Hazara Town's Thermal Pool Adventure


After a while, I got together with my fellows, who are also my fellows, and we planned to go swimming in Hazara town which is one of the famous place in my city.

As I mentioned two days ago, #Quetta city is experiencing extremely chilly weather, making it difficult to leave the house.

However, at my friend's request, I am compelled to accompany them. In light of this, they made the decision to organize a trip to a larger swimming pool so that they could swim there and enjoy their day.

They also asked me to swim, but I declined since I don't want to get sick while it's freezing outside.

Therefore. I informed them that I wouldn't be able to swim with you, but I would definitely join you and keep you company and will give you social media coverage.

The swimming pool has the advantage of being built underground, and the water is extremely hot in the pool.

They have two swimming areas: one with medium water, which means no cold or hot water, and another with really hot water, which is also used for steaming and maintaining the temperature of your body.

This swimming pool is about a half-hour drive from my house, and we drove there in a Suzuki car, which was a lot of fun and enjoyable for me and my friends. We were a group of approximately seven persons who chose to spend the day at the swimming pool.

As I previously stated, I declined their invitation to swim with them, but I did consider keeping them company and attempting to catch some of the better photos.

This is an effort on my part to present you people with the best pictures from the swimming pool. I also tried to make a best video and share with you guys. It needs some time for editing. Surely, I will share the video in the evening.

I hope you find this post interesting and I hope you enjoy it. If you like the post, please leave feedback in the comments section so that the next one will be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.



REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.


Aslam o alequm brother, thanks for sharing , may Allah bless you with more happiness and prosperity


It looks really amazing now I am wish there to swim. I swam a lot when I was a kid in a pond river in Bangladesh. never swim into a swimming pool.
