La decisión de Adela | Relato (ESP-ENG)






Adela estaba en el ojo del huracán. Se sentía muy agobiada con toda la carga que tenía sobre sus hombros, a raíz de la decisión que había tomado y que le costó muchos años de silencio, de lágrimas y de pesar.

Hacía pocos meses que había decidido separarse de Ernesto y todo el mundo se sintió con el derecho de criticarla y juzgarla. Pero, nadie se puso en los zapatos de ella, ni se imaginaron nunca lo que significaba vivir al lado de un hombre que no la amaba, que no la respetaba ni tenía ninguna consideración con ella, puertas adentro de aquel simulacro de familia que estaba sostenido solo por las apariencias.

Todos comentaban que Ernesto era un hombre bueno, que le daba todo a sus hijos y que en su casa no faltaba nada. Pero nadie podía enterarse de lo que realmente era necesario en aquel hogar. Ernesto podía llegar con el mercado completo, pero todo era indiferente para él. Nunca hubo una palabra cariñosa para los niños ni una gesto amable para con Adela que había renunciado a sus sueños, a su vida y se había dedicado entera a cuidar de los niños y a mantener impecable la casa. Entre ellos no había amor ni respeto que los uniera, solo el compromiso de los hijos era lo que los mantenía juntos.

Adela sentía que estaba seca por dentro. Amaba mucho a sus hijos, pero había algo que ella sentía que la ponía triste, se veía como una mujer gris y solitaria. No tenía tiempo ni espacio para ella, no tenía nada de ella en sus manos. Ernesto no permitió nunca que trabajara ni que saliera sola. Al principio, ella pensaba que era mucho amor, pero estuvo ciega por mucho tiempo hasta que empezó a ver que el comportamiento de su esposo no la dejaba respirar, se sentía presa. La indiferencia, las malas acciones reinaban en aquellas cuatro paredes. Los niños empezaron a demostrar desprecio por el padre que llegaba gritando y castigando.

La gota que derramó el vaso fue la noche que Ernesto llegó con unos amigos a continuar la celebración en casa. Adela muy molesta le reclamó, como nunca, delante de aquellos hombres borrachos. Ernesto se enfureció, le gritó y se le acercó con la mano levantada, pero no terminó su acción y se detuvo tras el llamado de atención de uno de los niños. Esta vez, Ernesto casi comete el error, siempre se cuidaba de no dejar huella, sus maltratos eran verbales y psicológicos para todos.

Adela se fue con sus hijos. La carga era muy pesada, tomando en cuenta que ella empezaba una nueva vida, iba ajustando todo para que no les faltara lo necesario. Estaba tranquila, se sentía en paz y libre. Ya no estaba oprimida.

Había tomado la mejor decisión de su vida, por ella y por sus hijos.







Adela was in the eye of the hurricane. She felt very burdened with all the load she had on her shoulders, as a result of the decision she had made and which had cost her many years of silence, tears and regret.

It had only been a few months since she had decided to separate from Ernesto and everyone felt they had the right to criticize and judge her. But no one put themselves in her shoes, nor did they ever imagine what it meant to live next to a man who did not love her, who did not respect her and had no consideration for her, inside that mock family that was sustained only by appearances.

Everyone commented that Ernesto was a good man, that he gave everything to his children and that nothing was missing in his house. But no one could find out what was really needed in that home. Ernesto could arrive with a full market, but everything was indifferent to him. There was never a loving word for the children nor a kind gesture for Adela who had given up her dreams, her life and had dedicated herself entirely to taking care of the children and keeping the house impeccable. There was no love or respect between them, only the children's commitment was what kept them together.

Adela felt that she was dry inside. She loved her children very much, but there was something she felt that made her sad, she looked like a gray and lonely woman. She had no time or space for her, she had nothing of herself in her hands. Ernesto never allowed her to work or go out alone. At first, she thought it was a lot of love, but she was blind for a long time until she began to see that her husband's behavior did not let her breathe, she felt imprisoned. Indifference, bad actions reigned in those four walls. The children began to show contempt for the father who came in yelling and punishing.

The straw that broke the camel's back was the night Ernesto arrived with some friends to continue the celebration at home. Adela was very upset and complained to him, as never before, in front of those drunken men. Ernesto became furious, shouted at her and approached her with his hand raised, but he did not finish his action and stopped after one of the children called his attention. This time, Ernesto almost made the mistake, he was always careful not to leave a trace, his mistreatment was verbal and psychological for everyone.

Adela left with her children. The burden was very heavy, taking into account that she was starting a new life, she was adjusting everything so that they would not lack what they needed. She was calm, she felt at peace and free. She was no longer oppressed.

She had made the best decision of her life, for her and for her children.




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All content in this publication is original content and personal creative work. The separators and banners are my designs in Canva.

