OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)

OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)

Hello friend's! hiver's!
How are you guys?? hope you all are well and doing well in your life and enjoying your life

Today I read on the internet like this, then I read about a disease called OCD, so I was curious to know about OCD, so whatever I understand, I am sharing with you.
Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

Image by HeungSoon from Pixabay

When we hear the term OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), many different types of thoughts about illness, insanity, or a terrible disease start to enter our minds. Such ideas start to multiply in our minds.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has a meaning that we can determine for ourselves if we learn about it thoroughly.

Obsession is the act of repeating any behaviour.

Always reflect on the ideas that keep coming to mind and let them guide your actions. These thoughts may take many different forms and may be both positive and bad.
We keep having these thoughts in our minds, which causes us to become anxious and restless.

The second word is compulsion, which is similar. This word has a compulsive connection. For instance, even though we don't want to, we might wash our hands repeatedly if the notion occurs to us that they are unclean. As soon as possible, this procedure will begin to repeat itself. Frequent hand washing is a type of requirement that will temporarily improve the patient's mood. Compulsion is the name for this kind of action.

The number of people with OCD is growing daily. It might become dangerous if not addressed in a timely manner.This can potentially result in death since anxiety and stress impair a person's ability to maintain mental equilibrium.

Types and signs of OCD

OCD comes in a variety of forms. It is crucial to be aware of this so that we can spot OCD in others and assist both ourselves and them.

1.) Pollution

An extreme increase in the obsession with cleanliness is seen in those with this type of OCD. There are many people who have this OCD. Obsessive cleanliness of any kind—of the body, the clothes, the room, the house, the bedsheet, or anything else—is a symptom of this OCD.
When an OCD sufferer approaches a trash can, they begin to fear that they will be attacked by germs and forced to take a bath.

Some people choose not to use the restroom at the station or elsewhere because they anticipate it will be filthy. They frequently worry that their garments might get soiled.

His opinions are diverse in nature. They feel good about cleaning one side of themselves.

They are plagued by doubts that "anything can happen" again. They perceive the surroundings as being incredibly filthy.

When the sickness begins to spread, the level of cleanliness increases to the point where individuals remove their possessions from wherever they are kept, whether it is an office, home, or school.
They take it out of there. They keep telling themselves that this object is filthy and won't be cleaned.

2.) Excellence like excellence

Why things are not stored in a specific way bothers someone with this sort of OCD. If the colour is discovered, he wants us to draw a rainbow on it or arrange it in any way that suits us.

They are concerned to maintain equality if things are not equal.

They have the weird idea that something horrible might occur if these items are not kept in order. Such people solely care about arranging things in a row or order, whether it be numbered, coloured,

3. Harm and Doubt

In this form of OCD, people's doubts recur often in their minds. They constantly asking themselves things like, "Did I close the door? Did I close the cylinder? Is the fan on or off?" and "Was the door left open?" It causes a strange kind of tension in their brains, which is why people keep returning to view it.

They must complete this work in order to feel satisfied. Even with everyday individuals, this habit is obvious.
By the way, it is important for everyone to worry about their safety, but thinking repeatedly every 10 minutes that I should check again or wonder whether it is left open definitely raises concerns.

Such people go to the point where they keep becoming puzzled if they don't check 5 or 6 times. His thoughts go back there repeatedly. They begin to worry that horrible things will happen if they don't do this. They are both inconvenienced and their time is wasted in this way. Their behaviour is altered by this.

4.) Illegal Thoughts

arriving to an incorrect conclusion for a typical person. The OCD patient believes he might not end up being the wrong person.

Sometimes when someone thinks this way, they are mistaken. They begin to think incorrectly for the other individual as well. They don't do it on purpose. Their thoughts may also be violent, sexual, anti-religious (against religion, etc.), or they may be against a certain caste.
It is common to observe a person with this illness pray in order to keep these ideas away. Some people start listening to music in order to distract their minds from such ideas and prevent them from occurring. Each person may employ a unique protection strategy.
preventing OCD

OCD is not a dangerous illness or pandemic, but it can be fatal if it is not treated in a timely manner.

You should see a doctor or psychologist if you see any OCD symptoms. He has the power to cure you of this illness. Additionally, you can do the following to prevent this:

  1. Recognize and comprehend your predicament.
  1. Be a support to yourself at all times.
  1. Try to fill your mind with nothing but positive thoughts. Instead of only listening to what is in your brain, observe what actually occurred.

4.) If you feel like working, you should do the opposite. For example, if you want to wear the same colour of clothing over and over, wear something different.

5.) Realize that you are staying away from OCD when you can live with discomfort.

6.) Modify your actions. Your mind will also feel at ease in the same with this.


We all know that doing anything once or twice does not constitute abnormal behaviour, but when the same action begins to occur repeatedly, it begins to qualify as "something strange" or uncommon.

It is dangerous for a person to start acting in ways that are out of bounds, and this is where OCD stems from. In order to prevent this, we should follow the advice given here and get treated as soon as possible; else, we might incur losses.

If an OCD sufferer is nearby, don't assume he's crazy; instead, take him to a psychologist so he can get the help he needs.

