Puzzled Day Goes Away... // ( An Introspection)


The first impression, they say lasts long. What appears first and all the matters of introduction, the earliest glimpse of a person, the warmth of the hand-shake flows a long way down the stream of journey that leads towards a long way. Yet I dont find the logic and senses to measure the depth of personality of a person,many a people jumps onto rapid conclusion - but thats harshly inaccurate it goes.

Questions typically arise, did I learn the epitome of the reason from the wisdom or bit of practical texture added on the recipe of judgment? Assertive words keep moving and buzzing around, if I have been successful in reaching at the point of identification. Sometimes I say yes, and sometimes I discover myself dripping my lips with the word of a strong disagreement, a critical nod putting aside the irrelevance. Still,nothing happens without a reason.


In the span of long ten years that I passed on the time of standing youth, there has been incidents, phenomenon,activities, emotions, reactions,witnesses and full of mistakes that literally made me feel embarrassed, in full brim silence as if the world lacks companion,seems as the verbosity being replaced with the seclusion that finds a cross rhythm to start all over again. I guess first half of the decade was raw in perceptions, because everywhere there were full of ingredients that uprooted belief - for the newly made relations.

It is true that the world is full of unsolved mysteries, each time the idea came as to have a sight of the proof, I went past the origin of the meeting. There was a time when I used to greet gently and possibly try to help the people who needed a certain cordiality, but eventually the events subsequently made me reach a concussion - that to be personally neutral is the best way to get away from the troubles that arise unpredictably.

The added sense of maturity typically has the weight and it goes forth leaving a sound mark.Of course the tragedy of losing someone in life so early means a lot, the consequence of the loss and the returning of the memories every sphere of moments lived in self-composure, could have been evaded with bit wisdom and experience. Thinking about the vacuity of such bonds that goes away leaving only the ashes, the thin thread in between the knot is futile- when that feeling arises, its then people reach to maturity practically.

For a numerous amount of time,the only thought arose in my mind - can the whole of prescriptive knowledge surpass a drop of correct experience? For a hint of time,I found the exact knowledge came out handy, but the lion share sticked to that drop, where situational judgment ceeated a big difference.I went nowhere the distant phase to find that sense,yet when I drew introspection behind the past I left, it got clearer than the other observation.


First impression was the key for me and I learnt from the mistakes. Maybe,I tried to extend the constructive relationship further, but the whole hearted assumption, that whom i cherish and think to be a good person-ended up showing me the true colour of the character, so dark and outraged that I never wanted to think the person as a good human being.

It certainly looked as the first impression lasted long in a way that never made me to judge the person as great, rather every time I think about the deeds and words that been spoken, thats enough for me to blot away the first impression. I did it because that was needed for me to protect my soul from getting poisoned by the sweet I supposed, rather turned out ultimately as the bad egg,already rotten and I cant but to blame.

In the end, what picked my interest that life has a way of teaching things in a different way we hardly imagine to happen. Thats what happened for me and yet that much I know I am not alone and most of the people also fell in the scenario and only the handful who thought and passed an efficient judgment came out to be a survivor and dragged the wounds to the level of healing.

Thanks For Reading.
