Hi #Hive I am Blas

Hola #Hive Soy Blas
Hi #Hive I am Blas


¿Que tal atletas de #hive?, me presento,yo soy blas romero salazar,tengo 17 años de edad,soy de vennzuela,edo maracay-aragua,formo parte del proyecto de induccion de atletas practicantes del street workout y calistenia,el cual dirige @manuelramos en la cadena de bloques de hive,del cual me siento muy emocionado de participar
How about #hive athletes, I introduce myself,I am blas romero salazar,I am 17 years old,I am from vennzuela,edo maracay-aragua,I am part of the project of induction of athletes practicing street workout and calisthenics,which directs @manuelramos in the hive blockchain,which I am very excited to participate


Practico calistenia desde alrededor de 3 años,sentrandome en la resistencia y estaticos,durante mucho tiempo antes de empezar en la calistenia,buscaba una disciplina que me llenara,hasta que conoci la calistenia y hoy en dia he logrado participar en algunos eventos de calistenia en la categoria de resistencia o reps,donde he conseguido lugares desde 4 cuarto lugar en mi primera competencia con 6 meses de haber empezado en la disciplina,hasta segundo lugar en mi segunda competencia con un poco mas de un año de haber iniciado y por ultimo tercer lugar en mi ultima competencia de reps y resistencia,desde entonces me he dedicado a combinar la disciplina calistenia con otras disciplinas igual de interesantes y fuertes como la calistenia,por ejemplo el crossfit y el entrenamiento funcional,haciendo una combinacion de estas tres disciplinas no solo he conseguido ser un atleta mas completo,sino que todo esto me ha servido para formarme cada dia mas como entrenador de calistenia y funcional.
I practice calisthenics for about 3 years, focusing on resistance and static, for a long time before starting in calisthenics, I was looking for a discipline that would fill me, until I met calisthenics and today I have managed to participate in some calisthenics events in the category of resistance or reps, where I have achieved places from 4 fourth place in my first competition with 6 months of having started in the discipline, Since then I have dedicated myself to combine the calisthenics discipline with other disciplines as interesting and strong as calisthenics, for example crossfit and functional training, making a combination of these three disciplines not only I have managed to be a more complete athlete, but all this has served me to form me every day more as a calisthenics and functional trainer.


Pertenezco actualmente al grupo de inmortales al cual represento siempre que voy a competir y ademas al cual tambien imparti mis conocimientos como entrenador de calistenia y funcional,lo cual a sido un trabajo de mucho esfuerzo y dedicacion en el cual me he divertido mucho enseñando y ayudando a otros a conocer sobre esta disciplina,lo cual ha sido muy exigente pero tambien muy interesante
I currently belong to the group of immortals to which I represent whenever I go to compete and also to which I also imparted my knowledge as a trainer of calisthenics and functional, which has been a work of great effort and dedication in which I have had a lot of fun teaching and helping others to learn about this discipline, which has been very demanding but also very interesting.


¿Cómo empezar?
How to start?

Yo lo primero que te diria es,que para poder empezar en calistenia lo que primero debes hacer es desarrollar una base de fuerz de basicos ,ya sea con flexiones ,paralelas,pull ups etc,lo cual te permitira progresar hacia la rama que mas te guste de la calistenia y street workout,para asi en tu proceso de progresion para algun truco estatico o dinamico,no generes una lesion inescesaria por falta de fuerza o de refuerzo muscular,por lo mismo es importante empezar siempre desde cero,para ir consiguiendo poco a poco a su vez una base para asi lograr tus objetivos,lo otro que te recomendaria seria que no te aceleres con las cosas,la calistenia es una disciplina exigente ,por lo cual se nescesita ir con calma para evitar lesiones o desmotivaciones, lo otro y lo ultimo seria que,no importa cuantas veces tengas que dar dos o cinco pasos para atras,si eso te permite conseguir tus objetivos
The first thing I would tell you is that in order to start in calisthenics what you must do first is to develop a base of basic strength, either with push-ups, parallel, pull ups etc, which will allow you to progress towards the branch that you like most of calisthenics and street workout, so that in your process of progression for some static or dynamic trick, do not generate an unnecessary injury due to lack of strength or muscle reinforcement, for the same reason it is important to always start from scratch, to gradually get a base to achieve your goals, the other thing I would recommend would be that you do not accelerate with things, calisthenics is a demanding discipline, so you need to go easy to avoid injury or demotivation, the other and the last thing would be that, no matter how many times you have to take two or five steps back, if that allows you to achieve your goals.


Mi instagram
My instagram


Saludos Cordiales @blas-training

Greetings @blas-training

En nombre del Equipo de moderación central de la Comunidad "Street Workout Community", te damos la mas calurosa bienvenida al ecosistema, por medio de la cuenta curadora te damos por verificado.
On behalf of the "Street Workout Community" Core Moderation Team, we warmly welcome you to the ecosystem, through the curator account we consider you verified.

El equipo de Curación de "Street Workout Community", le invita a seguir compartiendo contenido de calidad y agradecemos sus aportes al ecosistema, gracias por compartir su pasión, talentos y habilidades con la Comunidad.
The "Street Workout Community" Curation team invites you to continue sharing quality content and we appreciate your contributions to the ecosystem, thank you for sharing your passion, talents and skills with the community.


Bienvenido a Hive y a nuestra comunidad de SWC hermano, espero pronto poder estar viendo tu contenido por acá


I just saw your new message here on hive ! So I came by to say : Welcome I wish you good luck with hive blogging and the training.
I Will See you around🍀 Your passions and thoughts put into writing can be an inspiration to others to get fit! and a hive blog is great and fun. Also niches or new ideas are appreciated and if you have questions let us on hive know. There are many hivers that will help if you ask in comments or in discord!
There is so much so all topics will have a place here. The hivinguniverse is so diverse it’s suitable for all of us. See the list of all communities on hive in your front end drop down menu.
We (@ jamerussell and I ) are presenting New comers in Our @Heyhaveyamet blogs almost every day , ( when normal life doesn’t get in the way ) and There is a Discord called The Terminal for newbies and all the answers to your questions, join in, I am on Hive everyday ! You can always leave a comment.
Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands but also many other hiver bees and have fun here!

And don’t be afraid to ask there is so much that the beginning can be daunting and scary.
But we are nice, complicated but nice.

Theterminal discord invite

There I also mobile app for blogging called Ecency Or join their lovely Ecency discord https://discord.gg/9sn9Vans
Here is the “ steps to take blog” :
Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


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Bienvenido Hermano! Interesante como haz ido desarrollando ésta disciplina, espero poder ver pronto tu contenido 💪


Bienvenido a la plataforma Blas.

Gracias por compartir tu introducción , un abrazo ♥️


Hola @blas-training
Hello @blas-training
Como lider de la Comunidad "Street Workout Community" te doy la mas calurosa bienvenida a nuestra Cadena de Bloques "Hive", lugar para hacer realidad tus sueños, desarrollar y compartir tus habilidades y destrezas. Bienvenido a #Hive y a #SWC, que tu recorrido en nuestro ecosistema sea de mucho provecho para ti y que tus aportes sean de beneficio colectivo para todos nosotros.
As the leader of the "Street Workout Community" I warmly welcome you to our Hive Blockchain, a place to realise your dreams, develop and share your skills and abilities. Welcome to #Hive and #SWC, may your journey in our ecosystem be of great benefit to you and may your contributions be of collective benefit to all of us.

