Cena rápida para disfrutar viendo series: Chorifrito con arepa, papas fritas y plátano frito. **Quick dinner to enjoy watching series: Chorifrito with arepa, french fries and fried plantain.

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Saludos estimada comunidad amante de la comida y el buen sabor #foodiebeehive, deseo se encuentren disfrutando de buena salud y tengan un feliz y bendecido día.
Hoy les comparto una #receta para preparar: Deliciosa cena rápida para disfrutar viendo series de televisión, se trata de chorifrito , arepa, papas fritas y plátano frito.
Es una cena ideal para esos días agitados que tenemos poco tiempo para cocinar y comer algo sabrosa esta comida es genial.


Greetings dear community lover of food and good taste #foodiebeehive, I wish you are enjoying good health and have a happy and blessed day.
Today I share with you a #recipe to prepare: Delicious quick dinner to enjoy watching TV series, it is chorifrito, arepa, french fries and fried plantain.
It is an ideal dinner for those hectic days when we have little time to cook and eat something tasty this meal is great.

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Papa (1)
Plátano (1/2)
Harina de maíz

Potato (1)
Plantain (1/2)
Corn flour

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Inicié agregando en un bol la harina de maíz , luego puse agua y sal y amasé

I started by adding the corn flour in a bowl, then I added water and salt and kneaded.

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Después de amasar hice una arepa y en una sartén previamente calentada puse la arepa hasta cocer.

After kneading I made an arepa and in a previously heated frying pan I put the arepa until cooked.

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Luego pelé y lavé la papa, corté y en una sartén previamente calentada en aceite puse a freír.

Then I peeled and washed the potato, cut it and in a frying pan previously heated in oil I put it to fry.

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Después pelé y corté el plátano en tajadas , en una sartén previamente calentada en aceite puse a freír.
Then I peeled and cut the plantain into slices, and in a frying pan previously heated in oil I fried them.

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Luego en una sartén con aceite previamente calentada puse a freír los chorifrito hasta dejar bien cocido.
Then in a frying pan with oil previously heated I put to fry the chorifrito until well cooked.

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Finalmente serví y a disfrutar viendo series de esta deliciosa cena rápida, sencilla de preparar y en tan sólo pocos minutos.
Finally I served and enjoyed watching series of this delicious dinner, quick, easy to prepare and in just a few minutes.

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Espero sea de su agrado y se animen a prepararlo.

I hope you like them and are encouraged to prepare them.

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Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator

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              All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera, dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.

   Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000, divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.
