RE: Some thoughts on


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I'm just not sure about the term curator I guess. I do a lot of voting, but I don't go out of my way to vote specific content from specific authors at specific times, I just kind of still random vote on things I like. So I am not really a curator. I do, I suppose, get a better return on my vote if a person used the, but I am still not sure about that.

I have a hard time also with the terms vote buying. Is an author having to pay for the service? Do you give say 10 Hive in hopes of getting back 20 Hive? If it is just setting a few check boxes to give funds away, how is that vote buying? Even though I read through the post, (not fully understanding it), I did not see where an author sends them any money to get extra votes.

I use, and a lot of others use various tags that have a tendency to draw in a few more votes such as gems, oc, ocd, and there are other tags that do the same. Am I or others that use those tags buying votes?

If I understand the correctly all it really is is a blind/hidden tag that gives a little extra back to the people that vote on the post, and that those funds are coming out of what the Author would have received anyway, no real extra reward total.


I do a lot of voting, but I don't go out of my way to vote specific content from specific authors at specific times, I just kind of still random vote on things I like.

And you read most/all of what you vote - I think this makes you a curator :)

Is an author having to pay for the service?

1% is the fee to the devs. The vote buying point relates to something like, but a bit more indirect than, sending someone HIVE with a note saying 'thanks in advance of the votes'. But unless you've got a note in the title/image/first para, at present it's not easy to see who's using (unless you have tools).

I use, and a lot of others use various tags that have a tendency to draw in a few more votes such as gems, oc, ocd, and there are other tags that do the same. Am I or others that use those tags buying votes?

Tagging for votes, I guess you could consider it touting for extra business/visibility. Hmmm.

On your last point, no extra reward total unless larger accounts fancy some extra reward, but they would be later than ideal, so maybe not bother anyway?

Thanks for the comment :)



So the reality is it is not buying votes. It is just a hidden tag that is actually the Author paying/rewarding the voter with a little extra bonus above what they would have gotten and doing it incognito.


Not directly buying votes no, but indirectly it could be seen so as nothing is incognito to coders, and I have mentioned it at the foot of my previous posts.


But the reality is it is no different than me using ocd or oc hoping for extra votes, other than by using you are giving up a part of your reward and redistributing it back to the people that voted for your post.

For a person that is on a good curation list, (yourself), it is not going to attract more professional curation trails. (ROI is based on getting there first to maximize return). So it is not buying.

It is a way for a future coder who wants to start a more valuable curation trail to make a few extra dollars. I can see the advertising now for the list: Come follow my trail, I vote only on the users. With every vote cast you will receive an extra minimum vote reward of 4% So Billy Joe Bob can make 4% or more on their votes on that trail than Mary Jo Sue can on the vote trail she follows.

Will it disincentive people to do their own voting, not likely, will it make the vote trail followers look for new trail for more curation rewards, possibly. Will get enough users to provide the incentive for new trails? That is yet to be determined.

Still a very new system, I guess we need to just keep watching and learning what direction it will take.


For a person that is on a good curation list, (yourself), it is not going to attract more professional curation trails. (ROI is based on getting there first to maximize return). So it is not buying.

This is how I feel about my account too. For a newer account with less auto-votes coming in < 5 mins then they could market the author reward share and pick up more curator votes, but I agree that it will likely not work that way for me.

A good point RE: trails, and that could happen in the future. As you say, worth keeping an eye on to see how things progress.


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