Morning Exercise in Parks



Hello everyone

This morning, after I dropped my son off at school, I decided to head towards Saphan Hin Park for some much-needed exercise. It had been almost two months since I last set foot in this tranquil oasis. The clock struck 7:00 a.m., but the weather was already hot and stifling, more reminiscent of noon. It made me wonder if the winter that we were supposed to have this year would ever truly arrive.

As I strolled through the park, I couldn't help but notice the determined individuals around me, engaged in various forms of physical activity. Some were briskly walking, others were pounding the pavement with purpose, and a few whizzed by on their bicycles. It was a lively scene, though not as bustling as Suan Luang Public Park, my other favorite spot.

Suan Luang was a fitness enthusiast's paradise. The park boasted an array of exercise machines, carefully placed beneath the protective canopy of towering trees. The verdant foliage provided not only a welcome respite from the sun but also a picturesque backdrop for those seeking to enhance their physical well-being. It was a place where one could find solace in the rhythmic cadence of a workout.

However, Saphan Hin held a special place in my heart for a different reason. Nestled in the heart of the city, it offered a unique perspective. As I approached the park, the sprawling expanse of the sea came into view, a soothing sight amidst the urban chaos. It was a reminder that amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, moments of serenity could still be found.

The contrast between the two parks was striking, each possessing its own charm and allure. Suan Luang was a sanctuary of machines and verdant canopies, a place for dedicated training and self-improvement. Saphan Hin, on the other hand, was a haven of natural beauty and contemplation, a refuge from the demands of the city.

I couldn't help but appreciate the richness of having both options at my disposal. They provided the perfect balance, catering to different facets of my fitness journey. Whether it was the comforting embrace of the trees at Suan Luang or the expansive view of the sea at Saphan Hin, both places held a unique power to rejuvenate my spirit.




I parked my car in front of the shrine. As I approached the junction where the path met the coastal road, a stunning sight greeted me. A majestic red Chinese-style arch compelled to capture its beauty in photographs.













The morning unveiled a rare sight, as the tide receded to reveal a vast expanse of rocks, sand, and mud that stretched out as far as the eye could see. It was a scene of raw, untouched beauty that captivated my senses. With each step along the beach road. Despite the relentless heat of the morning sun, I couldn't help but be entranced by the breathtaking view of the sea. Its shades of blue danced in harmonious contrast with the vibrant shoreline, creating a picturesque tableau that seemed almost surreal.

Yet, as I absorbed the serenity of this moment, a pang of sadness settled in my heart. The realization dawned on me that this tranquil beach, a place that had become a sanctuary for my soul, would soon fade from my regular routine. My family and I were preparing to embark on a new adventure in the northern region, a prospect filled with its own promises and uncertainties.

The impending move meant that returning to this beloved corner of Phuket would no longer be a simple matter of spontaneity. It would require careful planning, involving reservations for accommodation and tickets for flights. The thought of this logistical shift weighed on me, reminding me that change was inevitable, even in the places we hold most dear.

As I continued my walk and run along the beach road, I tried to etch every detail into my memory, hoping to preserve the essence of this place for the days ahead. The salty breeze, the crunch of sand beneath my feet, the distant call of seagulls – all became treasures to be cherished.

With each stride, I made a silent promise to carry this moment with me, to hold onto the beauty and tranquility that had nurtured my spirit. The prospect of change may have cast a shadow, but it also illuminated the value of the present. As I turned to look at the sea one last time before leaving, I knew that this place would forever hold a special place in my heart, a beacon of solace in the midst of life's inevitable transitions.




Thank you for your support




Phuket is so beautiful
There is no way you will not enjoy your morning exercise in this kind of beautiful place
It looks so good


Absolutely! Phuket's beauty is truly inspiring. Makes every workout a joy.
