Meugang tradition in Aceh

Hello friends, how are you today and I hope we are all in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.
Today, I want to show you some pictures about the meugang night tradition where I live, namely Aceh. The meugang tradition, which was an inseparable part of the people of Aceh Darussalam in 1607 under the leadership of Iskandar Muda. Meugang is a ritual of cooking and enjoying meat in large quantities and distributing it to orphans and the poor. The meat for meugang celebrations in Aceh is often identical to beef. However, it is possible to cook goat, duck and chicken for this traditional celebration.OK, friends, for this picture I took at the exact time of the last night of Ramadan and tonight it also starts to be meugang night.
The history of meugang is not just an activity of eating meat, but also has a deep religious meaning. During the golden era of the Aceh Sultanate, Sultan Iskandar Muda ordered the slaughter of large numbers of livestock as an expression of gratitude for the prosperity given to his people.
Before I continue discussing the images that I have prepared, it would be good for me to convey my words of respect to all my friends and I wish all of us the best. OK Friends, let's look at the pictures that I have prepared.

Every year, meugang in Aceh becomes an important moment for every family or household. This tradition is part of the readiness to welcome the holy month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr and Idhul Adha.
OK, friends, that's a little explanation about Meugang Day in Aceh and I took a little explanation from Google about Meugang Day in Aceh. For a complete explanation, friends, you can visit the link I have provided below. I'm sorry if there are any wrong words. wrong, friend. These are some of the pictures of the meugang atmosphere in Aceh that you have seen above, hopefully these pictures can entertain all of your friends and make them into beautiful pictures for all of us. Thank you friends who have given me encouragement and opportunities and see you again in my next post.

Link penjelasan tentang hari Meugang di Aceh (,kemakmuran%20yang%20diberikan%20kepada%20rakyatnya.)


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