’ve manipulated them recently. Of course they imputed double or triple meanings to everything I’ve said over the last few months and came to the conclusion that I have.

Just as we spend most of our time alone as a family discussing what happened, we’re certain others are doing the same. We dearly love Jeskine, Orgg and many of our friends here, but we need to move on, become involved in new problems - not to forget, but so as to better place everything within a new perspective that will enable us to return to normal.

Empathia has pointed out an explanation I should make for you. You must have noticed that both Freddie and Robbie have grown in their ability to jump across realities and time. This did not happen by magic, their powers/abilities have grown through practice. In case you were wondering why we do not use the Wirms to wish us to our destination, the above should clarify the matter for you. Just as an example, consider the possibility that the Wirms do not side with us in the future and we have been lazy and allowed them to wish us everywhere.

Efineh joins us almost every day, but her love prefers to read and think, so he does not come that often. On this day he’d decided to join us for supper.

“Efineh.” Robbie called. “Samantha may not leave us to finish her job on your world. How do you think it will affect your people having the family there? Will we alter her dream?”

I’d already seen that I dare not leave, be apart from my family, not until the future conflict is over, so I was interested in hearing what she thought.

She glanced at Irfan as he took her hand in his under the table. “Yes.”

“For the worse?”

“It will be a different dream.”


I shrugged. “I’d already seen that I dare not go without all of you. Not only would I and the few who come with be an easy target, I would also be placing our family in danger.”

“You see that?”

“Dad, if we are to go, then I want Kiris and Neri with us. They deserve an adventure, but I also think it will teach them much they need to learn.”

Robbie grinned. “You heard Freddie?”

“I heard Robert, but what about those of this world? You would leave without a farewell?”

“What for? Next time we come we’ll arrive within minutes of leaving.”

“Samantha? Cherine?”

I grinned at Cherine, but saw she was scowling. I was happy that Freddie was showing initiative whereas she was upset that he was openly disputing a wish of Robbie’s. I had to answer before she did.

“Freddie is right dad. It must be part of our etiquette. Whether our absence is for a minute or a year, when we return, time will have passed for us and they will find us altered by our experiences.”

Robbie nodded and then a grin split his face. “Freddie, please go to the palace and to Jeskine to advise them of our imminent departure. If you wish, we will wait twenty four hours for you. Enjoy your visit.”


“You will take over here?”

“What for, you can handle it, just as you do when you make your presence visible here.” Robbie was only teasing, he did want Freddie to relax and enjoy himself. I suppose (hope) he has started something new and Freddie will be visiting other places also.

Freddie moved us to less distance than the orbit of the moon and then he projected himself on planet. He did not share with me, but I’ll get it all from Jeskine when we return…ha, it worked, Freddie shared. His appearance caused much consternation once they realised who he is. He explained that he has been granted a full day and night for experiencing life on their world and the locals went into overdrive. Jeskine and Orgg took him to meet the Neans and showed him all he wanted to see of their planet while the entire city prepared for a party in his honour. He had a great time, showed the typical Robbie sense of humour and endeared himself to the local populace, but amazingly he also slept for two hours. He told me that it is the one aspect of his present existence that he sometimes misses.

Socrati arrived and the council convened. They debated the possibilities and advisability of people changing realities and their effect on worlds less developed. They came to the conclusion that it cannot be prevented and that we’ll have to trust our Cherinians to act with empathy. I don’t agree, too many have been linked who do not have empathy but, I agree, we must not begin to make rules that determine how others live. All we can do is stand ready to protect those who need us should the occasion arise.

Robbie asked if anyone wanted to return home with Socrati and when nobody did, Socrati woke up to the fact that we are having an interesting trip and asked to stay with us. Freddie has begun the trip to Kiris.


Chapter Two Hundred Fifty

We are back at Kabeti. While we suffered the absence of Robbie, I would not have believed anyone if they’d told me I’d be so happy to see it again. Isn’t it odd how even bad memories can become so special?

The instant Freddie arrived, the Kabetu Cherinians sensed us and visitors joyfully jumped to us in a disorganised fashion, none of them wondering whether they should wait to be invited, just gleefully presuming they are welcome - which they are. Many who have been with us a long time would be surprised to sense how much it pleases Robbie. Roula gave a little scream and jumped when Neri and Kiris arrived. Avery and Rakil politely made their way to Robbie and Cherine first.

The Kabetu were surprised at our strong expressions of pleasure at seeing them again as, for them, only a few weeks have passed. When they heard how long and far we have travelled they did not hide their wish for a telling. Taking it for granted that we would, Freddie jumped. I was surprised that Robbie was not upset by his initiative. I felt very small when Robbie spoke to me privately. *Is it not the rule that any person can send us in any direction or time? Would you deny Freddie the same rights? You do not consider him a Cherinian?*

*What about Maria, does she have the same rights?* He only eyed me sternly. I giggled. *I guess we are going to have a lot of adventures and honeymoons interrupted because she is short of an ingredient for supper.* He smiled until I remembered that Maria is not a simple village woman, she is from Robbie. It is amazing that her personality is so different to his. He must have tried to make her be like the original Maria.


“Our guards Skart and Ezikel are also Cherinians now!” Neri told us gleefully.

“What about Kwintana?”

She looked crestfallen. “She has not asked.”

“She should not ask. No one should Neri. It is your duty to sense those who are ready and offer.”

Embarrassed, “I still don’t like her.”

Robbie looked at Cherine. “Have you ever linked someone of your own volition, not because one of us wanted you to, that you did not like?”

“How could I not like any potential Cherinian?”

“It does not matter whether Cherine has or not dad, Nericha is the Cherine of her world and she decides.”

“Not yet Rania, she does not have the experience. Do you mind me advising you Neri?”

“Of course not Robert, I know I’m not a real Cherine.”

Rania looked at him triumphantly and he winced in his mind.

Samuel asked with a grin, “How are the schools doing without me? Do my students miss me?”

“It is said by them that you are the best teacher and they keep asking for you. Are you certain you would not wish to return for a few years? I’ll pay you this time.”

Rakil laughed. “We can afford to now. Avery had a wonderful idea and it worked. He suggested we search areas no humans have been to for gold deposits, using our Cherinian gifts. We made a very rich strike and employed a few Cherinians to mine it for us. We are selling most of our gold in Dakost and other cities since the Rapperten market is not big enough. Our miners make a share and the rest is going to be used for building the TUK university and new orphanages. We are also preparing two new expensive shops for selling jewellery - I saw that is how they do it on your world, they make all the profit from the mining to retailing.”

“Any problems with your council and guards?”

Kiris laughed. “Those will be there for a long time, they came again to arrest me, arriving after midnight. They were very upset when they found my house surrounded by thousands.”

“I think you better ask a Hettie and Eddie alternate to help you. It is time you start looking to work with them in a way that leads to the improvements your world needs.”

Cherine added, “That is up to Rakil to decide. He seems to be doing well enough on his own.”

Robbie leant back in his chair with a smile. “We are off to help Samantha on an adventure of hers - the people of Efineh. Would the four of you like to take a break and join us? You’ll only be away from your homes for a day.”

We did the telling and golden circle of love and then returned the rest of our visitors. Nericha stayed with us while the three men, Samkin with them, went to check whether there were any urgent problems. They returned looking grim.

“The guards came to my office and home while I was away. They have orders to arrest me even if it means killing hundreds. They have placed men to run my businesses. They claim they did so, to prevent needless suffering.”


Robbie nodded. “They see them as your weakness. If they can destroy you financially, they think you will no longer be a threat to them. We cannot leave with this hanging over your heads, so we better discuss how you wish to settle these problems.”

I suspect Robbie was thinking of having Freddie show himself, but that is not how Kiris thinks. He has two reasons for thinking otherwise. His pride and his practical common sense. He felt that brow beating his opposition could backfire on the Cherinians later on, dividing his people.

None of us tried to influence his thinking, more interested at this stage in seeing how he will solve his problems with the help of his own Cherinians. Since we had jumped, he had as much time as he needed for thinking.

The next morning he met us after breakfast. “What you did on your world, could I do the same? Would it force them to negotiate?”

“You are talking about the time we withdrew all our stock and technology?”


“Where to?” I asked.

“To another city?” I did not answer him, but he felt us. “Where else then?”

I turned to the girls. “Feel like building a new city?”


“On his parents farm? It borders the river and they will need water. It also means he is close to his vegetable farm and stud ranch and could develop new customers among the neighbouring towns.”

“Not a good idea Samantha.” Sylvestro said. “They are bound to ally themselves with the other cities and he will be caught in the middle if they attack.”

Glumly they stared at me, for the truth was, wherever he situates his city, he will be vulnerable. An idea crossed my mind and I bit my lip.

“What now?” Robbie asked.

“Avery, if we build a new city for you, how many people do you think would follow?”

“Most of the Cherinians?”

“No. I think most of them should stay in Rapperten to help those who cannot leave. Let me outline my thoughts and correct me wherever I am wrong. You already employ what percentage of the workforce, excluding the self employed and officials?”

“Rakil and I, about eight percent.”

“That comes to?”

“About twenty eight thousand. That includes the farms and people in other cities.” There were a number of awed mental whistles. I was also impressed. Not even of official adult age yet and he’s achieved so much!

“About twenty thousand in Rapperten?”

“Perhaps. Samantha, that includes employees of subcontractors and so on.”


“Fine. Let us say about ten thousand shall we? I doubt many of the owners of the other trades will be willing to uproot themselves. As families that gives your city a start of about thirty thousand? How many are unemployed?”

“Who knows? Maybe around fifty thousand?”

“That’s still not enough. We need to take at least a third of the people, otherwise you will only be a town and vulnerable. Okay, how many traders would move if you offered them shops and houses rent free for five years? Would your subcontractors follow?”

“They would need assurances that we will have enough employment for them to make a handsome profit - more than they make now. How will we prove to them we can obtain enough food?”

“I know!” Empathia exclaimed. “Make a deal with the Nomads to provide you with meat.”

Sylvestro shook his head and I saw Samuel agreed with him. “No, that would make them targets also.”

I spread my hands out in apparent defeat. “I’m afraid that kills that idea. We’ll have to think of something else.”

Rakil was looking thoughtful. “There is another possibility.” When he did not elucidate, Avery nudged him. “The council elections are due soon. What if I gather those who are convinced of our theories and run for council?”

Alki grinned. “Our politicians are far more experienced than yours in all the tricks to get the support of the people. You just might win with our help.”

“I will not lie to our people.” Kiris said firmly.

“There is no need to lie Kiris, you have much to offer them. All you’ve fought for, were they not of real benefit to the people?”

We jumped to a reality where the Hettie and Eddie team were not under pressure. They agreed to come with us to lead the campaign. I’m so glad this will not be my job. While there we ordered posters and pamphlets in the tens of thousands explaining in simple terms the benefits the new council members will have to offer.

So that nobody could be identified and harassed, thousands of us projected and spent the night putting up the posters and the next day we handed out the pamphlets, using our gifts to tell each person exactly what he wanted to hear - if it fits in with our plans. Although only part of the population have the right to vote, we targeted all the population, as if they do have the right.

Robbie sat in the taverna pretending to look disgruntled about us using political means to effect the changes needed. Jade took care of that by asking him to join her in designing pictures to capture the minds of the people. With total lack of grace he gave in - and produced some of the worst work I’ve ever seen him paint, though it was good enough for our purposes.

Rakil lost half his supporters and he had to go to court to demand that the council stop using public employees to tear down our posters and hassle our people who are handing out the pamphlets. Wendy made her own plans without telling anyone and with Candy and Spice she started putting on free shows. She used the paintings of Jade and Robbie, with one or another of us speaking as she sang. She reached a lot of hearts, but I do not know how effective her strategy will turn out to be - but every bit helps.

Kiris came up with a stroke of genius. With the help of Ezikel and Skart, Kiris employed all the guards who are free - even some who have retired. Many who were not free, resigned from the force and joined them as freelancers when they were promised long term contracts. The medical bills were huge since most of them it seems had some family member who needs help. Kiris quickly had uniforms designed and sown so that his men can easily be identified. Our guards let the rest of the force know that they would not take kindly to intimidation or hassling of our supporters. This caused an argument within the force, weakening them further as they split into opposing camps.


The Akiard kids decided to stay on planet for as long as they are needed and the Elipians then surprised us by deciding they are willing to sacrifice their beauty for a while and hundreds of them joined Kiris as guards.

The council were not used to having any opposition and when Rakil had the newspaper publish details of how the council is run for the benefit of those in power and what each individual gained, many of them panicked. Hettie and Eddie thought up slogans and used politicalese (sorry, my word, stolen from legalese, change it if you need to Arthur) so effectively that it soon must have felt to the public that there were no other council members worth voting for. Rakil waited until he felt the time was right and then he published an article about Kiris, detailing all he’s done to make life better for the people of the city and then denounced the council for ordering his arrest. The article was too emotional for my taste, but then I expect the journalists who wrote it knew exactly what would appeal to the majority.

On the night before the elections, wooden stands appeared throughout the city with a message from Rakil, thanking the public for their interest; his regret that not all of them have the right to vote (promising if he won to correct that) and advising them that as soon as the voting ends, whatever the results, he will be providing food and drinks to everyone as a way of showing his gratitude for the trouble he’s caused.

Those who went to vote found themselves having to make their way through crowds who were very vocal about what they will do if anyone votes for the old council members. Despite that, we only won forty three percent of the seats.

Eddie raised his glass of ale in a toast. “This is what I would call a landslide victory. To Rakil and Kiris!” Everyone joined the toast, though not all of us understood why it was a victory. Eddie explained.

“The realities of politics are not always obvious to the layman. Those of the opposition know that they are in danger, for now we have the right to table motions for changes in the law. If they block those that appeal to the majority of the people, they will have a riot on their hands. It is also likely that some of those voted in will cross over to us in the hope it saves them. Kiris, you have won, even if it does not look like it right now. Just watch how long it will take for the arrest order to be rescinded.”

Eddie was right. Within the week the newspaper published an advertisement by the new council stating that the arrest order has been withdrawn and an apology was made to Kiris for the trouble it had caused him. They did claim, as an excuse, that certain persons had made allegations that proved not to be true.

Avery burst out laughing. “What now Kiris! You are the power behind the council before reaching adulthood. Soon you will officially be an adult, what wonders do you plan for us?”

Kiris allowed everyone their fun, but the next day he spoke his thoughts. “Rakil, Avery was wrong, I must not waste my time trying to lead the city. I have confidence you are better suited to that than I am. I have a more important role to grow into - leader of all our Kabetu Cherinians.” He turned to Robbie and Cherine. “Is it not possible someone else becomes leader? I am not good at playing the games it needs.”

“Who would you trust to rule your Nericha?” Cherine asked him gently. We felt his heart sink as he realised he does not trust anyone else.

At our suggestion, Rakil opened free clinics throughout the city. The cost was far lower than anyone could have imagined as it was also staffed by Cherinians who ensured that all the patients were completely cured without needing expensive surgery or medications. The popularity it gained him caused the turnaround of two council members within the week.


“Our biggest problem is the high unemployment. We cannot bring down the crime rate until we see to it that all have the opportunity to find work. How can being a Cherinian help?”

Eddie tugged at his goatee with a small smile. “You do not need to be a Cherinian to solve that problem, just be a politician. Look for public projects that can employ people by the thousands. For example, would it not benefit the city if there were a proper road between Rapperten and Dakost? Then you need patrols to guard the travellers and goods. You can convince the council by showing them that the influence of Rapperten would be extended right to the borders of all other towns and cities.”

Samuel said, “Kiris, a number of the people at thieves town would welcome the opportunity to become legal citizens again. What if Rakil convinces the council to offer amnesty to those who want it and you employ them?”

“You would speak to them?”

“Not me. Samkin the teacher will.”

This planet has an interesting marine biology, tending to lots of colourful lacy lappets for breathing. Allan wanted to take his loves, so he suggested a picnic at the beach for all of us. We invited Kiris and Nericha and then puzzled out how to create swimming costumes that would meet their needs for modesty. Basically they had to be full body suits since the place that the male rubs on the female to soften it and excite her with chemical messages to her sexual organs has to also be covered or else Kiris might find himself walking around with an exposed penis, which would be uncomfortable and embarrassing for him.

All our accompanying males, Kiris, Allan and Robbie tend to be prudish about other males seeing too much of our females bodies, so we all ended up wearing full bathing suits. It felt strange in the beginning, but we soon forgot about them as we swam, ran and played. It was strange for us, as it looked as if Kiris has female genitals (his bump is bigger than Cherine's so we told her she no longer is the champion) and it must have seemed very strange for them seeing the lump of Allan’s and Robbie’s penis - just like an aroused male is for them. They felt embarrassed on behalf of our men.

The profusion of shells, marine creatures and corals meant that the three male protectors did not relax as we’d wanted them to, but the beauty enthralled all of us. A creature with a very long proboscis, about the size of a baby dolphin, showed no fear and indulged its curiosity by prodding us with its tapering face. Since the mouth with its sharp teeth were far back it was not a threat and we indulged the creatures, playing with them.

We had to teach Kiris and Neri how to swim and once they’d learnt we could not get them out of the water. A lot of games they played were ‘touching’ games and we sensed their growing arousal so we moved off in two directions, Allan and his loves in the one and us in the other, with the excuse that we wanted to explore. Once the three groups were out of sight of each other it did not take long for us to concentrate on exploring each other lovingly. Kiris and Neri found out the painful way the disadvantages of making love on a sandy beach. The worse off was Kiris because his retracting penis carried sand with it into his body.

The imps did moan about not having any coconut milk, teasing Robbie, despite the fact that they are not really afficionados of it. Robbie knew that behind their teasing they were testing their female powers over him so he only laughed. It is not often they become piqued by their own trickery and we all laughed at them.

I can’t help it, I just have to make special mention of Sheena. This was also her first time on a wild coastal beach and after she overcame her initial nervousness, she spent the day delighting us with her excitement and amazement at everything she saw. When we became affected by the emoting of the other two groups and our own erotic games, we held back because of her. She has grown very sensitive to us and suddenly pulling her bathing costume off she ran to Robbie and clambered over him. The sight and feel of her sweet little body, coupled with her emoting, helped convince him to relax his rule about her and it was not long before his lips were softly exploring her little flower. When she had her first orgasm, the shock of it had her broadcasting such a yearning to be loved that Allan, Eleni and Jessie far on the other side of Kiris and Neri told us later that she affected them. What Kiris and Neri thought of the feelings they were inundated by, I have no idea.


We have noticed, during the latter days of our previous visit and now, that Kiris does sometimes seem to pay particular attention to the fact that Robbie has so many females. Instead of it giving him ideas, he seems to wonder at how anyone could love more than one person. We are glad for Neri’s sake and hope that he feels that way for a long time. Since neither of them have a particular softness for children, I’m not talking sexually, I doubt that Neri would find it acceptable the way we do should he love another little girl.

The dramatic changes had side effects that nearly undid all the good we were striving for. The criminal gang leaders were quick to realise the disarray among the city guards and started on a spree that had families locking themselves in their homes. Quickly we reinforced the guards and within the week we brought the situation under control again. Traders pushed up their prices so we purchased all the basics from surrounding towns and cities and delivered to the warehouses of Kiris and he put up stalls all over the city. He warned the traders that he will continue to undercut them and build up a massive clientele if they try again to take advantage of the poor. We’d had to pressure Kiris not to use this as an opportunity to grow his business, but Eddie and Alki were able to explain it to him in a way that helped him see that he would benefit in the long run. I guess he is not a Robert yet, his instincts to amass wealth are still too strong in him.

The council of Rapperten talked to the councils of Dakost and Abistefum, as the negotiations were not only of an economic nature. Whoever controlled the roads would also become the major political power also. Abistefum were totally negative as they saw the road as a threat to their economy. Dakost did not see the road as being of economic importance to them, but they are determined to remain both the economic and political centre of the region. They agreed to build and maintain the road up to Abistefum but demanded they control the road all the way to Rapperten.

The councils seemed to be arguing without any possible compromises being achieved. Our advisors told us that even if they do come to an agreement, it would be to the detriment of all, both politically and economically, restricting trade and movement between the cities far more than the lack of a safe road does. They suggested that a common authority take responsibility. The idea was alien to all councils, but we pushed all parties in that direction with arguments that made sense. Rakil saw to it that newspapers in all three areas pushed our arguments strongly.

Sometimes there is no way to say or ask for what you want other than by speaking and hoping the other will not misunderstand you. I found myself in that position, so I asked Robbie while we were at home without guests.

“Dad, I want to go with Samkin to the thieves.”

“What for?”

“I expect to learn a lot.”

“You can learn by sharing.”

“It’s not the same dad. If I am with, there will be times I also am called upon to make decisions. I’ve never dealt with people like these and it will teach me a lot.”

Robbie knows that often, if I call him ‘Robbie’ it is implied I am speaking as a Cherinian equal. If I call him ‘dad’, I am subjecting myself to his authority as my father. He never takes advantage of it when I do and he thought over what I’d said.

“To some it will not look good Sam, there will be a lot of gossip, especially among the Normals, when a telling is done for them.”

Next [Book 09] - Post 055

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

17th March, 2020

  • posted: 20th March, 2020

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