Handling A Concern Wannabe



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I was gazing into my Professor’s eyes for a few minutes from where I was seated in the middle of the room. I purposely positioned myself here to have a closer look of his authoritative, acting concern face. Silently, I carefully listened to all of his arguments as he was trying to ruin my oragnizations’ name. I remained calm and just let him say what he wanted. However, in all honesty, I was so furious inside. I wanted to burst in anger and was ready to have a one on one debate with him in a room full of students and parents. I wanted to strongly defend my organizations’ name that he was trying to ruin upfront.

Here’s the thing before all of this has started.

We joined a medical organization outside of our school. Naturally, the school has no rights to get involved in whatever training that we would be going through. It was a three-day camping trip and of course, our parents were aware of that and gave their permission. When we came back to school, we received a heads up from the Program Coordinator’s office informing us that all of the students who joined that organization together with our parents or guardian were summoned to his office on the date he was available. As they were concerned for our safety, they worried if the training had legalities. Yet, on the other way around, behind their hidden agendas, they just wanted to kick the other Professor who introduced the organization to us. They wanted to find some shades of him from us and the parents and use it against the other Professor.

Now, here’s my problem. I couldn’t make my parents attend that meeting since they are living in another city and they are senior citizens. I don’t have a guardian, either. I’m a self-supporting college student that is renting a room to have a place to live while studying here in the city. Surely, there’s no one to attend for me but my grades were at risk because they threatened us by not letting us proceed in the second semester if we wouldn’t follow what they wanted. Despite the disadvantages, I wouldn’t let them ruin my future. I took the matters to my own methods, outsmarting them and leading them to their own failure as the meeting went on, but not by doing a heinous crime, of course.

First move that I did was to explain my current situation wherein my parents couldn’t make it and a guardian wasn’t necessary because I’m a self-supporting college student. He listened but asked for proof that I was earning for myself. I showed him the freelancing jobs that I’m doing. It seems that he still wouldn’t accept his disadvantage, trying to look at me and everyone in the room that he wasn’t convinced.

In the middle of the deafening silence produced by his stares at me, my cousin’s Aunt spoke out. She claimed that we are relatives though we are not, just to shut him out completely. Not letting him speak another word and spontaneously speaking her mind. She said that it’s never an issue to the parents that we camped for three days without the school's awareness since the organization is under the authority of the military and hereby protected. After her, the other parents snapped out and agreed with her. That’s how the meeting ended when he finally dismissed it out of embarrassment. In reality, it was my plan B. I asked my cousin’s Aunt to be my guardian if he wouldn’t accept my reasons.

But I’m not really satisfied with just that. How dare he threaten our studies when he isn’t even a part of the Registrar. We don’t even have failing grades for them to claim that the training doesn’t have a good effect on our studies. I made a proposal to the other members and their parents to file a complaint against them in the Dean’s office. Now, so long toxic people, we’ll gladly see them be ousted.

Let me know in the comments which action did I take is a lie. Thanks for reading.


I liked your story, thank you for sharing it and I hope to read another story of yours.


Thanks stopping by. I greatly appreciate it.


thanks for the story, you have gone through some tough times to keep your organization going and it's not an easy one


Sure, it was hard but it's all over now. Thanks.


Thanks for sharing your story in The Ink Well, @ayane-chan. It is definitely difficult to determine which of the things in your story is a lie. (We were not actually clear on what the three different things were.) In the prompt post, it suggests that you provide the answer at the very end of the post, so everyone learns the answer.

Have you engaged with other writers in the community? We post in our rules at the top of The Ink Well community home page that we expect engagement in the community; we ask everyone who posts in The Ink Well to read and comment on at least two other stories for each one published. Thank you!


Yes, I'm engaging with the other members. I'll just engage more later on. Oh, I forgot that part to give the answers. I gues I have to do some editing, but thanks for reminding me.


You go, girl! I mean, we shouldn't let ppl ruin things we've been working on so hard. I find it difficult to guess. Is Plan B the lie? awww. I tried. Lol.


No, it was the last one. We didn't raise the matter to the Dean. They didn't bother us after that, so we are all good now. Thanks for guessing, though.


It was difficult to guess hahaha but I have the same thoughts as cloflo, I thought it was the plan B!

