The Barons Bounty Event



The Barons Bounty Event is coming to an end and there are only a couple of hours left before I feel like it is time to talk about the worth of the Cards that are being sold at this event and what I think about this Event. This event was a promotional Event made specifically for the Bitcoin Halving and this is a limited-time offering at this price point as once it goes into the market the Price is defined by a lot of different factors and it may go way up or way down.

For starters, this event had two new Monster Cards for Sale namely The Baron Fyatt and The Henchling Enforcer among which one is a Legendary Monster while the other is a Rare Monster and the main key factor for these Monsters is that they belong to two different Splinters and can be used in both of the Splinters when it comes to Battle which makes things interesting.


As you can see both the Monsters do have a lot of abilities to boast and the Attack power whether it is Magic or Ranged is definitely something to look after if you are playing with it or against it. I am particularly interested in the HALVING ability for both of these monsters as currently there are only three monsters with the Halving ability and that makes this a pretty Rare Bility to have in your Monsters.


Apart from the usual reward, there is also the opportunity to gain some plots of land, Alpha Packs, Beta Packs, and many more, and the chance of your reward increases with the amount of DEC you spent on the Monsters.

Even though there are a lot of benefits in buying these Monsters I debated with myself for a long and I came to the conclusion that it is not time for me to Invest in these two Monsters as I would rather buy some more Rebellion Packs and increase my chances of getting more Airdrops. I feel like the price of the Monsters will most definitely tank lower with time and I am currently ok with not having these two cards in my Deck but that being said I will most likely buy them off the market once their price lowers down to a suitable range.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I have bought many Halving special cards in the promo edition
Have you got enough Glint to purchase a title? if you needed one.
Happy season restart


I have just been buying Legendaries with the GLINT I earn so no Title for me.
