White Noise Works!


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White Noise Works!.jpg

We have all stayed in hotels and other temporary accommodation where there is too much traffic noise, or weird sounds coming from strange places. I have a pair of earplugs that I sometimes use for these sorts of things, to try and get a decent night of rest before having to work the next day... but these can sometimes be just too uncomfortable to wear during the night.

Anyway, when my kids were young, we would have white noise for them to help them to sleep... and these days, well, the don't need it anymore. I had heard that some people use white noise as adults to help them sleep... but I hadn't really though that much about it.

So, to set the scene for my sudden enlightenment... I was staying at place where there was a repeated sudden noise from outside. The sort of thing which you don't really notice in the daytime, but in the still of night... yep, it keeps you from properly falling asleep.

Anyway, I was just dealing with it, and having naps in the middle of the afternoon when I got exhausted, but then there was a night where it was raining... and that masked the noise more than enough, so that I had a really nice sleep!

So, that got me thinking about the white noise again... and so, I put on this rain track in the photo, and looped it whilst it played over the phone. I have paid Spotify, so no ads...

Wow... and it worked! Sigh, I probably should have twigged to this a couple of decades ago when I started on this itinerant musician career, staying at new places all the time... I always slept so badly when I was away... and just having the noise meant that I felt more comfortable and fell asleep relaxed.

A little piece of travel advice then for the ones who are just starting out on the travelling career!

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We use the My Noise app and website all the time. For sleeping at night, for being able to think, concentrate, or read on the train, or when I just need to focus and get something done at work. Really worth checking out.


Thanks for that, I will look into it!


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