Health & Beauty. delivery number 50: PEARS.


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Thank you for visiting my blog and Continuing with the series of properties and benefits of fruits and vegetables, today I bring you information about:


The pear tree, whose scientific name is Pyrus communis, belongs to the Rosaceae family. Pear is a source of many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C and potassium, they are also a source of phytochemicals, in particular antioxidants, phytonutrients, among which are flavonoids and polyphenols, therefore it has great health benefits for which I will mention some of them.



Digestion and constipation:

The pear has a high fiber content, this property has beneficial effects on digestion since it facilitates the passage of food to the intestine and stimulates the production of gastric and digestive juices. Its activity is also useful for the prevention of constipation and diarrhea, since fiber is a great regulator of the digestive system.


Some recent studies have shown that the pear peel contains at least three times more phytonutrients than the pulp. These phytonutrients include flavonoids with anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants and cinnamic acids with potentially anti-cancer properties.

Free radicals:

Free radicals are the origin of various diseases ranging from tumors to cardiovascular diseases, because they contain a good content of antioxidant compounds such as vitamins, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Pear also contains glutathione, another antioxidant compound whose activity helps counteract free radicals.

Reduce the cholesterol:

They are very rich in fiber, especially in the shell, where pectin is particularly concentrated. This, once taken, forms a viscous substance that has the ability to bind to bad LDL cholesterol. In this way it facilitates their expulsion through feces.

Protect the colon:

There is also another type of fiber, lignin, which is the same as that found in beans. This fiber is not soluble but is capable of absorbing a lot of water. In this way, it facilitates the passage of feces in the intestine. This mechanism, in addition to reducing the likelihood of hemorrhoids, seems to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Sore throat:

Drinking the juice of pears cooked with honey brings benefits to the vocal cords and in case of a sore throat.


It is a fruit recommended in pregnancy because it is rich in folic acid that helps prevent fetal malformations.

Strengthens the bones:

Among the components of the pear are boron that helps the body retain calcium. This property is useful for providing significant benefits in case of osteoporosis. The good content of potassium and calcium, which is directly involved in bone formation, is very useful for children and the elderly to maintain healthy bones.

Protect the heart:

Thanks to the potassium content, the pear protects the heart as it can reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow which allows better oxygenation and functionality of the organs. Also the probability of stroke, heart attack and arteriosclerosis is reduced.


Potassium acts as a regulator of body fluids. This means that potassium helps keep the body hydrated and ensures the balance of essential fluids within cells.

Immune system:

Currently we must keep our immune system in good condition and the pear contains antioxidants and vitamin C in large quantities, this stimulates the production of white blood cells improving the efficiency of our immune system.


The leaves of the plant have diuretic properties that are useful in case of hypertension problems. Its consumption is also recommended in cases of obesity, kidney stones and inflammation of the urinary bladder.


It is also taken for inflammation of the prostate. For this purpose, an infusion prepared with dried pear leaves is used.




Pear has a good content of vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin, this combination increases antioxidant activity which greatly reduces the effects of skin aging. These same compounds are useful for curbing hair loss, macular degeneration, cataracts and other conditions related to aging.



  • Fresh pears are consumed worldwide and are also commonly found in processed products such as beverages, sweets, canned fruits and jam.

  • In the food industry, pear is mainly used for the production of juices.

  • To take advantage of the properties and benefits of pears, it is absolutely essential to consume them fresh. Canned goods have properties that cannot be compared in any way with fresh ones.

  • First, many of the nutrients are removed during processing. Second, canned pears lack the skin that contains the precious dietary fiber that has beneficial effects.

  • If you want to accelerate the ripening of the pears, simply place them in a paper bag and keep them at room temperature.

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PEARS is very Health fruit.
I like eat it.
