Why Influencer Marketing Is So Powerful


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Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful things to come in recent years. It's low cost, high results for businesses when you team up with the right people. This is also something we need to consider for LeoFinance and looking into those who write about crypto and hold weigh within their communities to bring their content over to Leo. Not as an afterthought but as the primary place they post with exclusive content.

We saw the power of Influencer marketing three times in the past few weeks.

WallStreetBets - Gamestop
WallStreetBets - Dogecoin
Elon Musk - Dogecoin, Bitcoin plus buying a massive amount

All of these things spark interest and totally fumes mainstream media as they are already trying to rip apart Elon Musks buy into bitcoin and Tesla.

However while they are doing so in the background they are actually trying to accumulate bitcoin as quickly as possible along with other companies such as Apple.

This is that mainstream manipulation we all hear about. Saying one thing while doing the opposit on the back end to try and get their greedy hands on more money.

In one way it's a good thing they are buying up bitcoin but in another it introduces the exact thing of why bitcoin was created and that was to go around these corrupt corporations.

Does that mean bitcoin and dogecoin etc are bad investments?

Hell NO!

Buy as much as you can and earn as much as you can because the injection of all these funds will skyrocket the price.

As more and more people start jumping on board demand will grow and from that demand more businesses will start taking it as payment.

The thing with bitcoin however is you honestly should consider it a store of value over making every day transactions with it as that blockchain is simply not capable of handling that. But store of value wise Bitcoin has everything going for it!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is true Influencer Marketing is powerful as long as the said Influencer is really big like Elon Musk!!!

Not any influencer can bring back insane results on the efforts he puts into what he markets, he has to be really big and understand the game and easily connect with the people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
