Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Quora vs Quora



Hello! This post is for the second entry of Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. For this post, a ruleset that benefits the Quora combo is featured, resulting both team to use Quora. However, the results were changed because of some cards.


Battle Info

Rank: Modern Novice
Avaliable Type: Fire, Earth, Life, Death
Mana: 46
Super Sneak: All melee units gain the Sneak ability.
Born Again: All units receive the Rebirth ability which allows them to self Resurrect once.
Noxious Fumes: All units are Poisoned at the start of the game.

Born again and Noxious Fumes combined together is really great for gladiator and martyr combo. Super Sneak would also result in more damage. You should also note that after it gets reborn it would no longer be in poison. The high mana would also enable me to use Quora and some martyrs.


My Lineup

Summoner: Lobb Lowland. It gives -1 speed to all enemy monsters and allows a gladiator in battle. Earth has some good Gladiator unit which makes this unit used frequently when Dragon element is not avaliable.

First positon: Venari Marksrat. It was placed there so it would die soon and give the front place to Quora fast so it can attack with both melee and magic attack. Also the martyr ability would give Quora more damage.

Second position: Quora Towershead. Main tank and damage dealer. It has Heal so Noxious fumes in not really painful, and it would get buffs from both martyrs that are placed beside.

Third position: Fungus Flinger. Same as Venari Marksrat, it would give buff to Quora Towershead and also Grund which is also another monster with double attack, resulting a total of +4 attack after it dies.

Fourth position: Grund. Although it is a melee monster it can attack because of the ruleset. It also has double strike which results in a high damage, and it would get further boosted by martyr ability from Fungus Flinger.

Fifth position: Venari Spellsmith. Venari Spellsmith was used to counter their Quora Towersmith. Although it would die soon, it is going to be reborn and maybe would give Dispel to enemy Quora.

Last position: Legionnaire Alvar. It is used to absorb attacks from the enemy. Because of the ruleset, it would soak a lot of damage and Void Armor works well with reborn.



Round 1

Not surprisingly, they have also gone for Quora. They chose 2 different creatures which would make this battle more interesting.

My Venari Marksrat was taken down and got reborn, and Legionnaire Alvar took most of the enemy damage and was at very low health. The enemy's first monster was taken down after it got reborn.


Round 2

After the Noxious Fumes most of the monsters got born again with the Rebirth. The main battle would start since they would no longer be in poison. Here, Grund took some monsters down with its 4 melee sneak attack.


Round 3

Now, there were not a lot of units that was poisoned. Quora made two kills which buffed her quite a lot, but enemy Quora also made the same amount of kills. However, the formation of the battle resulted me to have Grund alive.


Round 4

Here, my Quora Towershead went first, and it took down enemy Quora Towershead. Grund attacked next, and despite having a 5 speed difference, he was able to deal an accurate blow, winning the game.


Thoughts about this battle

The battle was really close until the end! The ruleset was forcing to use Quora and the difference of where Quora Towershead was placed definitely impacted the result.



Thanks to all the people that read this post!

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All images are used from Splinterland.
