

Time lost is time lost in life.

While time management might be difficult at times, without moving forward and upward nothing will ever get done within the allotted time.

The biggest lie is thinking you have time. No, not at all! There is no time. Time is immensely fragile and in some ways terribly cruel since it will never wait for you or anybody else. I sincerely hope that you never waste time by deluding yourself into thinking that you were being patient or waiting for God's timing. God's timing is ideal, but if you don't value your own time and work to better your life, God's timing will only appear to be ideal.

August started a few days ago, and the 8th day of the month is already here. If you want the remainder of August and 2022 to be more productive, stop wasting time and start doing what is essential or what you know will help you bring value to your life.

Procrastination is said to be a time thief, but in my opinion, it also ends lives. You slowly die from everything that wastes your time. Remember that wasting time translates into wasting your life.

Hear me out! "Many of us are damaging our future by simply delaying what needs to be done today to the future. You will never prosper if you have such mentality.

If you want to add value to your life, you need learn to better manage your time. If you want your life to operate smoothly, practice time management. When God's time arrives and you haven't mastered time management, you'll keep wasting it and pass up the chances that come with it.

It need not be difficult to improve your time management skills. There are methods and hacks you can employ to make adjusting to a new way of working easier for you. Likewise, there are numerous tools at your disposal that can boost your productivity and help you better manage your time. Whatever your field of work, being adept at time management will enable you to succeed in it and realize your objectives without having to overwork yourself or stress about squandering time on irrelevant chores.


I think my methods will be beneficial to you.

  1. START THE DAY EARLY: Early risers are more productive because they will have already made their plans.

  2. Establish priorities and goals for the day.

  3. The secret is to focus on one task at a time. Multitasking is frequently thought to be the most efficient use of time by many people. It turns out, though, that juggling several things at once can waste time.

  4. Become a good delegate. You can't be in two places at once. Instead of attempting to handle everything yourself, you may then assign some duty to people who are working for you.

  5. Master the "NO!" command! Some invites or meetings are organized specifically to waste your time. Attempt to avoid accepting invitations that will squander your time. Therefore, the best reaction could be to reply, "NO, I won't be available, thanks."

Thank you all for reading through!

I remain your favourite writer, Blackdovy.


To add to that always think of a time like money spent, when it is spend on useless material things it is gone and gone forever,


Time management gets easier with practice and consistency. I have a very solid schedule every day where I allocate a specific amount of time to everything I want to achieve during that day and it helps me to stay focused and gives no room for procrastination. It didn't start off easy but with time I got used to the daily schedule. Time management is just a skill, you get better at it the more you do it


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