Dibujando a mi Probre Angelito//Drawing my Poor Little Angel.


Saludos amigos Hivers, un placer saludarlos, anhelando para ustedes bendiciones, salud, alegría y prosperidad.

Listo para realizar un nuevo post. Esta vez de mi pasatiempo favorito, dibujar.


Está ocasión quise plasmar en papel, la famosa imagen de mi pobre angelito, dónde Kevin MacCallister, al afeitarse coloca sus manos en su mejillas y grita luego de aplicarse loción.


Está película marco un antes y un después en la historia del cine infantil, y hoy sigue haciendo reír a nuevas generaciones por la trama que representa y el mensaje que transmite.


Hace unos días por las fiestas decembrinas mis sobrinos acudieron a mi casa, y se entusiasmaron al ver mi pobre angelito, una de sus escenas favoritas fue precisamente dónde Kevin se afeita, por ello decidí realizar el dibujo.


Espero les guste.


Dios siempre de cabrestero.


Greetings Hivers friends, a pleasure to greet you, longing for you blessings, health, joy and prosperity.
Ready to make a new post. This time from my favorite hobby, drawing.

This time I wanted to capture on paper, the famous image of my poor little angel, where Kevin MacCallister, when shaving, places his hands on his cheeks and screams after applying lotion.

This film marked a before and after in the history of children's cinema, and today it continues to make new generations laugh because of the plot it represents and the message it transmits.

A few days ago for the holidays my nephews came to my house, and they were excited to see my poor little angel, one of his favorite scenes was precisely where Kevin shaves, so I decided to make the drawing.

I hope you like it.

Thank you.

God always as a winch.


Always fun to see translated movie titles. It is "Home Alone" here in the US. "My Little Angel" would have been ironic as an English title. 😂
