The Next Chapter in SUITS


Suits is an American drama series that revolves around the legal system and particularly around two couple of people who seem to be faded to come together. It released it's first season around 2011 any train what about 9 years and The Final Season ended around late 2019. By the way this happens to be one of my favourite TV series to watch and even now as sometimes go back to Netflix and rewards some episode.

Imagine my surprise when I get a notification that their might be some sort of a spin off version of Suits in the work. It seems when the TV series SUITS came to Netflix the viewership of the entire series was seen to be at an All time High, so it seems that that this franchise might see a new sunshine. But I do have my doubts, for starters I liked suits because of the characters and how the character development worked in the TV series. For example Louis Litt was a villain character but slowly with every season Louis Litt came out as the hero he was and he peaked exactly at the right time to make the maximum impact. So I am kind of sceptical about this whole new season.

On the flip side this new series which is supposedly a spin of version of Suits is going to be slightly on the comedy side. So there is a clear distinction in between the two series but as I said before I am not so sure that this new series will work as good as original. My reasoning behind this is pretty simple and I have two points for that, one is the fact that this new spin off version is supposed to be Comedic in nature and I am not sure the OG Fans will love that a lot, and secondly SUITS already had a small Spin Off before which was titled PEARSON which was basically Jessica Pearson going out on her own way but sadly that TV Series did not get a lot of traction so yeah I am skeptical about the Upcoming Version as well.

So what do you guys think about the Upcoming Version of SUITS?



Drama series like Suits are very good, especially when they revolve around the legal system, I love them as well as police series, I agree with you, dear @arunava . Successes.


I have the same opinion as you when it comes to tv series as I love Legal System and Police related dramas too but strangely I don't like all of them and I have a subset among them that I like and some that I don't.


Spin-offs aren't always the best...

Sometimes it's best to just let good things rest, but I guess everyone wanna make money 💲


Truly said, sometimes studios just want to Milk out as much as they can even when a TV Series has successfully ended.

I wish them sucess for this new series but I am not eagerly waiting to watch how the TV series performs.


@galenkp I see you are back to downvoting me again and I am not sure what I did wrong this time, as I am pretty sure everything in this post is written by me and the image is also created by me on Canva. So please help me understand why I am still getting Downvotes.


Yes I am indeed.

I came back to your feed to see where you were at currently and discovered your last comment (prior to this one I'm responding to) was on the 21st of August 2023 (today is the 16th October) and yet you have posted many, many times since then. It left me thinking you're not at all interested in being a valid and contributing member of the community...and are just here for some rewards.

So, you'll be getting some downvotes for a while to come.

I'm not asking you to change your ways, you're free to act in accordance with your own wishes of course...just like everyone else is. So, with that in mind expect me to continue returning rewards back to the pool so others who are more active and engaged can be rewarded a little more.


Thanks for keeping tabs on me and thank you for the explanation.

As for me being a contributing member when it comes to commenting I do agree that I comment rarely as I have a hectic Job but I will try my best to be engaging and will start by atleast commenting thrice a day. I will also be participating in your Weekend Challenges so that should help too.

Thanks for the feedback.


Your hectic job doesn't seem to slow down your posting, just your commenting which is curious don't you think?


You're free to act as you please, as I said earlier, including posting in my concepts; rest assured each post will be considered and dealt with individually and equitably meaning upvoted where deserved, however my downvotes will persist if you do not become and active member of this community because it doesn't simply exist as a bank for you to draw funds from. if you can post multiple times, you can comment multiple times. Please ensure those comments are relevant and valid and that you apply some personality, it shows when a user does not do so.


Sure I will take note and act upon it and thanks for your Constructive Criticism. As long as I get to know where I am doing wrong I am okay with correcting myself.

I hope one day I find upvotes from you on my post rather than downvotes. That would be my target to achieve.😀
