Eggplants with garlic served with tortilla (Esp - Eng)


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Hola, hola amigos de plantpower, feliz y bendecido domingo, deseo se encuentren sanos y felices en compañía de familiares y amigos, estamos a dos días de finalizar el mes del amor y la amistad para dar la bienvenida al mes de marzo que se caracteriza por altas temperaturas que los habitantes de la zona costera aprovechamos para ir a la playa, disfrutar las olas, caminar en la arena y observar el hermoso paisaje marino, compartiendo una deliciosa comida entre la familia y amigos, para merendar o disfrutar un delicioso bocadito en la playa o el río les comparto una #receta sencilla y deliciosa que podemos llevar en envases y preparar en pocos minutos: Berenjenas al ajillo con tortillas de harina de trigo, les muestro el proceso de elaboración.


Hello, hello plantpower friends, happy and blessed Sunday, I wish you are healthy and happy in the company of family and friends, we are two days away from the end of the month of love and friendship to welcome the month of March which is characterized by high temperatures that the inhabitants of the coastal area take advantage of to go to the beach, enjoy the waves, walk in the sand and observe the beautiful seascape, sharing a delicious meal with family and friends, to snack or enjoy a delicious snack on the beach or river I share a simple and delicious #recipe that we can take in containers and prepare in a few minutes: Eggplants with garlic with wheat flour tortillas, I show you the process of elaboration.

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Berenjena (2)
Cebolla (1)
Pimentón (1)
Ajo (4)
Tomate (2)
Aceite de soya (1 cuchara)
Harina de trigo (300 gr)


Eggplant (2)
Onion (1)
Paprika (1)
Garlic (4)
Tomato (2)
Soybean oil (1 tablespoon)
Wheat flour (300 gr)

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Inicié preparando la masa, agregué 1/2 taza de agua y mezclé hasta obtener una masa suave y dejé en reposo por 20 minutos.


I started by preparing the dough, added 1/2 cup of water and mixed until I obtained a smooth dough and let it rest for 20 minutes.

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Lavé los vegetales con agua y vinagre, retiré las semillas y conchas, corté en bastones y tiras, dejé la berenjena en remojo por 15 minutos en agua de sal, pasados los 15 minutos enjuagué.

I washed the vegetables with water and vinegar, removed the seeds and shells, cut into sticks and strips, I left the eggplant to soak for 15 minutes in salt water, after 15 minutes I rinsed.

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Cociné 1 tomate en agua hirviendo por 3 minutos, para retirar la cáscara con mayor facilidad, luego llevé a la licuadora con 1 ajo, 1 hoja de cebollín 1/4 de taza de agua, licué hasta integrar, colé y reservé.

I cooked 1 tomato in boiling water for 3 minutes, to remove the peel more easily, then I took it to the blender with 1 garlic 1 chive leaf 1/4 cup of water, blended until blended, strained and set aside.

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En 1 cuchara de aceite sofreí la berenjena y ajo por 5 minutos a fuego medio, luego agregué el resto de los vegetales y cociné por 3 minutos para integrar los sabores.

In 1 tablespoon of oil I sautéed the eggplant and garlic for 5 minutes over medium heat, then I added the rest of the vegetables and cooked for 3 minutes to integrate the flavors.

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Seguidamente agregué la mezcla de tomate, sal al gusto y dejé en cocción por 10 minutos a fuego medio hasta que los vegetales absorbieran por completo la salsa de tomate.

Then I added the tomato mixture, salt to taste and let it cook for 10 minutes over medium heat until the vegetables completely absorbed the tomato sauce.

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Mientras los vegetales se cocinaban dividí la masa en 8 porciones para hacer las tortillas, estiré con el rodillo y llevé a la sartén hasta cocinar por ambos lados, retiré y reservé.

While the vegetables were cooking, I divided the dough into 8 portions to make the tortillas, stretched with a rolling pin and took them to the pan until cooked on both sides, removed and set aside.

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Finalizada la cocción de los alimentos, serví acompañado con tortilla, este plato e delicioso y nutritivo, además podemos prepararlo para diferentes ocasiones, el desayuno,cena o un pasapalos para compartir en familia o salida a la playa.

Once the food was cooked, I served it accompanied with tortilla, this dish is delicious and nutritious, besides we can prepare it for different occasions, breakfast, dinner or a snack to share with the family or a trip to the beach.

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Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000, divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.

               All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera,dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.


I like eggplant but we only eat it as cream with mayonnaise. This is an interesting recipe, so I'm going to bookmark it.


Greetings @erikah, I also love eggplant, in fact it is one of my favorite vegetables; the cream is delicious with bread and cracker; prepared with garlic it is very good, also you can eat it as snakcs, thank you for your comment and support.

Happy and blessed day!


I've never tried it with garlic, we make it with onion, so another tip from you 😍
Thank you very much and have a nice day :)


With garlic it is delicious, it adds a great flavor and aroma, try preparing it, I'm sure you will like it.



Ooohhh we're always looking for new ways to try eggplant. Currently the go to is just to chop it up and sauté it in a pasta sauce. But this recipe looks both simple and tasty! Thank you sharing. I posted your recipe on Leo Threads as part of the ongoing community onboarding campaign, you can see it here:

If you're looking to spread the word about your recipes to more Hiveans, getting familiar with threads is a great idea. Also, on March 15 there's going to be a huge Adoption Campaign for all of Hive (and beyond), with $10,000 USD in prizes. You can sign up to be a part of that here: 🔥

(Complete the first easy 1XP quest—then on March 15 many more will become available.)



Greetings @jfuji, grateful for the support, this recipe is simple to prepare and very delicious, thanks for the info on trheads.

Happy day!


Hello @belkyscabrera
When I read Egg plant, Garlic, onion....
I know my gut is going to thank me for eating this wonderful and healthy recipe.

Do you know that by posting the link of this recipe on Leo threads here
you can reach out to so many more people who would surely appreciate your wonderful recipe and benefit from it too.
In case you need help in creating a thread then I have a handy guide for you here
I continue to discover so many interesting people on leo threads you too can find like minded people interested in Plant Power Vegan

food if you were to include tags like #vegan #food #foodie while creating a thread.
Do let me know if I can be of any assistance in helping you create your first thread and reach out to many more new friends.


Greetings @thetimetravelerz, eggplant is a delicious and very versatile vegetable to prepare delicious dishes, it also contains important nutrients for the body.

Thank you for the information, have a nice day!


Indeed it is a power house of versatility and perhaps eaten in every part of the world. I see you have vast knowledge about vegan food.
So why not spreading your knowledge on leo threads
Let me know in case you need any assistance in getting started with threads and make your first thread.


I haven't used it yet, I don't have much knowledge about it, when I start I'll be letting you know in case of any questions.

Thank you very much!
