A gift in the pandemic / Un regalo en plena pandemia



Hello everyone, beautiful community. It has been a pleasure to find you, a community where we all have the joy of loving and living with a pet, is a community that is full of beautiful things, and I would love to be part of it.

To begin with, I would like to introduce you to one of my pets. I always wanted to have a female dog, years ago I tried to buy a Maltese dog on the Internet and I was scammed, then I realized that buying on some sites is to encourage abuse, in addition to the need of home that many dogs in street situation have. In fact, after that event, I adopted a puppy. But I had the feeling that I was missing the experience of having a female dog, raised by me, since I was a little girl.

Hola a todos, hermosa comunidad. Ha sido un gusto encontrarlos, una comunidad en donde todos tengamos la dicha de amar y convivir con una mascota, es una comunidad que está impregnada de cosas bonitas, y me encantaría formar parte.

Para iniciar me gustaría presentarles a una de mis mascotas. Siempre quise tener una perrita hembra, hace años intenté comprar una perrita Maltés por Internet y me estafaron, luego me di cuenta que comprar en algunos sitios es incentivar el maltrato, además de la necesidad de hogar que tienen muchos perritos en situación de calle. De hecho después de ese suceso, adopté a un perrito. Pero me había quedado con la sensación de que me faltaba experimentar el tener una perrita hembrita, criada por mí, desde pequeñita.

A gift in the midst of a pandemic /

Un regalo en plena pandemia

Just 3 days before the quarantine was declared in my city, last year, Bela came into our lives, without looking for her, without resorting to breeders where animals are sometimes exploited, just as she fell from the sky, from the hands of a good friend who asked me if I wanted her. How could I say no?

With shiny black eyes, shy and fluffy like a cuddly toy that you can't help but "cuddle". That's how she arrived, at about 3 months old.

Between my daughter and me, we took turns holding her, caressing her, I really didn't mind being locked up at home, because Bela was there, little by little, taking over every corner of the house and our hearts.

Justo 3 días antes de que declararan la cuarentena en mi ciudad, el año pasado, Bela llegó a nuestras vidas, sin buscarla, sin recurrir a criaderos en donde explotan a veces a los animalitos, así caída del cielo, de manos de un buen amigo que me preguntó si la quería. ¿Cómo decir que no?

De ojos negros y brillantes, tímida y esponjosa como un peluche de esos que no provoca dejar de "apapachar". Así llegó, con aproximadamente 3 mesecitos.

Entre mi hija y yo nos turnábamos para cargarla, acariciarla, de verdad que poco me importaba estar encerrada en casa, porque Bela estaba allí, poco a poco, adueñándose de cada rincón de la casa y de nuestros corazones.



It was very hard for me to scold her when she started to go to the bathroom in the wrong places, when she saw me upset she would run to get under the bed until after a few minutes she would show her nose.

She turned out to be very bad, she ate all the pencils and crayons that the girl left wrong, to the point that she defecated like wood chips, that scared me a little and we adjusted the order at home so as not to leave any dangerous object within her reach. She also ate several of my sandals, including some that I had just bought and did not get to wear.

We solved it by buying him toys and balls, he loves balls. But he enjoys being with us even more. In my case he doesn't even let me go to the bathroom without sticking his head out or indiscreetly opening the door with his snout.

She enjoys it very much when we cuddle her tummy, but too much. To the point of becoming annoying, because if it were up to her, she would be upside down all day receiving cuddles.

Regañarla cuando empezó a hacer del baño en partes indebidas, me costaba mucho, cuando me veía molesta corría a meterse debajo de la cama hasta que a los minutos asomaba su nariz.

Resultó ser muy tremenda, se comía todos los lápices y creyones que la niña dejaba mal puestos, al punto de que defecaba como astillas de madera, eso me asustó un poco y ajustamos el orden en casa para no dejar ningún objeto peligroso a su alcance. También se comió varias de mis sandalias, incluso unas que recién había comprado y no llegué a estrenar.

Se solucionó comprándole jugueticos y pelotas, ama las pelotas. Pero, más disfruta estando con nosotros. En mi caso no me deja ir ni al baño sin asomar la cabeza o abrir de forma indiscreta la puerta con su hocico.

Disfruta muchísimo que le hagamos cariños en su pancita, pero demasiado. Al punto de tornarse fastidiosa, pues si es por ella, todo el día estaría patas arriba recibiendo mimos.


We put a cushion for her to sleep on and she never liked it, she preferred and still prefers to climb on the bed, and if she can take the pillow away from us, then she is happy.

Le pusimos un cojín para que durmiera y nunca le gustó, prefería y prefiera subir a la cama, y si nos puede quitar la almohada, pues ella feliz.

The arrival of Bela to our lives has been a blessing from the beginning, we all know the benefits of having a pet at home, but she has arrived just when we had to stay locked up for so long, and with all the anxiety generated by the beginning of the pandemic, sharing with her and watching her grow has been the best anti-stress therapy we could have achieved.

La llegada de Bela a nuestras vidas ha sido bendición desde el inicio, ya todos conocemos los beneficios que nos aporta el tener una mascota en casa, pero que haya llegado justo cuando debíamos permanecer encerradas tanto tiempo, y con todo el tema de la ansiedad que generó el inicio de la pandemia, pues compartir con ella y verla crecer ha sido la mejor terapia ante-estrés que pudimos haber conseguido.


In the afternoons we all sunbathe 😄 even Bela and her little friend Juliet, my other pet that I will soon introduce you to.

En las tardes tomamos el sol todas 😄 incluso Bela y su amiguita Juliet, mi otra mascota que pronto les presentaré.


Thank you for reading this far, blessings to everyone and to each and every one of those beings that fill our lives with color, our pets.

Gracias por leer hasta acá, bendiciones para todos y para cada uno de esos seres que llenas nuestras vidas de color, nuestras mascotas.


Own photos: HuaweiY9
Original content for Hive
© 2021, @astrea. All rights reserved.


Que hermosa es Bela, toda una ternurita amiga, la compañerita que estabas buscando😍
Un abrazo



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She is a very beautiful dog. The best gift you could receive in this quarantine, pets make our lives better and having to be at home, with a doggy, the joy is always present.


Oh my gosh what a baby doll love the pink ear.😍
