Letras propias 190: "La habitación roja", por bonzopoe [poesía]



La habitación roja

Llega la ola a la playa
después de recorrer el océano
y colapsa, desfallece en una
última demostración de fuerza.
Muere al cumplir su cometido,
como el salmón que después de llegar río arriba
y reproducirse pinta de rojo las aguas
en una última demostración de su existencia.

Así llegamos tu y yo a este momento
después de haber recorrido el largo camino
de la reconciliación, del perdón,
de conseguir el valor suficiente
para intentarlo de nuevo un día más,
una semana más, un mes más,
un año más, una vida más
o lo que el destino disponga.

Llegó nuestra hora de colapsar,
de dejar morir lo que fuimos
para nacer de nuevo.
Llegamos río arriba y solo queda
abandonarnos a la corriente
y aceptar a donde nos lleve.

Pero después de un rato de mirarnos,
de tocarnos, de aceptarnos,
vemos que no hay estruendo golpeando la orilla,
solo simulación, que no nos quedan fuerzas,
que nuestra mutua traición las mató,
que hemos perecido antes de poder nadar,
y ahora solo somos un par de cuerpos muertos
que flotan a la deriva pintando de rojo la habitación.

©bonzopoe, 2022.


Otros textos de esta serie:

"Líneas azules"

"La Nada"

"Reflejo efímero"

"Ya casi llegamos"

"Déjame robarte Abril"


"Los poetas son así"

"Todo ha sucedido sin suceder"

"Tu nombre"

"Volver de viaje"

Si llegaste hasta acá muchas gracias por leer este publicación y dedicarme un momento de tu tiempo. Hasta la próxima y recuerda que se vale dejar comentarios.



Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


Me pareció intenso, y las comparaciones son estupendas. Las poesías que te hacen leerlas dos veces para disfrutarlas son muy buenas piezas y esta encaja en esa descripción. Saludos, amigo.


Muchas gracias amigo, la verdad es que tenia mis dudas sobre el poema pero a veces es difícil ser objetivo con tu propio trabajo. Que bueno que te haya gustado. Saludos


Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


Me encantó y la verdad no esperaba ese final. Quedó genial


¡Muchas gracias! Que bueno que te haya gustado. Saludos desde México.
