It's the FED stupid! Things that make you go Hrrrmmmmm


There is no coincidences. The Virus, the economy..


They are criminals. Simply well organized gangs that put on a show. They have nice suites, they act very refined. How could they be criminals?

We all know the economy came first. The problems I mean.

We are seeing sickness in mind, and spirit. This is by design. I would say that when times are good we are growing as a society. Unfortunately you can see what people spend on during the good times. When we grow fat, we also grow stupid. So now that the punchbowl is dwindling and dwindling we will actually see the true extent of sickness of mind and spirit.

Just help me understand this. Interest Rates must go up because inflation is way too high. The most important consumables such as food and energy are excluded from counting from CPI but we all know it's 15-25%. Now this is of course because of too high government spending.

Inflation has significantly increased with stimulus cheques borrowing incredible amounts from the future. That's not to mention the continuous bailing out of bank entities. So here we are.

EU Warns Twitter Not To Restore Free Speech Protections After Calls From Clinton & Other Democratic Leaders

Well doesn't that headline sum it up! The less information people have, the better. It's really an incredible thing if you think about it. How dumbed down people are to the point of not understanding where their money comes from.

And what do they say who printed stupid amounts? Shut the economy down and re-opened now saying the economy is 'too hot'. You actually cannot make this stuff up and yet the rats in the maze never realize it was all a setup. There is no escaping from the maze. This is intentional. It hurts the middle class workers. The poor just stay poor and grow their numbers.

Then we have the RED waves, the Socialist wave. It will come very hard and then look like a 100 year recycled fight. Once you go down, it's hard to rebuild with any sort of working economy.

At least I'm making some #HIVE and #HBD. Having some extra pocket change can give you some options. The great thing is I know if I keep writing posts I can afford a coffee a day - at this point.

So the FED will raise another 50-75 basis points. They need to kill jobs! Isn't that incredible? And they say this out in the open and yet nobody is saying things that make you go Hmmm.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


And what's going to happen when the diesel fuel runs dry and the trucks can't move? It's like the entire country is a ticking time-bomb. The terrorists in charge need a big crisis to preserve their power while the majority of people are ready to "vote the bums out" to preserve the economy. The FED is bad enough, but fraudsters manufacturing an energy crises on top of it.... criminal. History shows what happens to leadership who do such things.


Yup.. most of these idiots do not know history.


“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” ~ Aesop

Hey, wasn't Christine LeGarde convicted of fraud already?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
