Efficiency and Realism in a 2022 ECONOMY



  • Blockchain will save all
  • Gold will save all
  • Cash will save all

Bear Bear say's, NOTHING WILL SAVE ALL. Care of course some faith in perhaps the almighty one.. who is often hidden from sight and mind.

In 2008 I knew it!

  • The doctor's I knew said I was crazy!
  • The accountants I knew said I was crazy!
  • I didn't ask any celebs because I didn't know any and I didn't care even to ask any.

Politicians.. no comment ;)

Cognitive Dissonance:


**Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other. The clashing cognitions may include ideas, beliefs, or the knowledge that one has behaved in a certain way.

I can tell you socialism doesn't work!

I can tell you ponzi schemes do not work!

But if you are benefiting off of something, you will ignore it.

Unfortunately the world is entrenched in socialism and ponzi schemes.

Long Term is offensive to the here and now. Society in general has taught to love the here and now!

Domino's vs Jenga



"Bear" Perspective isn't Domino's versus Jenga. I kinda of view 2008 as the domino and hitting a Jenga tower. This 'pandemic' is stripping away the ponzi scheme which in my view is the Jenga Socialism and Poniz scheme Western Society has perpetuated.


At least in Canada Bear's fore trends shows this:

  • Socialism in Health Care will collapse
    In a perfect world everyone deserves health care. Unfortunately the world is imperfect. Even in a capitalist system there will be the poor who die in the streets because health care is unavoidable. Under socialism this is a certainty.

  • The poor vs the rich will be 1% (for the rich). We are into a feudalist system now. People will die in the streets!

How can this happen in 2022!

We are richer and we are wiser!

  • False

We built our knowledge and technology on a system that is exposed to domino's and jengo!

The answer?

I don't have all of the answers! I'm a bear! I gather during the summer and hibernate during the winter! So as a bear gather your assets and deploy them during the bear winter! GATHER IN THE SUMMER!

Post Script (PS)

Become your own central bank. Get your assets in order!

  • BearBear613

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
