Simple Paths to a Maze of Choices: Life in Perspective



Someone once told me that life in the past was more straightforward. And while I agreed with the person at the time, upon a bit more reflection I realized the person wasn't so right, though they weren't completely wrong either. In the past, life had a more straightforward, more defined pace. You knew what you had to do to succeed. Go to school, get some education, bag that degree, make connections along the way, finish with good grades and you get some good job in a massive company and make a lot of money. Of course there were a few outliers like the sports men and women, but that was like the easiest path. But although the path seemed easy, it wasn't so easy to actually stay on track. The transfer of Information wasn't so fast, so it was usually hard to keep up with the latest developments, the social norms were quite rigid, going against them was basically exile. Not to talk of other things like healthcare, few conveniences, and so on. Then there was a lot more struggle with simple things due to lack of resources.


Now, we have a lot more resources. Tech has advanced and a lot of those "little" problems have been fixed by it. Information can now be transferred all over the world in literal seconds, there's been multiple breakthroughs in the healthcare sector, and now we have lots of conveniences, dishwashers, washing machines, and so on. It's actually really amazing to look at all the things of the past that technology has solved. Now tech did not just solve all those things that hindered people of the past from following that seemingly easy path, it also created tons of career paths.


Now you don't necessarily need to follow the ol, go to school, get a degree path. Someone can just learn a skill online, and practice till he becomes professionally good at it. The number of those following the school path obviously skyrocketed, but then It means that there's less opportunity for one to get a job at a big company easily. Well at least there's a lot more paths.

I know, you're probably saying something along the lines of

"Now that there's more paths, doesn't that make things easier?"

But then, having a lot more paths doesn't necessarily mean that things are now easier. Infact, one can even say it makes things harder because now that there's more paths, making a choice becomes a lot harder. You can only choose one main one, and then there's no certainty that that's the right one for you. One can easily choose the wrong one. And what's scary is that you can't really know if it's the right one without spending time on it.

Spending time on the wrong thing can be so devastating. Which is why nowadays when I want to start something I always try to think and make sure it's worth it. Oftentimes I even find myself rechecking if this path I'm following is the right one for me. I sincerely hope it is.



Cover image taken by me


I think we can't lead life in a straight forward way. But straight forward thinking can help us to reduce many difficulties which is also true. I agree with you that spending time in wrong thing means waste of time. So we need to choose the right option otherwise it will be great loss for us.


Yeah, a more straightforward path is easier to tow because atleast you know what you're getting. But now they're so many paths and you may not end up getting what you wanted at the start.


I do think that things were easier then. This hustle and bustle and rush that seems to characterize this modern times weren't there. People were more patient. Things had a more straightforward pattern. People genuinely listened.

Either way, we just have to learn to thrive in this fast moving world and hopefully, make the right choices.

if this path I'm following is the right one for me. I sincerely hope it is.



Yup, the key is to learn to thrive in this new world.


Wo, dont mind me jare, I was looking at some of the things I have planned for next semester and I was wondering if this is all worth it.
