The right dress sense for the right occasion.


Normally, I am not the type of person who loves to dress up, I just want to look so casual, if I could wear slippers for an occasion I would gladly do, I have always been the type of lady who did not own a heel because I did not see the need for it, I am comfortable with the male gender as well, so I will most likely rock a big t-shirt and feel cool amongst my friends without an issue. Something however came up, and I had to start dressing up gorgeously for the occasion and a lot of changes happened from there.

While I am a great advocate for convenience especially when it comes to dressing, people should always wear what they are comfortable with, but I have also come to believe there are so many benefits linked with dressing appropriately to fit into certain occasions, I would quickly list out what the benefits are linked with dressing appropriately and I hope you enjoy reading.

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Great Impressions: Either we like to admit it or not, there are several people who are more concerned about the first impression you give to them than anything else. Imagine you have to go for an interview and you appear tattered, you will certainly be thrown out before any further question is asked. Dressing in a way that makes you appear on top of your game will give you a better edge.

Attracts the right audience: Attracting success translates to being able to impress the right people, you must be able to dress well in order to get that done. Dressing appropriately would help you carry that sense of authority around and attract the appropriate people needed for success.

It reflects good character: Dressing well, looking smart and clean, carries a lot of power, confidence, and pride. Dressing well, smart, and appropriately means you have self-respect, and the way you present yourself to the world is the way you will be taken.

Boost self-confidence: When you dress properly;y, it actually helps you feel more strong and more confident in yourself, putting on the right cloth may not take your problems away, but they definitely would help you feel better.

It brings other people joy: As much as this sounds strange when you look good and people look at you and they smile because you are just really attractive, I feel you are spreading the love that way.

Makes you feel accomplished: Sometimes, even before doing anything, just looking at how good you look builds a great feeling of accomplishment and success in you.


I have always been more comfortable in jeans and a shirt. I've reached a point in my life that I would dress as appropriately as I can, but comfort would always come first. At this stage in my life, I don't really need to impress anyone nor do circumstances arise where I would have to. Maybe someday, I might will need to but for now, I'm just gonna be me!

Thank you for sharing an informative article. Take care and have a lovely day!
