Freewrite: "Neglecting Time", by bonzopoe



I have neglected time, and it has broken. My present is equal to my past and my future. I am stuck, stuck in a loop that I myself have created with my negligence. How have I created it? Ironically doing nothing. Making my present the same as my past and my future: immobility, laziness. The result has been the opposite side of the coin: frenetic activity.

I first enjoyed inertia, and now I suffer from it. I have gone from the inertia of an object that stays still until an external force takes it out of its rest state, to one in which I cannot stop until something stops me.


After not giving a blow, not moving a finger, I have gone crazy trying to do in two days what I should have done in two weeks. I will achieve it? It's hard to tell, right now I'm trying to fix the time, and make some modifications to the process to be able to control it.

After having control over everything and everyone, it's about time someone gave him a taste of his own medicine. It would be the ultimate irony to play with the time of time, don't you think?

Although thinking about it, I don't know what a good idea it would be to put something so delicate in my careless hands. In an oversight I could return everyone to the Pleistocene without realizing it. The Pleistocene is the age of mammoths, right? Hey, do you guys feel like it's suddenly really cold, or is it just me?

©bonzopoe, 2023.



Thank you very much for reading this post and dedicating a moment of your time. Until next time and remember to leave a comment.



El relato me recordó muchísimo a un corto que vi hace unos meses en YouTube justamente sobre el tema de los bucles temporales (no sé si también se le denomina "efecto mariposa"). Ese tipo de temas siempre me han parecido interesantes, y un poco complejos al abordarlos en la literatura.

Un excelente relato, mi estimado @bonzopoe . ¡Saludos y que tengas un bonito fin de semana!

The story reminded me so much of a short movie I watches some months ago on YouTube, justly on the theme of the time loops (I don't know if it's called also "buttlerfly effect"). This kind of themes always looked very interesting for me, and a little complex when taking an approach in literature.
An excellent story, my dear @bonzopoe . Greetings and have a nice weekend!


Muchas gracias paisana. La verdad al tratarse de escritura libre fue algo muy del momento, pero al final me ha gustado, y da hasta para una continuación que no se si algún día verá la luz.

Saludos y un abrazo!
