My choices



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When it comes to life we all have different choices, things that matters to us the most, the things we cannot do without and the ones we can do without, while growing up we look forward to things we want to do when we grow up, like cooking our food, choosing for ourselves, travelling to some countries and so on. Our likes and dislikes makes us who we are today, we can't overemphasize that some of the choices we make today are choices our parents made for us, some are good while some are not good.

Sometimes we wish we made our choices ourselves and sometimes too we wish we listened to our parents, when I was growing up I wanted to explore, like I wanted to do everything, some of it were not okay for me but I still insist on doing it because of youthful exuberance, so some of my choices then gave way to some things in my life, which I am just correcting, sometimes I wish I listened to my parent then, though I didn't do worst things because I was scared to, but there are some that I did and wasn't scared of.

While I was growing up too my parent chose my career for me, my dad wanted me to be a doctor, a medical doctor, and I felt there was nothing bad in it because my mum is a nurse, so I decided to work towards that , while working towards that I realized I would be good in the food industry than medicine,I wasted alot of time working towards medicine but it didn't came through I ended up going into food science,

if I could go back in time I would change?

I would change some of the decisions I made then, decisions about what course to study, about love life, I would have changed alot of decisions that made me loose focus then, it would have been better if I had made my choices correctly, growing up and correcting them can be exhausting. Make choices that will make your destiny great.


The choice we make in life are so important since they can make and unmake us. We all have regrets that make us think of turning back the hands of time tot do the right thing but then it's late. We can also start again by making good choices.


Yes exactly, we can start again by making right choices when it's not too late
