Just Paid my Taxes


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After a lot of hustle and bustle I was able to File my Income Tax Return today which is like 2 days before the last date of submission. Yes I could have submitted even after the last date but then I would have had to pay some Late Fees which I wasn't looking forward to pay. So yeah I have finally paid what I owed to the Government of India as per as my Income Tax. But there is definitely something that I am slightly worried about and that is the fact that did I pay the right amount of Tax or not.

The thing is since I have withdrawn a lot of Money via Crypto even though I know the exact amount I have withdrawn I am still not sure how the Government sees what tax I should have paid. I have paid according to LTCG as I have held the Crypto for over 5 years but the Government night not see that. So yeah that is the only thing that will be at the back of my mind for the next 3 months. I hope all is good and there is no issue with my ITR.

Have you guys Filed your ITR?



Nice that what makes the man out of you. Paying your tax and taking responsibilities.


Taxes are mandatory and if you are not paying it then you are basically cheating your own Country.

That being said I also believe that there should be fair Taxation as currently we are paying 30% on crypto profits and losses so this doesn't look fair to me.

Even though I do not consider the 30% fair I will pay my taxes but rest assured I will also be filing multiple petitions to get our voices heard.
