Technology Is Law And Has No Kill Switch



The news of late has been mostly about the BRICS move to attack the dominance of the US dollars and the fact that the US is still indecisive when it comes to the regulation of cryptocurrency whilst taking damaging steps that has recently been pushing crypto companies out of the nation - this is being discussed as potential "growth, influence and revenue risk" for the United States and that is frankly true.

When you push away the new structures of business of which the international or global markets demand outrightly, you're simply throwing away the value that comes with its innovative products. It is obvious that even with the imposed ban on crypto in China, it doesn't seem like the Chinese are out of the market, but China as a nation has lost some other segment of dominance - particularly that of being a strong hub for bitcoin mining in the past, which frankly, has its economic values. This of course will cost China a lot going forward, but what did we expect? The Chinese is one hell of a shit hole that consistently tries to copy a technology and deploy it as a better version of the former only that the intention is purely about the conclusive influence that will come with the new establishment.

Power To The People Was A Myth

If truly, the system cared about "the people", cryptocurrency developments would have been heavily funded by the government, because within these blocks powered by smart contracts, high tech cryptographic algorithms and value tokens and coins is "consensus structures" that allows individuals to exercise their rights with "open market entry level to governance". But obviously, giving power to the people isn't really what this system of government wants to happen and it really does tell quite the story about their past comments on rights and all their bullshit, it's all been a show for the purpose of securing an office.

Democracy in a system that does not establish the full rights to easily revoke support in a grand scheme of things is basically a joke. This is why when we look at consensus mechanisms like delegated proof of stake(DPoS) which is quite democratic in nature, we see a future for governance on a grand scheme. No more means to fuck up the numbers when everything is verifiable on-chain.


Technology Is Law And Has No Kill Switch

Undoubtedly, the system is searching for a kill switch to these rapid developments of decentralized finance, decentralized governance and more dangerously, the decentralized and open web. These advancements in wide area technological products and services are a grand threat to the centralized system of government, a protocol set to positively impact the financial markets and the economic system. The idea is effectively about raising a new standard for money and for governance.

So much has gone wrong in a system where laws are set on stone, technology is ushering in the new law, set on-chain and easily changed at the sole will of the people, no more feeling trapped in a government rule that's consistently screwing you over, the ease to protest and earn public support to revoke all votes for immediate displacement of a party in rule is what is needed to establish a much healthier economic system where the elected actually go into the system to ensure absolute productivity, growth and empowerment of the people, not their pockets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
