RE: The Shit That's Bugging Me: Episode Three


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Many roads have led me to NNLTU's words dotted around the blockchain in present and past discussions. I used to follow The Artist Himself back in the day and left a few meh comments which died unanswered. In a cleanup of those I follow, he got cancelled from my universe along with many others - I was in a bad mood back then!

Then one day, I passed along the street where you say you were thrown under a bus recently. Later on, your 'buzz-generating' presence on KK's and Ura's posts led me further down a few streets and backwaters.

At first I wasn't sure at what appeared to be the darker shades of colours in the paints you use (I guess that's the 'Asshole' palette lol) - I am after all ideologically not far from KK and Ura in many respects. I admired the sophistication and creativity of lang. usage, but had to explore more, at times going some distance sideways in order to understand that the foundations upon which you base your statements have structure and solidity.

As does a lot of your critique, 'offered' to folk on the BLOCK! IMHO.

I think challenging is healthy. I think being challenged is painful, but healthy lol.

I think for the most part what you say comes from the non-aligned, non-party-lined, non-grouped Voice that you claim is yours, and I hereby acknowledge. You speak for yourself only. I respect those kinda voices.

So I hit that 'follow' button again!

And I followed that street down a little further - the street where the Bus Incident took place. It led me here eventually!


This is that street right? Or did I purchase the wrong ticket at the counter?

  • I like backwater communication's chilled out.
  • ....just a glimpse of bridges in the distance and wanting to point out my perspective to you and @logiczombie.
  • I'm not a Player. As such I have NoGamesLeftToLose ;D


Firstly, I apologize if you left a comment and I didn't respond. Normally I do respond but sometimes I miss them. Some days I had so many coming in I couldn't keep up, yet spent hours upon hours without a break trying to talk to everyone. I don't enjoy leaving people hanging but I know it has happened for various reasons and I had hoped they'd never take it personally.

That's just one of many shops on Hate Street.

I had been gone for awhile. Was excited to come back.

Not so much anymore. The issues date back years. It's always the same group or connected to the same group somehow. I don't really want to talk about it. It's the most dishonest and deceitful crowd around hellbent on destruction while serving it with a smile and pretending to be champions of the people, every time. Pay close enough attention and some might even notice they're not attempting to gain some form of freedom, they're seemingly attempting to destroy it. They're the only ones who will publish "Hive has failed," "Hive is censored", hive negative this, hive negative that. Constant smear campaign. If you're successful organically they'll quickly spin it to say that's impossible, enforcing the same illusions, tricking people into not even trying, chasing people away. Some pretend to be fighting government agents of doom, which would be a good cover, if you were an agent of doom...

Even humorous how they now want to convince everyone in that crowd with that mindset to get off this platform and move to the promised land where they're allowed to be 'free' again. Because placing so-called censored opinions in a concentration camp/echo chamber where nobody else can see it and they can all finally agree without anyone coming along to question it is 'freedom'.

Pied piper... ? Purely speculation.

So of course they'll hate people like me.


Thanks for the courteous reply.

I don't really want to talk about it.

Let's not, I don't wanna either. Besides, I wouldn't call you out over here to talk about that. I've said my bit. I don't wanna play sides, it's no fun. More liberating (and fun) to DYOR into things and walk the pathless path of one's own discovery, wherever....I am beginning to find!

I hope you received my opening comment as a compliment. It was intended as such. The style may have had a touch of faux-NNLTU about it (well, first time tawkin' to a 'celebrity' innit :). No reproach was intended. Those old meh comments were pretty meaningless as far as I remember.

I'm just speaking here quietly on an old post to two folk I consider to be 'independent actors', non-aligned and whose expression (and Integrity, from what I've seen) I have regard for and am thus kinda encouraged to express this lil' piece.

I've had conversations with LZ and conversations about LZ. They'll tell you why, if you're curious.

I see a conceptual bridge that doesn't necc. require words or actions but may lift some two-way/mutual misconceptions? misdiagnoses? mis-whatevers a touch

That's ALL!



I've tried so hard, on numerous occasions, to get folks together on these issues. Even here I wasted my life. Have fun reading that disaster. So of course that's July, I come back in December, all that is forgotten and it's straight back to the never ending smear campaign. I had stated somewhere else recently it's clear to me now 'progress' is not the goal. I've spoken to that TF individual in the past. LZ. Tried to talk to some others who'd been downvoted then play the role of victim and begin bashing everything and everyone, nonstop, daily; only to be shunned, bullied, treated like complete shit, labelled a monster, added to their hit pieces. They don't want a bridge, unless they can set it ablaze, and blame someone else for the inferno.


I stayed up into the wee hours reading the article itself and the discussions where you 'wasted' (many hours indeed by the looks of it! of) your life. I came back home yest. to see that I had been tagged by sm1 in the VYB tribe and there I saw your +ve comment first up (read the rest too). I had actually intended to mention VYB to you but I guess all roads lead everywhere!

Anyhow, wanted to say thanks for linking me to that July 2021 post. I've reblogged it for all-round excellent discussion and it's relevance to current discussions around the same issue! It does indeed make the present appear a remake of the recent past! I did notice that the quality of the interaction on the July post - as it appeared to me, was different somehow from what has gone on recently. There seemed to be more serious attention paid to the content of the discussion rather than - as I seem to have noticed a lot in the present debate - the emotions that may have been triggered by the discussion. I guess folk all round are now rather tired of the circularity of much of this, shorter fuses and all! In any case, you appear to me to be highly alert to certain things that seem to slip most people's attention and you call them out superbly I must say! When I was reading through the July comments I saw that some elders of the POB/VYB tribe were chatting with you and acknowledging food4thought and it seemed to me as if that convo would've had an influence on the thinking behind what is now being rolled out with VYB. It was an influential discussion IMHO.

I also clocked the convos further down the page, with LZ (+OP and a few others too). My HIVEbrain feels expanded...but I am not sorry I entered THIS here conversation in the manner I did. I now see my intention as naive, sure :), but in a goodhearted kinda way (the stuff behind the cliche). I think maybe your vote acknowledges something along those lines...and thanks! Part of what drew me to BOTH your and LZ's accounts (and still does) was... How you guys Speak your respectiveTruths (whateverTF that may mean as a cliche lol, or even as a measure of any Complex Combo of Concepts we may wanna label with the T word)...and ALSO, something about the manner in which you seem non-aligned-speak-for-self kinda it looks to me from where I've been sitting and watching the show. I feel I've learned Really Good Stuff in both Zones .. I'm grateful.

So, read the lot, most of it anyway. Skimmed technical discussions and followed your chat through its contours and colours, down the yellow-brick page. Quite a ride!

Observation if I may
Scathing Critique? (topical joke)
You commented on the July post (I cd get the comment if you like, speaking extempo atm) something along the lines of 'you can't really understand a situation/argument/issue if you take sides'.

Sometimes, over and around the wonderful metaphors - and I loled and marvelled plenty - it seems to me that there lurks a sense of fighting something, encased within a hypersensitivity machinery with tankloads of armed and multicoloured paints, shades very rarely seen these days I declare! The NNLTU sensometer homes in with dead accuracy (can't say I've seen a lower fail-rate anywhere on Hive but I'm a stoner and may be stoned in my observing). Does NOT appear to 'attack' first but has a Long Memory of past tenses.

Words now fail me, so I ask my Dawg, @flamistan for some help and she obliges (IOW, don't shout at me :): Yo Hyumi if u b faytin' u b takin' sides innit?, she sez. But what if one is non-aligned?, I ask her. But what if one is fighting oneself?, she replies. An artist? The Artist Himself!, she continues....isn't ART also fed from painful inner colour-bursts of Polarities clashing? She continues yet further...and then stops, coz like whatever innit 🙏

I acknowledge that aspects of your WORK have been much misunderstood. Also unappreciated. I acknowledge the effort you have put in. I acknowledge the validity of what you have to say. I acknowledge that I have not seen you express an opinion on the 'covid drama' per se and so any accusations against you on this matter appear to be assumptions. I support your voice tho' I may not agree with everything it expresses - claro!...jusslike with LZ (or another friend of mine whom you also know, and who recently chucked some sizzling Bacon at you on a buzz-generating 'Boring' comment somewhere; he is sm1 I also respect for his voice and speakingOwnTruth stance and sm1 I just like anyhow).

....also wanting to show you some heartfelt appreciation in this comment!

May Art, Creativity, Self-Expression take Centre Stage over DRAMA....this, or something like it, I picked up as one of the core-kinda messages of what you were saying back in July....I think.

ps.gota go coz Flame is pushing me off the keyboard and I've spent a long time composing this. I know you've said you spend AGES on your WORK, so I guess you'll dig the vibe (did you spot my lack of spot placement/promotion there? My Dawg hangs about in that space btw). Also a PLEASURE to meet you.

pps. as I stated somewhere above, at an ideological level I am closer to one 'side' - I mean I may call it a pLandemic and others may call it Peter Pan, for example. I don't wanna fight, I don't wanna take sides...AFAIC, we're all in this (insert fav. descriptor) together. I don't wanna walk paths towards what seems to me to cause more division. That's the view from where I am...and recently, I've kinda got the impression that things may have calmed down on this BLOCK of late. I hope I'm not wrong!


You're lucky I speak several languages and they're all English. No trouble at all deciphering your code.

You've noticed the calm. Looks like my work here is done.

Of course I fight with myself.

My artwork though does not come from the region of my brain that does all the thinking. At times I'll spend several minutes and even hours simply applying colors and shapes, lines, at random, moving it all around, applying more and more layers, carrying on like that until something shows up, then I build upon the image that was presented to me from nothingness all while stashing little things here and there that'll play tricks on the eyes of the viewer, sometimes to the point of the image painting an entirely new image unique to each set of eyes looking at it. No different than seeing objects in the clouds or faces in tree bark. So I'm not using art to express the version of self I control. It comes from some other place. Of course, like most things, I'll never truly be able to explain exactly what I mean by any this, but it follows me everywhere I go. One can see it when not even looking at my art.
