It's not about decentralizing every business structure, it's about the freedom to choose the blockchain state to belong



I've seen a couple of industry comments where most crypto and blockchain products are specifically called out for developing what the system already has, and while it's always fun to push out the merits that comes with blockchain technology, of which, the legacy system clearly lacks, there's a huge misconceptions on what crypto should be and what it shouldn't.

Blockchain States - new layers of governance

I love to point people to private blockchains whenever I want to talk about centralization of blockchains and its products. Having previously touched on how these systems will function parallel to each other, we can further build on that by exploring how economies actually work.

On the base layer of every economy is a governing body, labor force, production, and investment, it's often ruled and function in an order of prism, most specifically a triangular prism, where power runs through a central authority, but with what seems to be "public blockchain's" marketing front, "decentralization", these systems can be further enhanced by building on shared governance, but, it won't always apply to all blockchains or projects!

It's like countries having different rules that govern it, blockchains will operate similarly, with some having fair shared influences and others having disgustingly centralized structures, it is inevitable and we need to be aware of it quite early so as not to waste our time dwelling on the illusion of nationwide decentralization of blockchains and its applications, that's just not possible because someone and people will always seek more influence.

The uncorrupted money, the people and the choice

I feel like the mistake we always make as humans is to believe the world is gonna get better somehow, but this is only merely tables turning and favoring a select population. One of the major reason why it never gets so good to the extent that we at least wish it could for the benefits of everyone is because somehow, select group of people are dumb enough to go the other way, neglecting what paves way for a new life, business and economic layer of value creation and distribution.

Here's where choices come in, and even though many blockchains will make an effort to build on the uncorrupted monetary layer, a lot will still push to empower the capitalist business model where pockets are filled but not many are fed.

Of course, this doesn't mean they will succeed just as much as it doesn't mean they won't, what really matters is that there will be ecosystems building on their own beliefs and pushing their own technologies to the light with every strength on the road, this is the beauty of blockchain afterall, the power of community and the incentives that follows collective and collaborative efforts.

The future is based on decentralization, but this isn't about all blockchains being fairly managed, run or operated, it's about the freedom there will be for people to choose what ecosystem fits their demands or project focus, just like the internet but with actual abilities to walk around censorship or centralization from parties without the same views as you.

This is how Web3 takes the world into a new business atmosphere, build whatever you want however you want it and if you scale with your idea, you're celebrated as every man ought to be.

This is the way I see it, given my time in this space with close observations of actions and reactions, there's just so much we're missing and it starts with accepting that Ethereum isn't Bitcoin and Hive isn't Ethereum, the technologies are different, the ecosystems are governed differently, so the economies grow and mature differently.

Thank you and please leave a comment, your thoughts matter to me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
