Splinterlands New Proposal Announcement Renamed "Level Up You Bunch of Tightarses."


You Tightarses!!.png

A proposal put forward by Splinterlands this week which involves adjusting rewards based on card levels has tights arses on Hive in a fit of rage.
As a result they have been clogging up the blockchain with their massive posts and replies to the announcement. The news came as Splinterland's announced they want to give more rewards to the people who actually buy their products and level up to progress in the game rather than those who sponge off the system. Normal business practice one might say. We sent our reporter out in the field to investigate.

"At the moment there are the sly dogs and dodgy cats that seem to be getting into the higher leagues with level 1 cards which is proving to be quite a lucrative venture compared to the amount they have invested." claimed one source.

"So we think it is only right that these tightwads put their hand in their pocket and invest some resources help with the return of these handsome rewards."

The new proposal tends to offer rewards depending on the level of the individual card which would put an end to the motivation of getting promoted out of the leagues the user should be in.
We spoke to John, 30 who still lives with his parents and has no intention of moving out.

"This is a disaster for me. I spent $50 of my government welfare allowance buying these level 1 cards. I was getting a decent ROI ($35 dollar) every season by competing in the gold league and playing my usual few cards that guarantee to take down my opponent no matter what level they are. Now I will not be getting rewarded for this so I am pissed off. I left a strongly worded comment on their proposal post. They are ruining the game. How dare they! They will never get new players with this carry on. Who do they think they are??"

John who usually peels his orange in his pocket and never bought a round of drinks for his friends in his life was seething with rage about the proposal while his mother gave him in his dinner. He didn't even say thanks to her and never ate his peas due to his incessant rage.

Jessica from Seattle is going mad as well. She has been earning well with her Level 1 cards and has not combined any of them as of yet even though she has 200 of each card at Level 1. Jessica's card collection is well into the 7 figures but she refuses to budge and would rather rent and sell the cards individually.

"Before the game was excellent" claims Jessica.
"I have not used my own money to purchase a pack to this day."
"I just enter the competitions on Twitch and Hive over the years and amassed a massive deck for sweet FA except some of my Hive rewards. And I write about Splinterlands so it's full circle"
"I was winning gold foil Lord of Darkness alpha cards left right and centre back in the Steem days when they were giving them away like candy. Now I have to combine the cards to keep playing in diamond to get the same rewards. This is ridiculous. How can I live the good life if this is the case??"

When asked where she got her purple Mini and nice apartment Jessica told us she had sold 30 x gold foil alpha Chromatic Dragons in 2021 but this was not the point and we should refrain from writing about that part.

"We know Jessica" claimed one Splinterlands source.
"All we can say is 'Eaten bread is long forgotten."

"The bottom line is those bastard bots are coming up with the most perfect level one team in every ruleset and these accounts are getting promoted to the higher leagues because they play with the best combination. This is making bronze and silver practically impossible to get out for a real player unless you play a team so mental that it ends up winning. The bots accounts are making it to the higher leagues and ruining it for the rest of us." claim one source.
"These bot owners still have their first holy Communion money so this proposal will ensure they will have to put their hand in their pocket. Meanwhile the people that buy and combine their actual will profit more from the move which is the right thing."

"Gamers think nothing about dropping $80 on FIFA and then $500 dollars in packs there after. What do they get as a result?? Sweet fuck all. At least in this game you can earn back your investment so all these folks can either put up or shut up. And the bots can go feck off as well. We have a company to run bitches now buy some packs and stop yer bloody whinging!!"

Fecking bunch of Tightarses the lotta yee.


Well, tightarses or not..they make the game a lot of fun... the fun's going to be taken away with other juicy benefits..how would a guy who his mom still feeds do???!!


This community has turned into a Splinterlands news station and I love it!


I better go back to slagging the Leofinance brigade.


Please stay here instead <3


I'm not leaving any time soon. I shortened my titles also just for you. 😘


He didn't even say thanks to her and never ate his peas due to his incessant rage.

😂 Damn John...Eat your peas!


🤣🤣 he never eats his peas the messer.
