The victory celebration and meeting of Alamdar Academy's national champion boxers.



Sport is more appreciated in my community, and athletes who win their matches are seen as having a higher perspective. There is an initiative that sports are the only way to stay away from drugs, and this slogan is spreading in my community, which is a good sign. Our elders and leaders try to involve the next generation in sports by establishing grounds and involving children in sports. I appreciate my country's good habit of staying away from drugs and other health problems.

Our sports community is rapidly expanding; previously, there were only a few sport grounds, but now there are many more, including cricket, football, boxing, badminton, and hockey grounds. When I was a kid, we used to play football in the middle of the field, where there were some small stones. We began by cleaning the area and throwing stones away, resulting in a smooth surface for play. This is all because of what our forefathers taught us, and we are following in their footsteps.

In this post, I will introduce you to the talented and champion boxer SAJJAD HAZARA, who is from the Hazara community. He has received numerous national and international medals and has won numerous matches in this field. He is young, but he has a great winning record, and he recently won a match in Dubai. I knew him since he was a child, and he was very attractive in the field of sport, so he joined a boxing academy and continued to learn and practise.

The outcome he achieved is incredible, and it is now recognised throughout the community. The Alamdar group invited him as a special guest to their academy to recognise his efforts and to inspire the next generation. The Alamdar group organised his party and decorated the venue with flowers and other lights. Small children gathered at the gate to greet this great boxer. They'd have plates of fresh flowers to splash on them as they celebrated their victory.

The group created a celebration cake with the words CHAMPION SAJJAD HAZARA on top. The boxer later cut the cake and made a brief speech to the newcomers. His memorable words were, "Work harder, even if you lose all of your matches and face hard times, and you will eventually reach your goal and aim." These athletes deserve to be recognised because they have overcome many obstacles in their field. They arrive at a very motivating location as a result of their hard work.

I've shared some pictures from the story at various points, such as when he was welcomed and flowers were thrown on him, when he met the Alamdar group head and other volunteers, when he was appreciated with flowers, when he cut the cake, when he spoke motivational words, and when he took a group photo with the kids. This is the overall perspective of my community's champion boxer, as presented to you.

This is my attempt to present stunning images of Sajjad HAZARA the legend's meeting with the Alamdar group. I hope you appreciate his efforts and find some motivation as well. I hope you enjoy the photography and the read; if you do, please leave your feedback in the comments section so that the next post can be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.

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