[V9.19] Diamond Tryndamere Build by Atnazo


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I recommend to start with skill E, it really can save early flash, when we get caught on level 1. E deal quite good damage. We should max Q skill for more passive damage and better heal from this skill. Second skill to maximalize is E, which reduce cooldown for this skill, deal damage, help with clear minions waves and is good for engage and escape. Last max skill will be W. I maximalize W as second only, when I play versus AD team, becuase W slows enemies and reduce their attack damage. This skill can really help sustain on lane versus strong AD champions. When we play versus normal pick or ap i recommend to max E as second. Of course we max R every time we can get this skill up!

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This key mastery is really OP on Tryndamere, because allows to temporary exceed the attack speed limit, which is normaly set up to 2,5 attack speed. With that mastery is possible to have much more than this limit. After damaging enemy champion Trynda gain 40-110% attack speed (based on level) for 3 seconds. Fighting with enemy champions cause this effect to 6 seconds.

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Triumph rune work only after killing enemy champion, then killer restores 12% of his missing health and earn an additional 20 gold for that. It's really simple, with that rune we fight with ultimate, which don't let Trynda die for 5 s and if we kill enemy this mastery help sustain after risky action, when we can get ignited during fight. This rune and Q skill really secure many fights and sustain Trynda hp to safe level!

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This is must be rune for Tryndamere with keystone lethal tempo, because increases Trynamere's attack speed as well. This rune work with Legend stacks. Champion earn legend stack for enemy kill, epic monster takedown, canon minion kill and large monster slaughter. This rune increases 3% attack speed + additional 1,5% for every legend stack. There is limit to max legend 10 stacks

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Tryndamere said this will be slaughter, when he will have this rune. Coup de grace activate, when we fight versus enemy champion, which have less than 40% health. In this situation this rune increases 8% damage delt to champions. It really help with fast killing squishy champions like AD CARRY & AP CARRY.

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Bone plating is really cool early rune, because makes Tryndamere little tanky for next 3 attacks or spells, which can receive in fight. Damage will be reduced by 30-60. This rune activate after taking damage from enemy champion for 1,5 s. Cooldown of this rune is quite big and it is 45 s, but trust me this rune can really secure the early trades with enemy champion, when we going for first blood with ignite on level 2 fight!

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My last choice for sustain rune is revitalize of course. Why? Because this rune have really good synergy with Tryndamere skill Q, which restore hp. With that mastery all heals and shields casted by you or your ally team on you are 5% stronger! When we are under 40% health this rune is 10% stronger! This is really OP rune for Tryndamere, who really many times have much less than 40% health and is barealy alive! After casting Q skill combined with that rune we can survive many fights without death!

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Starter items

First items on Tryndamere can be agressive or defensive. It depends about enemy champions. If we predict that we should lose vs them we should go more defensive. If enemy champion is not that much strong and we can trade with him we should build agressive build and try kill him on level 2.

Aggressive items

Many times I choose just doran blade + hp potion, but sometimes when I know that I want go more AD and take some early damage then I take long sword and refillable potion - second aggressive build.

Defensive items

Defensive items set 1

Build with 3 rejuvenation bead is good, when we don't know what exactly kind of champion is on top ( AD or AP). Then this is better choice, becuase we have stronger passive regeneration buffed. Trynda have really good basic passive regeneration, so this is really good choice. 1 of this item will be used for part of tiamat for hydra build in late game. 2 beads we can sell for good money, when we will expand our items in mid & late game.

Defensive items set 2

For very hard matchup like versus strong AD Champion e.g. Pantheon i recommend cloth armor + 4 potions. He is early champion and is really hard to survive with ad items.

Defensive items set 3

We can play with doran shield and potion, but this combination is good, when we play with other tanky Trynda build, where the key mastery is grasp, then additional hp from doran shield deal more dmg to enemies and passive heal work well with resolve runes.

Core items

This items you should build every game, because they just estract true essence of your champion. And you know what? Trynda is a butcher with good items, so why would not you kill somebody else? That's the main reason why I used in almost every game Demonblade skin. It's just op legendary skin on legendary champion.

Full builds

We have some diffrent option dependings about enemy champions and our role in the teamcomp.
If enemy team is FULL AD or we play versus strong early AD champion we should build Ninja Tabi Boots. If they are most AP CARRY, we should use boots for crowd control - Mercury boots, which give less cc and some magic resist.

This is my mostly used full build, when I just don't play versus full tanks or many cc champions. With lethal tempo keystone I can really quickly kill enemies and push turret after takedown!

Full build vs heavy tanks

When enemy teams got heavy tanks is good idea to pick blade of ruined king, so the set should looks like this!

Full build vs full AD

If enemy team is FULL AD or we play versus strong early AD champion we should build Ninja Tabi Boots. Phantom Dancer is good for chasing enemies, gives passive 7% movement speed, when we are near enemy champions. The most important passive of Phantom Dancer is his shield, which can take 240-600 damage.

Full build vs full AP

If they are most AP CARRY, we should use boots for crowd control - Mercury boots, which give less cc and some magic resist. Good choice for us is going for full 40% cdr and build some AP to have bigger sustain from Trynamere's Q skill. Many AP caster just have too big damage and we need to use ultimate - undying rage faster or just use more often Q for heal.

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In League of Legends are many counters for Tryndamere, but I will count only the biggest at this moment.

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Matchup vs Tahm is unwinnable on higher ELO. He counter us in many ways. First he got a big shiled form E skill, which almost double his hp for some seconds. Second he can stun us and eat for some second, when we use undying rage. Last thing he will stack armor and hp, so we have no chance for win. Maybe, if we feed on others enemy champions and got like 5 frags more, but sadly is almost impossible to win versus him ;(

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Another hard matchup, but there you got more chance in late game vs her. On early she will beat you to the knees with distance auto attacks and blind skill. Trust me you don't want to trade with her or you will just die easy.

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You know good that little badger? Yes you know. If in League of legends is demonic champion.. he must have the name Teemo. Why you have on chance on lane phase vs him. Let me think.. he can attack on from distance, use movement speed spell and then blind you, when you try to hit him. Seems bad? Imagine your jungler want help you to kill this little badger, but he just find out the mushrooms, which slow your teammate and he just run away. Better keep distance and pray for late game. try avoid fight with him on teamfight and maybe you can win.

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The problem with the big stone is his passive. He have 3 more armor, when have active shiled. Have skill, which will lower your attack speed. He will 100% build armor, because it stack with his passive and give him more armor. you have big problem to face vs him. Better use Final Build vs Heavy tanks.

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Trynda is melle champion, which use attack speed and crit items. Rammus is a full tank, which reflect dmg. So you have big problem, cuz he will stack armor and reflect dmg to you. Be carefoul!


Nice post! I just have a small problem, you said that tahm's w is his shield but it is actually his e that is his shield. His w is the one that eats people.


Yeah you have right!
I need to change this!

